"#Economic#Growth is leading to a fall in #employment for women due to a structural shift in the #economy. Due to technological advancement - demand for agri labourers, most of whom are women working on small family farms is reduced." -@laveeshbhandari (1/11) @Ajayvirjakhar
"#skills required for the previous #economy are of no value now. You cant create new skills in a 40-50-year-olds. There is a massive opportunity for one segment of the population – and almost no opportunity for one community." -@laveeshbhandari (4/11) @GovSisolak@catherinerowett
"All of us are only going to increase the use of #energy– the impact on the #environment is going to be massive. Especially on the margins and fringes. A lot of this impact on the environment is going to be irreversible." - @laveeshbhandari (5/11) @Ruthanasia@igrigorik
"The problem in getting people together is #language – as an economist, I'm trained in a certain way...every profession has its terminology. Indifferent b/w choice A & B - for me (economists) means something else but someone else may think I don't care." -@laveeshbhandari (9/11)
"There are many misunderstandings– solution is repeated interactions, that is when we understand (each other's language). We fight & make up. If we don't interact – we don't come to common understanding, we'll never have solutions – esp in democracy." -@laveeshbhandari (10/11)
Improving Air Quality Communications - Insights by @ravinarajkohli (2/17)
"The media wants sources of #revenue apart from what they are getting from #government#ads and lobbies."
Improving Air Quality Communications - Insights by @ravinarajkohli (3/17)
"They (media) have approached us time and time again, and asked if there are any available #funds and why there isn't any #philanthropic money coming for the environment?"