Pt 1. A fair while back we had a rather exciting delivery...What have we been up to?1/

Non-randomised controlled study where we *planned* for experimenters to do the CONTROL arm first, followed by the INTERVENTION arm
#hydration #sciencefromhome

Minor problem: i hadnt cannulated in > 1 y & my mates had never learnt at all
Cue odd evening remembering/teaching cannulation on poor Snuffles belly...
My ❤️of #science > my fear of needles it seems
#sciencefromhome #hydrate


*on reflection in some ways it mightve been better to standardise times 5/
#hydration #sciencefromhome

#hydration #sciencefromhome

shouldnt ↑ AVP = ↑ thirst (via ↑ osmolality)??
Any ideas what our experiment was? 7/
#hydration #health #sciencefromhome

#hydration #health #sciencefromhome

I think i love #science more than is legally recommended 🤪
#hydration #health #sciencefromhome