Ahead of crucial #COP26 & amid intensifying climate crisis, the @EU_ Commission today presents the #FitFor55 package aiming at cutting EU emissions by 55% by 2030. Implementation will require far-reaching changes in mobility, housing, land use, industrial production. 1/11
The @EU_Commission sends the following signal to the international community: EU ups the ante to align the block on the 1.5° pathway, as pledged in the #ParisAgreement. #Fitfor55 will show whether the EU is ready to walk the climate talk while ensuring a just transition. 2/11
The walk will only be fully successful if environmental integrity and social and distributional justice go hand in hand. Agora welcomes the setting up of a social fund to ensure that its #Fitfor55 proposals lead to greater social solidarity. 3/11
The fund will use additional revenues from #carbonpricing to finance national-level clean infrastructure investment programmes and provide support for vulnerable households and lower-income member states. 4/11
EU will miss its #climatetargets if climate damage remains cheaper than protection. What is needed to achieve the EU #climatetargets (transport & buildings)? Mix of stricter standards + minimum price for fossils. Strengthening the #EUETS is the right way to go. 5/11
#Carbonprices will soon rise above €50/t, which means a market-driven #coalphaseout by 2030 EU-wide. Policymakers + stakeholders need to prepare for the rapid #transition ahead – EU needs to massively scale up #renewables like wind and solar. 6/11
It also means 1) all unnecessary regulatory and administrative barriers to accelerating RES build-up need to be removed swiftly and 2) the last myths around insufficient security of supply from #renewables need to be debunked. 7/11
Industrial production: EU #climatetarget calls for a rapid substitution of fossil #H2 with renewable H2. The Renewable Energy Directive proposal doesn’t do enough to prioritise #greenH2. The upcoming legislative process offers opportunities for improvements. 8/11
By 2030 it will cost 10-24 billion € annually to support the use of renewable #H2 in line with the targets of the EU’s#H2Strategy. It is necessary to channel funding first to uncontroversial & no-regret applications – green H2 is scarce & costly. 9/11
Context: In December 2010, EU heads of state and government unanimously agreed to increase the EU’s 2030 GHG reduction target from 40 % to 55 % compared to 1990 levels, in a bid to put the EU on a credible pathway to EU-wide #climateneutrality by latest 2050. 10/11
Context: On 20 July 2021, the European #ClimateLaw will enter into effect and make the 2030 GHG reduction target and the 2050 #climateneutrality objective legally binding for the European institutions & the EU-27. 11/11
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#Kohleausstieg 2030: Green Deal und Klimaschutzgesetz sorgen dafür, dass Deutschlands Ausstieg aus der Kohle deutlich früher kommt als geplant. THREAD. Mehr Details gibt’s hier: bit.ly/3zE94ki (1/7)
Zwischen 2015 und 2020 hat sich die europäische Stromerzeugung aus #Kohlekraftwerken bereits halbiert. (2/7)
Der Hauptgrund: Mehr #ErneuerbareEnergien, niedrige Gaspreise und steigende Preise im CO₂-Zertifikatehandel. Letztere sind bis Mai 2021 auf über 50 €/t gestiegen. Das führt dazu, dass #Kohlestrom immer teurer wird. (3/7)
Aktive #Klimapolitik ist Voraussetzung, dass die dt. #Industrie wettbewerbsfähig bleibt, am Standort DE investiert + #klimaneutral wird. 5 Monate standen wir zusammen mit @stiftung2grad & @rolandberger im Austausch mit führenden Industrieunternehmen. Resultate im Thread (1/7)
Aus dem Dialog mit den Unternehmen sind 12 Handlungsempfehlungen an die Politik entstanden. Es braucht einen klugen Instrumentenmix, der #Klimaschutz entlang der gesamten industriellen Wertschöpfungskette forciert. Hier geht’s zur Impulspapier: bit.ly/3ulFnBO (2/7)
Langfristig wettbewerbsfähige #Strompreise, Ausgleich der Mehrkosten klimaneutraler Schlüsseltechnologien (Carbon Contracts for Difference), Abnahmegarantien für klimaneutrale Produkte, zB bei öff. Bauvorhaben – alle Handlungsempfehlungen: bit.ly/3ulFnBO (3/7)