DePay Profile picture
Mar 18 70 tweets 67 min read
#CryptoEducation Gems [Mega Thread]

A navigational aid for the variety of projects featured in current @gitcoin #GR13:

A curated list of projects that are helping blockchains become an integral part of the world by empowering people with knowledge and education. 🤓🔖💪

🔎 @LearnWeb3DAO / @haardikkk
(education system)

For open-minded individuals, interested in everything they need to know in order to become a #Web3 native.

A very rich resource with a fast-growing userbase of Web3 students.


2/N #GR13
🔎 Odyssey DAO / @odyssey_dao
(Educational DAO / resource)

For #Web3 newcomers interested in high-quality learning material with a variety of learning paths.


3/N #GR13
🔎 Tokenomics DAO / @tokenomicsdao / @ffstrauf
(resource / education system)

For researchers & project members, interested in models of tokenomics and their implications in #Web3.

Tokenomics often have a massive impact on project success.

4/N #GR13
🔎 Uncryptd / @uncryptd / @robin_rrtx

For curious individuals, interested in soaking up essential #Web3 space fundamentals with a hackathon-like learning experience.

Participants are incentivized with prize pools.

5/N #GR13
🔎 Genki / @genki_io / @apple077498532
(community & platform)

For Web3 beginners, interested in navigating the space through connections and application.

Task- & project-based platform with a built-in referral system.

6/N #GR13
🔎 The Daily Gwei / @sassal0x / @sassal0x
(educational ecosystem)

For #ETH lovers, interested in daily education & thoughts about the ecosystem of Ethereum.


7/N #GR13
🔎 The Kernel Podcast / @KERNEL0x / @divydovy
(making Kernel available as a podcast)

For auditive learners interested in the core knowledge, values & mental models needed to become a #Web3 native.

8/N #GR13
🔎 EthHub / @ethhub_io / @Sassal

For Ethereum fans, interested in staying up-to-date on essential Ethereum topics and the latest news .

Check out their weekly EthHub recap podcast, hosted by @econoar.

9/N #GR13
🔎 L2BEAT / @l2beatcom / @PiotrSzlachciak

For analysts & researchers who research currently available L2 systems.

L2BEAT evaluates aggregated data on projects before they are included in the publicly available dataset.

10/N #GR13
🔎 Learning Data Science on the Ethereum Blockchain / @OmniAnalytics
(modular course)

For data scientists new to the crypto world & blockchain devs interested in topics like (blockchain) #dataanalysis & #analytics.


11/N #GR13
🔎 ETH Daily / @ethdaily

For Ethereum addicts, interested in being on top of the latest #ETHnews, trends & communities.


12/N #GR13
🔎 Trust / @TrustGraphic / @Anne_Connelly
(artistic motion comic with educational story)

For visual learners who want to try a novel approach to learning, interested in the transformation of communities with the help of blockchain.


13/N #GR13
🔎 DeSchool / @DeSchooled / @sidcode_
(community & platform)

For people who explore ways of changing the state of educational institutions, interested in decentralized schooling.

Revolutionizing established EDU systems with #Web3.

14/N #GR13
🔎 D3 Consortium / @D3Consortium

For curious minds & researchers, interested in the standardization of the Web3.

"aims to support the transition to web3 through fellowship, education, discussion, and providing resources."


15/N #GR13
🔎 / @micksprojects
(self-education system)

For learners who want to build knowledge with friends, interested in collaborative self-education.


16/N #GR13
🔎 Avri / @amiya_rbehera
(education system)

For learners who prefer evidence-based learning strategies, interested in the #decentralization of education.


17/N #GR13
🔎 Sov's Compendium / @sovereignsignal
(curated resources)

For Crypto researchers, interested in collections & curated sources of #cryptoknowledge.


18/N #GR13
🔎 Impact X Crypto / @daryljedwards

For individual Crypto-natives & solopreneurs, interested in increasing the impact of their project.


19/N #GR13
🔎 web3learn / @x0web3 / @x0sidharth

For developers, interested in resources & guides for navigating from #Web2 to #Web3 development.


20/N #GR13
🔎 21M / @21M_XXI / @xxi_3_eth

For Web3 natives, interested in learning about the importance of recognition of individual Web3 contributions for ongoing sustainable growth in the sphere.


21/M 🤓 #GR13
🔎 Ethprofit / @Ethprofit

For investors who need simple tools for decision-making, interested in the earning potential of #ETHstaking.

Check out their calculator!

22/N #GR13
🔎 Kontext / @kontextcontext / @chriscyph

For avid readers who don't want to miss out on important topics, interested in popular links currently shared on Crypto-Twitter.

We are curious if TG will be supported too in the future.


23/N #GR13
🔎 Web3Sec / @web3sec
(#web3security resource)

For security-conscious Web3 technologists interested in curated link resources from various security domains that may be relevant to their daily work.


