The important thing to understand is any thing in life if we want to succeed we need patience and dedication.
Personally i feel have around 40-50% knowledge about capital markets after more than 12years of trading experience.
Understanding this game does not require #cash #funds or some #twittergurus classes.
it requires patience and a thirst to learn something new.
There are thousands of good #books out there read them.
#NISM offers an excellent modules for #financialmarkets
Once you think you know the game, then your at 1% yes believe me the first time I thought I knew everything today I know it was not more than 1%.
Just think logically if it’s a zero sum game then do you really have an edge to it.
Usually ever #trader gets a winning streak at his start of his trading journey, I also went through the same path.
The biggest mistake is that thinking you can do the same on a much larger #capital and #consistently.
First of all personally feel that these screenshots of #twittergurus are their success stories whether true or not is an whole different topic and a right gauge to your journey.
Patience’s is the key.
Learn Learn Learn
#Futures #OptionsTrading #Volatility #NSE #BSE #CapitalMarkets #Trading