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Tonight the branch members agreed to a motion that I, as the President of our ALP branch, may commence lobbying on behalf of the branch to seek @MrKRudd ‘s Media RC to be established, to address the political bias& ownership &, an extra term- the toxic character attacks. 1/
The biased reporting during the Vic State Election was the final straw for our branch. In Qld we have endured biased reporting in favour of the LNP for many years. Sky AfterDark is heaving its bile of ultra wing views to regional Qld. Costello’s Cartel on the attack on 📺 & 📻 2/
It’s apparent the vicious campaign of the Murdochracy and Costello Cartel have stirred up a groundswell of extremism, which culminated in the ‘red mist’ comment on Saturday. This Vic Election should be a lay down misere’ for #IStandWithDan because he is an excellent premier. 3/
Read 11 tweets
99 hours of voting to go,
99 hours of votes!
So call up your Mum and say
‘Vote out the scum!’
There are 99 hours of voting to go.
98 hours of voting to go,
98 hours of votes!
This Saturday at six
Polls will close on these pricks!
There are 98 hours of voting to go.
97 hours of voting to go,
97 hours of votes!
Oh how Shane Bazzi fought!
And Dutton got screwed in court!
With just 97 hours of voting to go.
Read 102 tweets
Post your best Novax #istandwithdan meltdown screenshots here.
Is this anon cult leader inciting hatred towards a man given a valid exemption by medical professionals? Surely not. I thought the taking the Vax was all about protecting the vulnerable!
Read 17 tweets
AUSTRALIANS are again giving the middle finger to media today by standing with Victorian Premier Dan Andrews who continues to do a formidable job, despite never pausing to take a rest. Andrews still contends with media furiously pushing anti-health messages. #IStandWithDan
Anti-health messaging which has dominated news coverage in Victoria has fuelled non-compliance and led to riots which became known as "The Murdoch Riots" after constant incitement by Sky News and Melbourne masthead Herald Sun.
Victorians say they have "no doubt" that media, through relentless anti-health 'get Dan at all costs' messaging, has driven the spread of covid in the state. The Premier has warned the extra spread will place unnecessary strain on the health system.
Read 3 tweets

Some words on Dan Andrews. Being 'progressive', I was glad he beat Libs last election but never really thought strongly about him. Some policy seemed a bit conservative, and Vic ALP's quite deeply in the same pockets of vested interests as much of Australian politics.
Many I know on Twitter probably felt the same way.

And when COVID crept up in slow motion one thing became crystal clear.

That there was a massive investment by some to push the live-with-it, keep-open, herd immunity propositions.
Another thing that became clear is that many in the federal government and media were heeding this message and actively agitating to prevent or delay lock-downs, and selling false ideas about children being immune, and eliminating community transmission as being impossible.
Read 14 tweets
No leader should ever apologise for making the right decisions to save lives. Nobody likes lockdowns but, as the world has learned, sometimes they're necessary. This is proof positive this bastard UK strain can jump quarantine even when you do all the right things. #IStandWithDan
Victorians, we're lucky to have strong leaders who don't shy away from the best decisions, despite the endless nagging / noise from those who wish to see us fail. Five days is a walk in the park for us, let's show the world what we're made of and kick this UK strain in the balls.
No major state has had an easy run with this. Many states have struggled and had major incidents. There's no magic approach to HQ. I trust we'll have the vaccine soon - it's being made right here in Melbourne. Soon enough these lockdowns will be our shared history.
Read 4 tweets…
.@theage confirms their Peter Costello influence with one of 2020's most ridiculous and biased articles. A thread ⬇️⬇️ #auspol #springst #IstandwithDan
Firstly, the headline. Does anyone legitimately fear Dan? I know this is an opinion piece but when your view is nonsense it has to be called out. #auspol #springst #IstandwithDan
Our State Premiers (not just Dan) were thrust into the 'spotlight' as @ScottMorrisonMP delegated the pandemic response to the states. Morrison wasn't making decisions that mattered because is lazy and doesn't give a f**k. #auspol #springst #IStandwithDan #ParttimePM
Read 39 tweets
HQ inquiry thread:
This is naturally a long document. I'll be commenting below relevant sections of the report as I read it throughout the day. A thread 🔽🔽#auspol #springst #hotelquarantine #COVID19
The report makes it clear that National Cabinet and the Federal Government had no plan for hotel quarantine. 36 hours to set up HQ after the National Cabinet meeting. @ScottMorrisonMP and @GregHuntMP are pathetic. #auspol #springst #hotelquarantine
Hotel Quarantine was a rushed decision forced on the states from the Federal Government. @ScottMorrisonMP had no plan, the Federal Government contributed nothing. The travelers had arrived before HQ was even announced. Pathetic. #auspol #springst #hotelquarantine
Read 106 tweets
Another day, another @DanielAndrewsMP attack article. With the attacks on Hotel Quarantine only growing Dan's popularity, it seems #MSM is trying a new approach. A thread ⬇️⬇️#auspol #springst #ThisIsNotJournalism…
Before I get started on the above article, I'd like to point out two things. One, @Melbchief has written a bunch of articles attacking Dan Andrews during COVID. Two, he wrote this article that suggests the ADF was on offer. We know different now. #auspol…
So, @Melbchief will you correct this article and point that that.
1) Other states used Security Guards.
2) The ADF was NEVER on offer to run / provide security?

