2/ "In times when classes were conducted with windows and door closed, the aerosol concentration was reduced by more than 90% within less than 30 min. when running the purifiers (air exchange rate 5.5 ACH). The reduction was homogeneous throughout the room ..."
[note log y-scale]
3/ Figure 3: Highly reproducible reduction in aerosol particle concentration [uCPC] in a closed classroom without air purifiers (blue line) and with 3 or 4 air purifiers operating at speed 3 or 4 (max).
4/ "The measurements are supplemented by a calculation estimating the maximum concentration levels of virus-containing aerosol from a highly contagious person speaking in a closed room with and without air purifiers."
5/ "Figure 8: #CO2 mixing ratio measured in class during a school day. Even after venting the room for several minutes w/ door & windows wide open, CO2 levels do not drop < 1000 ppm. ... levels quickly rise to mixing ratios of 2500 to 2800 ppm at the end of the lesson." #COVIDCO2
6/ Study conclusions: "Measurements and calculation demonstrate that [portable] air purifiers potentially represent a well-suited measure to reduce the risks of airborne transmission of SARS-CoV-2 substantially."
7/ "Staying for two hours in a closed room with a highly infective person, we estimate that the inhaled dose is reduced by a factor of six when using air purifiers with a total air exchange rate of 5.7 ACH" #COVIDisAirborne
9/ "In order to reduce the risks of aerosol transmission for SARS-CoV-2 air purifiers can form an important additional measure of precaution, especially in cases where no fixed ventilation systems are installed and when windows cannot be opened properly." #aerosol
10/ The study conclusions are broadly consistent with lots of other experimental and modeling studies (i.e. portable filtration helps!). E.g. these are simple results I put together related to long-range aerosol risk modeling for classrooms on our campus:
12/ And to answer further questions about room air filtration, see answers in section 10 of this helpful #COVID#aerosol transmission FAQ guide. Avoid ionizers & other gimmicks for portable units, stay with proven filtration. docs.google.com/document/d/1fB…
15/ A bonus of any good air filtration (central or portable) is that it can do a good job of removing all kinds of aerosol particles in a room, whether related to respiratory viruses, air pollution, or even wildfire smoke.
1/ You've surely seen constant recent messaging & articles imploring you to improve quality of both #mask fit & filtration, in part b/c of worrying COVID variants.
Good news that the #CDC is catching up w/ those messaging efforts w/ updated guidance today.
3/ One good example summarizing the new #CDC guidance changes on masks, w/ helpful infographics, interviews, and short video w/ CDC chief Dr. Walensky.
This is why research & #scicomm now about virus transmission is so critical
"We’re going to have to be in a world that is more thoughtful about protecting ourselves from respiratory infection than we have ever had to be before.” Dr. Bloom, @HarvardChanSPH pri.org/file/2021-02-0…
(Starting at 2:31): “This is a global infection. A mutant or variant anywhere is a threat everywhere. And so we can’t be complacent and say because hopefully we start to do well by summertime in the US we will not be invaded by a new variant. So we really have to ..."
".. continue public health measures: wearing masks, reducing opportunities for spread, and being very careful, because even with vaccines, they’re not perfect, no vaccine has ever been perfect. ..."
1/ In context of extra precautions against new COVID variants, some new questions pop up about #masks.
Article by @cwarzel@zeynep asks/answers some good questions to start. Other thoughts in a 🧵, e.g. N95s, fit (Tw7+ ⬇️), when to replace (Tw25 ⬇️), etc. nytimes.com/2021/01/29/opi…
2/ Countless recent articles w/ interviews from relevant experts imploring people to still take mask-wearing & overall airborne COVID health seriously.
1/ Public admission by @mvankerkhove of #WHO that COVID transmission "goes through the air" is a *huge* turn-around from strong, incorrect statements to the contrary.
Strikes me as significant, even if subtle & played off as "we knew all along."
2/ Earlier messages #WHO put out were blatantly wrong & dangerous ⬇️.
Many scientists globally have been working tirelessly to pressure @WHO to retract dangerously misleading statements like this & adequately educate that #COVIDisAirborne.
3/ Again, messaging efforts by WHO are critical b/c of their exposure & reach. By openly saying COVID isn't in the air & having press conferences w/o masks, have been undermining efforts to #MaskUp & prevent spread.
2/ Study used the #WellsRiley model to estimate COVID risk from respiratory aerosols in a variety of scenarios, using particle size distribution data from previous studies.
Quanta: Statistical measure of avg infection probability; bigger value = easier to infect [~1 - e^-quanta]
3/ Bazant & Bush study supports broad consensus of observation & preventative steps:
✅No single action sufficient for COVID prevention
✅Steps compound reduction in risk, but never to zero
✅All important: distance, masks, reduced time, incr. ventilation medrxiv.org/content/10.110…
"Excessive attention on making surfaces pristine takes up limited time & resources that would be better spent on ventilation or the decontamination of the air that people breathe": @linseymarr
2/ A few other key quotes/reminders:
“It’s become clear that transmission by inhalation of aerosols — the microscopic droplets — is an important if not dominant mode of transmission,” says Prof. @linseymarr , who studies airborne disease transmission.
3/ “You have to make up some really convoluted scenarios in order to explain superspreading events w/ contam. surfaces”
“If we’ve already paid attention to the air & we have some extra time resources, then yes, wiping down those high-touch surfaces could be helpful”: @linseymarr