24/N #GR13
🔎 Glosetta / @Glossetadotcom

For researchers & followers of #Web3 topics, interested in keeping up with the growing corpus of Web3 terms.

"open-source glossary meant to help people explore and learn the terminology behind web3"


25/N #GR13
🔎 The Lexicon / @CryptoSocietyS1
(community resource)

For Crypto beginners, #Web3 researchers, and -#BUIDL'ers interested in HQ educational content.

Creating "a public good that's evergreen and open-sourced for new contributions"

26/N #GR13
🔎 Defining Web3 - 1/2 - @polarpunklabs (Dr. Paul Dylan-Ennis)
[open publication / website]

For Web3 researchers exploring "how Web3 can develop into a progressive platform for creative social coordination".


27/N #GR13
🔎 Defining Web3 (2/2)

Also check out this great Web3 introduction talk by @polarpunklabs:

"Introduction to Cryptocurrency and Web3":

28/N #GR13
🔎 KBcast / @KBCast_pod by @sdimantha & @YajieWang

For Kernel #KB5 fellows or anyone else thinking of joining @KERNEL0x. Sidenote: DePay ♥️ Kernel!

"A 30 min weekly Web3 rundown of all things Kernel Block"


29/N #GR13
🔎 JournoDAO / @JournoDao
(incubator / social network)

For anyone into journalism & media, interested in how web3 can help to rethink the journalism ecosystem.


30/N #GR13
🔎 Web3withDhee / @DheerajShah_
(Twitter Spaces)

For heavy Twitter users who want to connect & stay up-to-date beyond reading text tweets, interested in regular interviews & live discussions with #Web3 natives.


31/N #GR13
🔎 ZachXBT Crypto Scam Research / @zachxbt
(Twitter account / Resource)

For security-conscious Crypto enthusiasts, interested in OSINT🔬 & the anatomy of scams👿 in the Crypto world.


32/N #GR13
🔎 Mass Adoption LLC. / @MassAdoptionLLC
(Crypto Onboarding Platform)

For #crypto beginners, interested in general onboarding.
"(...) cutting out the jargon and onboarding newcomers in the most simplistic way possible (...)".


33/N #GR13
🔎 Moni Talks / @moni_talks_xyz
(edu ecosystem)

For anyone who wants to learn about Crypto, interested in ELI5 content.

"(...) vital crypto news, DeFi alpha leaks, under radar projects, in-depth reviews (...)"


34/N #GR13
🔎 The Uniswap v3 Options Education Fund / @guil_lambert
(Resource / Blog)

For liquidity providers, interested in learning how to harness the power of concentrated liquidity for their liquidity positions in #UNIv3. Advanced content 🧠.


35/N #GR13
🔎 Crypto & DeFi Certification by the University of Colorado / @Bonaparte20 / @
(University Certification)

For @CUDenver faculty/graduate students, interested in innovation in #FinTech and #DeFi.


36/N #GR13
🔎 BAF / @TheBAFNetwork
(nonprofit educational ecosystem)

For crypto beginners or researchers interested in university-accredited #blockchain courses that teach the path to become an expert.


37/N #GR13
🔎 CEP (Certified Ethereum Professional) examp prep book / @LearnMoreWithC4
(resource / book)

For anyone ready to become a Certified #Ethereum Professional (#CEP), interested in guidance & learning aids for exam preparation.


38/N #GR13
🔎 / @eth2353
(toolset / calculator for PoS validator earnings)

For #ETH stakers, interested in collecting tax-relevant on-chain data with a few clicks.


39/N #GR13
🔎 DeFi, DAOs and law / @cryptolaw_news
(Educational resource)

For people in the legal space, interested in how crypto, DeFi, and DAOs can help achieve regulatory goals.

Bridging the world of lawmakers x Crypto is a very important mission.

40/N #GR13
🔎 EffectiveAML / @ronaldpol

"The only site about AML/CFT effectiveness curated by someone with a Ph.D. in policy effectiveness, outcomes, and AML (...)"


41/N #GR13 #AML
🔎 Coin Center / @coincenter

For anyone interested in the issues related to blockchain/crypto regulation.

"We engage in research, educate policymakers, and advocate for sensible regulatory approaches to this technology."

42/N #GR13
🔎 Defiprime / @defiprime / @sawinyh

"a media outlet and analytical services provider for the DeFi community. Its mandate is to inform, educate, and connect the community as the definitive source of news"

43/N #GR13
🔎 The Daily Ape / @Darrenlautf
(Telegram community)

"(...) aggregates the top tweets, stories and developments from established and rising projects and shares them in a daily update to stay informed (...)"

44/N #GR13
🔎 Cercle DAO / @cercledao
(community resource)

For researchers, interested in project research, analysis & evaluation.