#auspol #ThisIsNotJournalism #springst #IStandwithDan…
Read 23 tweets
1) Had look thru the Goblin of the South's Instagram. A veritable treasure trove of symbolism. More dogs than you can, er, throw a stick for, natch! Also other motifs with #occultelite vibe. In this thread I'll go down that rabbit hole. #DictatorDan
2) As mentioned, many "dog shots". Seems to have more than any other #Auspol figure. Also loves purple. We know this from lie fests backdrop. (Until Biden "won", changed to blue and white, coinciding with 0 cases. Not suss at all!) But this from 2018.
3) Pink, close to purple on spectrum, is "beautiful" in the ghoul's own words. #DanMustGo
Read 21 tweets
Dan Andrews in response to Peta Credlin’s insistent questions and interruptions today (15/10/2020):

“You’ve all got a job to do, but let me tell you one thing my job does not involve, and it will never involve: having patently incorrect statements made to me where I ...
2/4 …simply cop it and move on to the next question. I’m not doing that. The stakes are too high when it comes to keeping people safe for me to simply be a bystander as facts are created and as history is re-written. I will not do that, not now, not ever....
3/4 ... Are there any other questions on any matters that relate not to months and months and months ago, that are the subject of a duly formed, independent inquiry under an Act of the Victorian Parliament...
Read 4 tweets
Peta Credlin is back. Her first statement is 100% false and mistaken. Dan Andrews having none of it, calls her out on the 'simply not correct' statement by Credlin, 'whatever the motivation.' Credlin upset now, raising her voice at Dan, angry at being called out. #IStandWithDan
Credlin just now cut off Dan's response to another journalist's question. Appalling behaviour. Rambling again, drawing her own flawed conclusions, making strange claims. She's raising her voice again, Dan calls her out again for being inaccurate.
Credlin now showing her Liberal Party ambassador colours by defending the Ruby Princess disaster. You can't write this stuff, she's really digging a hole here. Bit of a Qanon feel to her ramblings.
Read 6 tweets
BRUTAL BACKFIRE: Michael O'Brien's doomed no confidence motion has failed. The Victorian Parliament backs #DanAndrews💯.

O'Brien's failure is seen as the last straw for frustrated Vic Libs, as he flails and fails to land a blow, despite months of effort. #IStandWithDan #SpringSt
The performance in the house was a SCREAM. Labor used the opportunity to detail how Andrews Government actions have limited damage, saved lives and stopped spread. Liberals were torn to shreds and weren't able to land a single blow.
Victorians are now confident any other absurdly distasteful time-wasting stunts planned by the opposition will be placed on the back-burner as the Victorian Liberal Party no doubt turns its attention to knifing its leadership problem.
Read 4 tweets
In the spirit of #ThisIsNotJournalism, I give you this #AccuracyMatters mega-thread. I will add journalists and flag their misdeeds over time to give us a look at how #COVID19 reporting has failed to the public interest test, particularly in Victoria.
First up, @samanthamaiden who famously gave us 'findings' from the Hotel Quarantine Inquiry months before they will exist:
Next we have @Adam_Creighton who tried to make a point by quoting a political activist known for his extremist views, and who bashed his spouse with a chopping board. Creighton has not retracted or apologised.
Read 26 tweets
1/Fuck. I knew this would open a can of worms. I'm not done yet. I said I held off commenting until I was decently informed. But there was one crucial thing I overlooked and I'm so sorry. It's to do with the BRI and its relationship to China's central government.
2/The BRI is critical to China's success on the world stage and to Xi Jinping's claim to the presidency for life. That's why it's so important to the CCP and why China's top brass are pushing it so exhaustively. But there's one thing about this that misleads everyone.
3/The impression we get is that the BRI is Xi's brainchild, centrally organised & executed flawlessly from top to bottom.

