#COVID spreads best in crowded, poorly ventilated areas & the damage done to vital public health messaging you alone have done Prime Minister by not wearing a😷, is incalculable! @sajidjavid@DHSCgovuk@NHSEngland 3/
People will die as result, others will get #LongCovid, families will be bereaved, ALL UNNECESSARILY!
People who’ve followed such a selfish & ignorant example, ppl who’ve believed the relentless govt spin that we must learn to #LiveWithCovid, “open up”, “get back to normal”…
So I ask you Prime Minister - HOW HIGH A PILE IS TOO HIGH?
If there’s ANYONE at @educationgovuk@CommonsEd with a heart or a conscience, please understand that forcing millions of unvaccinated children into mitigation-free schools day in day out is a level of #WilfulNegligence I didn’t imagine possible in modern 🇬🇧. @nadhimzahawi
Whether the motivation is a flawed #DeliberateMassInfection policy to reach “Herd Immunity” or part of a wider plan to crush & crash the #NHS (hastening #NHSPrivatisation ) by letting #COVID “rip” …..it is wholly unacceptable, unethical & immoral to “experiment” on our young.
WE MUST WAKE UP to the reality of what is going on under our noses.
Our egomaniacal clown PM is not just fulfilling his own dream of being #KingOfTheWorld, he is a very willing puppet for darker, smarter, more evil forces.
Whilst this may be the fault of @UKHSA (formerly PHE), the PM & many MPs have repeatedly endorsed the incorrect view that we can safely mix indoors without wearing a mask.
You could be forgiven for thinking this is safe👇🏼because you’d assume the PM would follow the rules?
But @BorisJohnson & his motley crew don’t want to invest in improving ventilation, & they certainly don’t want to do anything to protect others or to ⬇️ pressure on the #NHS. 3/
If there’s anyone in @10DowningStreet w/ a shred of integrity left please read this👇🏼,from an anonymous #NHS dr.
Refusing to #WearAMask in a hospital during a pandemic should be reason enough to end a career, none of us would be excused such blatant contempt for others! 1/
Hi Mr Javid 👋, I wanted to check in with you briefly today.
As Health Secretary, currently overseeing the management of #Covid19UK from a HEALTHCARE perspective, I know you’ll be keen to be up to speed on the current situation ON THE FRONTLINE.
Incase you think I’m being hysterical, I’ll recount 2 examples from my experiences of the past week.
As a Dr in A&E & UTCs I’m well placed to see how the government’s catastrophic management of #COVID19UK is effecting patient care in both Primary & Secondary care. @Jeremy_Hunt