What hope is there for the health & safety of school children in🏴 when the chair of @CommonsEd continues to promote & support the views of @UsforThemUK & @lensiseethrough which are ANTI-#COVID MITIGATION on every level!
Whilst @educationgovuk policy on #COVID19 mitigations in schools is so heavily influenced by this group, & others, there is little chance of any tangible change before 🏴schools reopen in September.
16 months in to the pandemic, children here are FAR LESS PROTECTED, not more! 2/
Does @halfon4harlowMP realise that school children are being unnecessarily exposed to #coronavirus as part of the government’s #HerdImmunityByInfection “strategy” which has been internationally condemned as an unscientific & barbaric way to proceed?
The ongoing anti-scientific rhetoric & articles written by Molly Kingsley in @Telegraph ,@TheSpectator et al, have significantly contributed to #DfE decisions to ⬇️⬇️protections in schools leaving children, families & staff here seriously under protected against #COVID19.
#UsForThemUK have relentlessly sought to remove all mitigations from schools & repeatedly undermined the vital public health messaging on how to ⬇️ #COVID transmission within schools.
They are not interested in HOW to make schools safer, they just want them to be “NORMAL”!
Constantly likening it to flu & repeating ad nauseum that “children are barely affected by it”.
This attitude is not just ignorant, but is deeply insensitive to the kids/teens who have been badly affected & their parents.
#UsForThemUK have ignored #LongCovidKids & downplayed the effects of acute #COVID19 & #LongCovid on parents, families & staff.
Many children have lost parents, or close loved ones, an experience that will be devastating & truly life-changing.
Our schools have been the perfect environment for #COVIDVariants to arise since last Sept & we’ve already recklessly “given” the world the #AlphaVariant.
High levels of viral transmission in an unvaccinated population w/ ZERO MITIGATIONS in place…Sept 2021!
There is NO MENTION of concern for CV/CEV children or families by @UsforThemUK & @lensiseethrough, who tell us “we should put children first…”.
CV/CEV children/families are expected to return to school in Sept with ALL PROTECTIONS REMOVED & just “get on with it”?
Really?? 11/
@halfon4harlowMP’s ongoing open support of @UsforThemUK suggests that HE ALSO WANTS CHILDREN TO GET & SPREAD #coronavirus w/in our schools, KNOWING that a few will get seriously ill & about 10% will get #LongCovid.
❗️The chair of the Education Select Committee WANTS THIS❗️
The support of such a brutal, ignorant, selfish & unscientific “strategy” that’ll result in further significant, avoidable harm to individuals/families/communities/the nation & the global community, is simply unacceptable & unforgivable!
I read with interest the @thetimes article on #schools which claimed triumphantly that daily #LateralFlowTests of close #COVID contacts is as good as or better at reducing ongoing transmission & that indeed “Schools do not spread COVID”. 2/
Morning @GavinWilliamson@NickGibbUK & @halfon4harlowMP - if you could put the Latin books down for a mo, there are millions of teachers, parents & secondary school pupils who’d be very interested in some answers. 1/
My guess is that you neither know or care how opening 🏴schools up in Sept WITHOUT ANY MITIGATIONS for an #Airborne 🦠will affect the HUMANS forced each day to study/work INSIDE the schools, especially those who’re unvaccinated or CV/CEV.
But as a Dr could I ask..
1)How many children w/ CHRONIC DEBILITATING SYMPTOMS will worry you?
2)How many VERY SICK children is too many?
3)How many SICK STAFF will stop schools functioning?
4)How you will know the number of CV/CEV children who’ve been vaccinated by Sept?
The public health data says the exact opposite. I’m starting to think that to be a current #Conservative MP one must promise to ignore every single bit of scientific evidence that says #COVIDisAirborne!
Listening to @RicHolden makes me want to scream.
NO! We are NOT in a lockdown & no one is asking for all restrictions to go on for “in perpetuity”. #Tory MPs are spreading relentless #COVIDDisinformation
His comments are as unscientific as they are dangerous.1/5 @claremcdonnell1
There is another way ➡️ listen to the 1000+ experts (drs & scientists) who signed the letter that was published in @TheLancet last week.
Listen to @WHO!
This #Conservative government do not have our best interests at heart! @RicHolden - you are in the #NorthEast FGS!
1/ Sadly I can believe our government is pursuing a #HerdImmunityByInfection “strategy” ….but I am really struggling to accept that their senior medical & scientific advisors & those in @PHE_uk etc are condoning such a brutal & inhumane policy.
2/Assuming govt want #coronavirus to spread rapidly, despite the natural #Firebreak provided by the school holidays, they must be feeling rather satisfied that the numbers of cases are ⬆️ so rapidly.
Presumably they block out the ⬆️in hospitalisations & deaths so they can sleep?
3/ They avoid the issue of #LongCovid wherever possible so are unlikely to notice the iceberg of morbidity as it gets larger.
Even if they do, difficulties in accessing a PCR test because the symptom list is inadequate will ⬇️ the number of ppl who can prove they had #COVID.