I think I've found the Theme Song for a New #COVID19 Era!
Hey, #ID2020... How Bad Can it Be?
(Thanks to @matthewhayden Always on point) @QAnonAUS @aussie_bot @ChapulinColoRed @eliseulascado @Melissa68706350
Enjoy the sing-a-long....
Locking down with State Surveillance
Panicking and Fear Abounding
No More #Freedom or Decisions
Only Vaccine Dreams and Reasons
#ID2020 Revelations
And the #Globalist Imprinting
Infecting Us
Infecting Us

When the #WHO is in the Chinese House
And #media aligns with Graft
Then Fools will guide the planet
And #Hollywood Reveals the Stars!
This is the dawning of the Age of Infecting Us,
Age of infecting Us,
Infecting Us
Infecting Us

Let the #vaccine, let the vaccine in, the vaccine in
Let the vaccine, let the vaccine in, the vaccine in
Let the vaccine, let the vaccine in, the vaccine in

Got to roll on your family, and inject it on in
And when you feel like you’ve been defeated
And you feel the #Corona fear
Just roll on your nation, and inject it on in
@QTheWakeUp @Hev123truthsee1 @SLYUnser @okabaeri9111