This the second 🧵dedicated to precious children hospitalized with COVID and #MISC, but luckily #TheySurvivedCovid. Three other threads memorialize pediatric #SoulsLostToCovid. By telling their stories, we can learn from their experiences.
🇺🇸3 y.o. Vivian Vesey from Falls Church, Virginia became extremely ill due to #MISC after her entire family contracted COVID. She began to improve slowly with IV treatment and steroids to calm the inflammation #TheySurvivedCovid 1/30…
🏴 3 y.o. Freddie Merrylees from Edinburgh #Scotland was hospitalized for five days after he developed a rash all over his body and a high fever due to #MISC. Mom said he was like a "lifeless zombie." #TheySurvivedCovid 2/30…
🇺🇸 4 y.o. Natalie from Abilene #Texas fell ill to #MISC in a matter of days. "The nurse turned to me and said your daughter's very sick, and needs to be placed on a heart transplant list. I felt frozen" #TheySurvivedCovid 3/30…
🇺🇸3 y.o. Kawhi Bracey from Oceanside, #California developed a fever, blotchy rash all over his body & stomach pains. His heart wasn't pumping correctly and oxygen levels dropped to dangerous levels. #TheySurvivedCovid 7/30…
🇺🇸 7 y.o. Tristian Castillo from Fargo #North Dakota was hospitalized with heart inflammation due to #MISC, 5 wks after mom's bout w/COVID when family decided it was safe to go out to dinner to celebrate the graduation of her sister #TheySurvivedCovid 8/30…
🇧🇷 1 y.o. Heloísa Pereira dos Santos Eduardo from Americana, São Paulo #Brazil suffered 3 respiratory arrests in 30 days. “The coronavirus attacked her trachea, lungs, kidneys, heart, and ended up with half of her right lung. #TheySurvivedCovid 9/30…
🇬🇧 6 y.o. Millie from Steyning, West Sussex #UnitedKingdom suffered liver & renal failure due to #MISC. "My heart was beating so fast and I felt bad, I couldn't lose my little baby. I felt like I couldn't breathe." #TheySurvivedCovid 10/30…
🇧🇪 4 y.o. Kais Chaudy from #Belgium spent six days in a coma after contracting #MISC. Dad said he wanted other parents to be aware that children are vulnerable to the virus, "not only old people." #TheySurvivedCovid 11/30…
🇨🇦 7 y.o. Hunter McConnell from Airdrie, Alberta #Canada fell severely ill due to #MISC weeks after his entire family contracted COVID. Hunter’s parents with they knew more about COVID, before they had to see it first hand. #TheySurvivedCovid 14/30…
🏴 7 y.o. Logan Walsh from Baildon, Bradford #England fell seriously ill due to #MISC. "He did gymnastics and would be flinging himself on the sofa doing backflips and now he gets out of breath climbing up the stairs." #TheySurvivedCovid 15/30…
🇨🇦10 yo Jillian Rondeau from Vancouver, British Columbia #Canada fell severely ill to #MISC “We chose to share our story so parents can have awareness of this new sickness. Info is trickling in slower than the volume of sick kids" #TheySurvivedCovid 16/30…
🇺🇸 11 y.o. Katarina Lowe from Sissonville #WestVirginia fell seriously ill due to #MISC and was on a ventilator for 6 days. “This is something where you don’t have control..and as Dad, you want to save the day, but you can’t. #TheySurvivedCovid 17/30…
🇺🇸 12 y.o. Adalyn Rains from Wellington #Kansas fell severely ill due to #MISC. “Never in my wildest dreams would I think my perfect 12-year-old daughter would be fighting for her life,” said mom #TheySurvivedCovid 20/30…
🇺🇸Brittany Hartwell, surgical tech from #Florida took every precaution, but unfortunately still got COVID. Her baby Rowan was born 13wks premature with "bilateral brain bleeds & very sick. Nobody thought she was going to make it" #TheySurvivedCovid 22/30…
🇺🇸 13 y.o. Hudson Asche from Minneapolis #Minnesota fell severely ill due to #MISC. His heart had to be shocked back into rhythm twice. He survived, but 3 months later, he tires easily and still can’t play the sports he once loved #TheySurvivedCovid 23/30…
🇺🇸 8 y.o. Karson Camp from Muskegon #Michigan became severely ill due to #MISC after his daycare provider tested positive. “I didn’t think COVID was that big of a deal, until my son’s life was plugged into the wall” #TheySurvivedCovid 24/30…
Thank you to all the families that shared their tragic experiences with #MISC in hopes of educating others. In many cases, families were unaware of prior infection with COVID, which is why recognizing symptoms is very important.
This marks the end of this thread. However, there are 1000s of similar stories of MIS-C.
As of June 28, 2021 there have been a total of 4196 cases of #MISC in the United States.
I've been following this COVID outbreak at White Mountain Community Dance Hall in Show low #Arizona since June 23, which tragically has now resulted in TWO deaths. Unsure how many others are hospitalized. 9 of 22 infected were vaccinated; 70 attended 1/6…
On July 3rd dance hall member George Metzger died. Then on July 7th another dance hall member died. 2/6
Midnight Moon, Roger Wade and Jeanne Danowski, the entertainers at the hall on the evening of June 11, came down with the virus and posted their information on a GoFundMe page 3/6
In Springfield #Missouri, Mercy Hospital now has 120 Covid patients; 5% fully vaccinated. Two COVID ICUs and Step Down Units. Almost everyone in the ICU on ventilators. Sadly, numbers will rise among the unvaccinated. The #DeltaVariant is 96% of new cases in Missouri.
Mercy Hospital announced mandatory vaccinations by September 30
It's also important to note that if you're admitted because of COVID then you're sick. Your oxygen saturation is less than 90%. One way, hospitals have kept occupancy manageable is by discharging patients with home oxygen canisters and pulse oximeters.
🧵This is the 3rd thread dedicated to the precious children that have died from COVID during this never-ending pandemic. By telling their stories we'll ensure that their memories live on #SoulsLostToCovid
This is really irresponsible. Over 125 adults & youth from a Galveston County #Texas church camp event have tested positive for COVID.
The Clear Creek Community Church youth ministry camp was held at a facility near Giddings, Texas, last month.…
"Additionally, hundreds more were exposed to COVID-19 at camp. And hundreds of others were likely exposed when infected people returned home from camp. We seek to remain in contact with those impacted"