Firstly, the headline. Does anyone legitimately fear Dan? I know this is an opinion piece but when your view is nonsense it has to be called out. #auspol#springst#IstandwithDan
Our State Premiers (not just Dan) were thrust into the 'spotlight' as @ScottMorrisonMP delegated the pandemic response to the states. Morrison wasn't making decisions that mattered because is lazy and doesn't give a f**k. #auspol#springst#IStandwithDan#ParttimePM
How is Dan the leading case in point? Each Premier was making the big decisions for their state as Morrison wanted no part of the Pandemic response. #auspol#springst#IstandwithDan
He did not 'impose' himself. The daily presence from a leader during a pandemic is welcomed and very much appreciated. This article is complete nonsense. #auspol#springst#IStandWithDan
How was he omnipresent? If you are 'scared' of @DanielAndrewsMP John Carroll then I suggest you stop watching his pressers and move states. The big brother comment doesn't even make sense. Does facing the media each day make you big brother? FFS #auspol#springst#IStandwithDan
Whatever your view is on Dan, we aren't blinking and seeing something else. Take your experiment and shove it up the same place you should shove this article John Carroll. #auspol#springst#IstandwithDan
It's much easier to hold together during a crisis when #MSM f**ks off and doesn't publish shit like this. Take a look at the media in NSW. I'm sure it's less stressful for them when the media isn't trying to take your Premier out during a pandemic. #auspol#nswpol#springst
I wasn't alive during WW2 so I can't comment LOL. Perhaps someone else can confirm if this is complete nonsense? #auspol#springst#IStandwithDan
This is an opinion piece. That's why I haven't used the #thisisnotjournalism tag. But when you are going to publish and push on Twitter such an inflammatory and unsubstantiated claim the author should again state that the claim is THEIR OPINION, not fact. #auspol
Furthermore, how does @TheAge allow an article (even if it is an opinion piece) to make such a claim without even providing the reasoning? We don't want the Herald Sun here and now I think The Age can f**k off too. #auspol#springst#IstandwithDan#CanceltheAge
Wrong. There are two types. Those who like him and those who don't. It also corresponds to those who disregard #MSM's bullshit articles (like this one) and those who believe them as truth. #auspol#springst#IstandwithDan#CanceltheAge
This is nonsense and unsubstantiated. If he was running a one-man Government then he wouldn't need Ministers. Read the Coate report John, Dan wasn't making all the decisions so how can he be a one man Government? #auspol#springst#IstandwithDan#CanceltheAge
1) He can be removed by his own Party 2) He can be removed by a no-confidence vote 3) He can be voted out 4) He had to pass an extension of extraordinary powers through Parliament #auspol#springst#IstandwithDan#CanceltheAge
5) Those who criticise him in the media don't go missing during the night 6) He doesn't have absolute power or authority 7) He is accountable to the law 8) Dictator's don't have inquiries #auspol#springst#IstandwithDan#CanceltheAge
9) Hacks such as @RachelBaxendale were allowed into pressers each day. He even let #LNPeta in who isn't a journalist. A dictator would not allow this. 10) You can't run opinion polls or negative media campaigns on Dictators #auspol#springst#CanceltheAge#IstandwithDan
Again, there are those who believe articles like this and there are those who don't. Those who disregard this nonsense are fans of Dan. Funny how that works. #auspol#springst#CanceltheAge#IstandwithDan
Evidence that he was making his decisions purely to keep his 'power' and reputation intact? *Checks article* Nope none. Disregard this nonsense statement. #auspol#springst#CanceltheAge#IstandwithDan
Has John read the Coate Report? It would seem not. Dan isn't the DHHS minister. It isn't his role to keep it functional. The report lists key findings and recommendations on the DHHS but it doesn't blame Dan for them. #auspol#springst#canceltheAge#Istandwithdan
CONFIRMED: Author of this rubbish opinion piece (John Carroll) has NOT read the Coate Report. The Coate Report shows Federal Government incompetence, provokes thoughts on the ADF lie and highlights DHHS issues. #auspol#springst#IstandwithDan#CanceltheAge
We want the appropriate touch, not a light one. Thankfully we got that. You can't put this statement at the end though John, from reading the article it is clear that John Carroll wants @DanielAndrewsMP to resign. #auspol#msm#springst#CanceltheAge#IstandwithDan
In summary, how did the @TheAge let this rubbish get published? There is a difference between an opinion and outright fabrication. If I wrote an article on my views on @ScottMorrisonMP, would it be published? I doubt it. @TheAge has no standards now. Cancel them!
.@PRGuy17 with the goods on how to cancel the Age. Which I'm sure you'll all want to do after reading this thread and article.
Credit to @vanOnselenP for calling me today after our earlier Twitter 'spat'. We had a polite discussion about the article and other matters. A short thread. ⬇️⬇️#auspol
As you would know; many blue ticks are block happy even when your Tweet isn't offensive or rude. Peter (unlike others) clearly doesn't think himself above the general public. So I appreciate his engagement today. #auspol
Whilst I still disagree with the views on @JoshFrydenberg in his article, having read more of Peter's work; I am withdrawing the accusation that he is a hack. Naturally disagreement ≠ a hack and from reading more of his articles over the past hour he is more balanced than most.
As I've read the entire report on HQ, it is now time to look at the inevitably biased media coverage. This biased article is written by @EwinHannan. A thread. ⬇️⬇️
I thought the @australian was a National Newspaper? It's hard to believe that as the article doesn't mention the Federal Government once. This is despite the fact that the report mentions their errors several times. #auspol#springst#hotelquarantine#thisisnotjournalism
Coate clearly declares in her report that she couldn't confirm whether the ADF was available for front-line enforcement in HQ. Given that, this entire paragraph is terrible journalism. #auspol#springst#hotelquarantine#thisisnotjournalism
3/ .@ScottMorrisonMP and his Government had no plans for hotel quarantine. This resulted in a delegating the quarantine response to the states with only 36 hours notice. #auspol#springst#hotelquarantine
HQ inquiry thread:
This is naturally a long document. I'll be commenting below relevant sections of the report as I read it throughout the day. A thread 🔽🔽#auspol#springst#hotelquarantine#COVID19
The report makes it clear that National Cabinet and the Federal Government had no plan for hotel quarantine. 36 hours to set up HQ after the National Cabinet meeting. @ScottMorrisonMP and @GregHuntMP are pathetic. #auspol#springst#hotelquarantine
Hotel Quarantine was a rushed decision forced on the states from the Federal Government. @ScottMorrisonMP had no plan, the Federal Government contributed nothing. The travelers had arrived before HQ was even announced. Pathetic. #auspol#springst#hotelquarantine
Before I get started on the above article, I'd like to point out two things. One, @Melbchief has written a bunch of articles attacking Dan Andrews during COVID. Two, he wrote this article that suggests the ADF was on offer. We know different now. #auspol
So, @Melbchief will you correct this article and point that that. 1) Other states used Security Guards. 2) The ADF was NEVER on offer to run / provide security?