What if money was power?
What if control secured the flow of money?
What if some people with power and money held their OWN benefit to be of greater importance than the benefit of others? of a city? of a State? of an entire population?
What if members of parliament were controlled by such governments?
What if those powerful groups wanted to use something like the #COVID19 crisis to further their OWN goals?
What if that drug was banned, under pretext of "danger", by a government, when it's has been safely used for more than 6 decades?
What if those pharmaceutical companies pressured members of parliament to withhold support for said cheap drug?
What if the National Media cooperated, just a little, by deliberately not sharing information?
Would they question the Media? Would they question the government?
What if they didn't?
What would that State look like? What would that Country look like?