Hi Mr Javid 👋, I wanted to check in with you briefly today.
As Health Secretary, currently overseeing the management of #Covid19UK from a HEALTHCARE perspective, I know you’ll be keen to be up to speed on the current situation ON THE FRONTLINE.
Incase you think I’m being hysterical, I’ll recount 2 examples from my experiences of the past week.
As a Dr in A&E & UTCs I’m well placed to see how the government’s catastrophic management of #COVID19UK is effecting patient care in both Primary & Secondary care. @Jeremy_Hunt
Two patients (X + Y) aged btn 35-45yrs seen with CLASSIC #COVID symptoms that had started 10-14 days earlier.
➡️Cough, shortness of breath, fever, headache, fatigue, ⬇️ appetite, runny nose, sore throat, muscle aches & pains.
1 had loss of taste/smell.
Because ALL parts of healthcare are CURRENTLY OVERWHELMED, X was directed to A+E by NHS 111, where the wait to be seen that day was 5hrs+.
The partner of that pt, went to various retail outlets whilst X waited to be seen, unaware that X may have #COVID19.
Both X & partner were surprised that #COVID may be the cause of X’s worsening symptoms & had not limited their contacts following the negative LFT.
X sat in the crowded waiting room for >5hrs, feeling very unwell & coughing throughout.
Y said “It can’t possibly be #COVID dr, my LFTs are negative” when I informed them that they most likely had #COVID pneumonia.
Staff sent Y from another part of the hospital.
Y was visiting a family member w/ a non-Covid illness, & also waited in a crowded WR, coughing.
The spread of #COVID19 from those 2 patients alone in the preceding 10-14/7 AND whilst sitting coughing in the packed waiting room is likely to be significant.
To their families & communities, to other patients AND to staff.
If you’re wondering why I’ve not mentioned our most senior HCPs (CMO/deputy CMO, some SAGE members) in my list of those asking for help, it was deliberate, not an omission.
Their silence suggests that any HCP “attached” to Govt is unable to speak independently to protect us.
We’re told both past & present @ChildrensComm s support the plan by @halfon4harlowMP to prevent schools closing again, even if they have a #COVID outbreak (or for other outbreaks like Norovirus presumably?).
We must therefore assume they’re comfortable w/ charts like this👇🏼? 1/3
3/ Finally, if children, parents & HCPs can no longer rely on the Children’s Commissioner to speak up for & protect 🏴children during a pandemic, just WHO exactly is?
More FACTS for “as long as it’s not my kid(s) that are effected” types…
Children aren’t supposed to die.
🇬🇧schools, esp 🏴, are still v unsafe.
Parents are being punished for trying to protect their kids from a highly contagious #airborne 🦠
Unless @nadhimzahawi@educationgovuk take immediate action, #COVID19 will almost inevitably reach every child & will also spread to family members & staff who may be vulnerable.
It shocks me that so many of us keep saying this & STILL no one is listening!
During a pandemic it is only the supremely selfish or ignorant who’d refuse to #WearAMask to protect others & deny their own children the right to wear one at school.
If they actually cared about children’s health & wellbeing AND wanted to reduce educational disruption, they’d have put their weight & influence behind making 🇬🇧schools safer.
They’ve had months to do it & have wealth & political influence on their side.
So why have they not?
It’s quite obvious now, it’s all about THEIR FREEDOMs & THEIR RIGHTs.
They don’t want to #WearAMask or compromise their social lives, restrict their travel & they certainly don’t want to be involved in home schooling.
@Jeremy_Hunt & @sajidjavid , I’m a 55yr old PART-TIME GP, working in A+E & UTCs, working ~25hrs per week.
Between Mar-Oct 20 I willingly ⬆️ my hours significantly, to staff our “Hot Site” & be part of the Covid Home Visiting team, regularly only having 1 full day off/week.