In reality, the BRI is neither centralised nor uniform in planning & implementation.
Read 9 tweets
As the world turns to Dan Andrews on how to beat second wave, our media is busy lusting for his scalp, despite overwhelming public support for our democratically elected government. Aged care? Crickets. Ruby Princess? Ruby what? Scomo lion share body count ignored. #IStandWithDan
Every journalist covering #COVID19Vic will have to reflect on their work and ask themselves if they delivered for public interest, or the interest of their employer (or budget allocator). I'm not sure many could honestly say they got this right.
Anger at the media in Victoria is white-hot. Most Victorians (and this has been thoroughly demonstrated) support their government and are working hard to do their bit to fight #COVID19Vic. The media antagonises the public daily with its batshit crazy pitchfork mob mentality.
Read 5 tweets
Close up of the activity of a suspicious Twitter account I posted about earlier. This is a small snapshot of this account's recent activity. Note the use of both pro/anti-Andrews hashtags, including #SackDanAndrews and #IStandWithDan and #DanMustGo. Please take a look. Image
Also note the crossover with some of the political talking points we're seeing in the news. I find this both troubling and fascinating.
Read 3 tweets
News Corp is misreporting #COVID19Vic success, stating only a third of Victorians back Dan Andrews. TWO THIRDS of Victorians back Andrews. Lift your game, Murdoch. #IStandWithDan ImageImage
@samanthamaiden - any idea what went wrong?
@newscomauHQ it's still up, are you going to fix it?
Read 3 tweets
To the #IStandWithDan crowd. Taking a binary reading of the PCR tests over a quantitative one misrepresents the results such that up to 90% of positive cases have insignificant amounts of the virus. We do this here. 1/…
To the #IStandWithDan crowd. A GP working in aged care in VIC observed most positive cases did not exhibit respiratory illness symptoms, yet those who passed away from unrelated causes have COVID as cause of death, in accordance with a CHO directive. 2/…
To the #IStandWithDan crowd. A Lancet study of 50 high COVID case countries found "full lockdowns, and a high rate of COVID-19 testing were not associated with statistically significant reductions in the number of critical cases or overall mortality". /3…
Read 9 tweets
Shout out to the #DanMustGo whingers/bots/trolls/etc who haven't realised we stole their hashtag and now they're plugging our tweets. #DanMustGo on to become Prime Minister of Australia. #IStandWithDan #ThanksDan
I take no pleasure in saying just how pleasing it is outsmarting those pricks 🥳🎉
A random sample of #DanMustGo tweets shows only 25% have a negative sentiment. That means most people tweeting #DanMustGo on to be PM, Australian of the Year, etc can proudly say #IStandWithDan Image
Read 3 tweets
11:00PM - Tim Smith's Facebook Poll tracking 83% support for Dan Andrews, 18,000 polled so far. Wow. #libspill #IStandWithDan
11:30PM - Tim Smith's Facebook Poll tracking ~84% support for Dan Andrews, ~19,000 polled so far. #libspill #IStandWithDan
7:45AM - Tim Smith's Facebook Poll tracking ~84% support for Dan Andrews, ~26,000 polled so far. #libspill #IStandWithDan
Read 15 tweets
Game Theory - Melbourne 2020
Let’s look at the current situation in Melbourne and apply game theory to it.
We have two sides playing.
On one side we have Team #IStandWithDan.
On the other side we have Team #GiveDanTheBoot.
The board on which this game is played is the City of Melbourne. Both teams are spread evenly across the entire board.
The objective of the game is to replace the leader of Team #IStandWithDan with one that is more reasonable and open to valid, professional opinions.
This is how we all get to the next level.
The game is played like this. The leader of Team #IStandWithDan makes the rules but both teams’ players have to abide by the rules.
Read 13 tweets
Morning Tweeps

Didn't sleep much so I don't know if I'm capable of a follow-up to yesterday, but I'll repost my #IStandWithDan video from last week. I was driving & thinking about it all & suddenly I was so annoyed I pulled over to the side of the road & filmed myself venting.
Fuck I should have warned you, I sound like Michaelia Cash in this one because I was just so bloody irate. I'm sorry, I know it's early in the morning for bleeding eardrums. 😳😂
PS. That's a coldsore, not syphilis
Read 5 tweets
@TheAge poll re support for #COVIDVIC19 lockdown extensions: Tracked 70% yes, 30% no and performed normally with votes trickling in. Then, yesterday, a sudden spike of 15,000 'no' votes occurred in a few seconds. Several more sudden spikes have been recorded. #IStandWithDan
I have tracked and recorded the sudden spikes, and have screenshots of how the poll progressed over time, with a number of sudden spikes demonstrating bot 'block votes' were purchased at least 4 times.
These two screen shots were captured 16 seconds apart, and captured a sudden spike of 'no' votes, only possible via a scripted bot 'block vote.'
Read 12 tweets

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