Who will you listen to?
⛔️ Are there instruments of propaganda active in the world?
💠 If so, what are they?
🈶 Why should you care?
Ignorance is a choice. #FreedomIsntFree
➡️ 2.1 Million in Nursing Homes (0.62% of US pop.)
➡️ 42% of #Covid19 deaths in US occured in Nursing Homes
% of all US COVID deaths happening in Nursing Homes:
Ohio 70%
Minnesota 81%
Pennsylvania 69%

New York, New Jersey, Michigan (Democrat) governors made regulation REQUIRING nursing homes accept patients with Active COVID infections.
Yes, you read that correctly.
Why? Coincidence? Reasons? Justification? Ignorance?
Contrast: Florida (Repub) REQUIRED all Nursing Homes to screen for #COVID19 symptoms, banned visits from family/friends, banned hospitals from releasing patients INTO Nursing Homes.
% of Covid Deaths in Nursing Homes in Florida? 43% (Much better)

Is #COVID19 actually deadly to the general population?
If #Quarantine is when you isolate/lockdown SICK people, what is it when you isolate/lockdown all the HEALTHY people?
IS there a Non-Health motive for pushing the LOCKDOWN approach? By who? By WHO?

The Facts require that we consider whether or not there was some Agenda behind the Covi19 panic (precipitated by WHO?).
Ask. Who stands to benefit? Who does not benefit?
Why does the Corp./ State Media just go along with it?
Fear helps who?
Questions allowed?

1. #CCP China Regime & W.H.O. (World Health Org) - actively hid the situation, prevented other countries from protecting themselves. WHY?
⛔️ Shut down #HongKongProtests ?
❗️ Cripple US economy?
⁉️ Affect US election?

⛔️ Block info about effectiveness of inexpensive HCQ (#HydroxyChloroquine ) treatments ?
💯 Actively support Bill Gates #ID2010 Vaccine Agenda?

3. Lockdown US population / fear - benefits who?
⛔️ Shut down the very successful and popular #TrumpRallies
❗️ Prevent election campaigning & exposure for Democrats?
🔀 Force 'remote' voting (mail voting) - easier to cheat?

#CriticalThinking requires facing Facts.
All the above statements & questions are based on Facts and Information available on the Internet.
#FreedomIsntFree Freedom is not Free.
#Ignorance is a choice.