"ownership is redistributed between students, teachers and partners via a governance token and 'proof of learn' NFT's"


46/N #GR13
🔎 Coingecko in Google Sheets / @CryptoT00LS

For spreadsheet fans, researchers & analysts, interested in building/visualizing/analysing their own charts or dashboards with CG data imports into #GoogleSheets.


47/N #GR13
🔎 Tingbits / @tingbits0x
(Database / Platform)

For for fans of #F2P & #Play2Earn (P2E) games, interested in the discovery of new titles from a huge database.

Currently 1385 titles in their database!

48/N #GR13
🔎 Little Things / @canducrypto
(Telegram channel)

For project researchers and gem hunters who try not to miss out on hot topics and projects, interested in curated news.

(Indonesian lang, still good EN links / screens)


49/N #GR13
🔎 Cursed Mining / @CursedMining / @CursedMining
(content resource with YT channel)

For miners & Crypto beginners, interested in hardware crypto mining and fundamental topics in Crypto & DeFi.


50/N #GR13
🔎 EthStaker / @ethStaker / @L_Nakaghini
(community resource)

For #ETH community members, interested in Ethereum staking guides & tech support.


51/N #GR13
🔎 Ethereum Staking Guides for Ubuntu / @SomerEsat

For #Ubuntu client users, interested in guides for Staking ETH 2.0 on main- & testnet.


52/N #GR13 #trinity #nimbus #prysm #cortex #nethermind #lighthouse #sigmaprime #lodestar #prater
🔎 Ethereum Staking Guides by CoinCashew / @coincashew_

For Ethereum enthusiasts, interested in getting started with ETH staking ASAP with hands-on guides.


53/N #GR13
🔎 DoDAO / @dodao_io / @robin_nagpal
(DAO / resource)

For anyone interested in the anatomy of DAOs & what's needed to accelerate DAO formation.
Goals: Having "(...) at least ONE million DAOs by 2025 and make DAOs accessible to mass public."


54/N #GR13
🔎 daoApe / @0xdaoape
(newsletter in EN & TR)

For any inbox-reader, interested in the DAOsphere.

"Highly subjective commentary on what's going on around the DAOsphere."

Might contain offensive language 🤔

55/N #GR13
🔎 Deep Skills / @skillsprotocol
(resources & onboarding system)

For DAO founders & operators, interested in systematized approaches for onboarding & HR coordination.

Looks like solid requirement/systems engineering skills at work :)

56/N #GR13
🔎 DAO Masters /


For #DAO founders, researchers & operators interested in a comprehensive collection of information on DAO anatomy & operations.

"Explore the tools to launch, manage and grow a DAO"

57/N #GR13
🔎 DAO Pattern Language / @creatorcabins
(Content Library)

For DAO participators interested in standardization.
"Goal: to generate an open-source library of common problems and solutions for the setup, operation, and evolution (...)" of DAOs

58/N #GR13
🔎 The DAOist / @TheDAOist_
(organization of DAO(s))

💬"(...) supports the cultural revolution needed to enable a world of DAOists (...) creating cultural public goods that raise all ships."

"Metahubs" will be governed by the "Dawn DAO".


59/N #GR13
🔎 How to DAO book / @HowDAObook 1/2

For newbies, interested in joining "DAOverse" with the help of a field manual - put together by credible minds.

"We want to enable more people to leave behind the tyranny of the 9-5" 👈💓


60/N #GR13
🔎 @HowDAObook 2/2
1st 📕: "focus on contributors, helping them understand the culture, conventions, common tooling, and paths to contributor competency."

2nd 📗: "needs of creators (...) community management, governance models, tokenomics, and scaling."

61/N #GR13
🔎 DAOistry / @SaintSal

"(...) a little research project into what really works and doesn’t in DAOs."

🧠For deep thinkers who prefer (𝘧𝘶𝘯𝘥𝘢)mental models over quickly outdated knowledge. Read (😲):


62/N #GR13
🔎 DoinGud / @DoinGudHQ / @yosoymelvera
1/2 (community & NFT-market)

For artsy digital earthlings, interested in essential #web3 topics and skills for impact. "(...) inspiring creativity and positive social impact. We pride ourselves on accessibility and sustainability"

🔎 DoinGud / @DoinGudHQ / @yosoymelvera
2/2 (community & NFT-marketplace)

(Alex/DePay): This Grant deserves more attention♥️, maybe (the majority?) of EN-speakers are not aware that this is about LATAM content for your existing (gr8) resources?


🔎 Into the Bytecode / @sinahab

For #BUIDL'ers & curious 🧠s, hungry for ideas shaping the #Web3 world - feat. OG thought leaders 😎.

Check out:… w/ @austingriffith


65/N #GR13
🔎 Uniswap v3 Calculator / @chunza2542

For LPs, whose heads often 🤯 when they try to calculate their earning potential for a certain pair/fee tier/range on #UniV3. Gr8 solution with top-notch UI! L2's/Polygon coming soon. 🎩Chapeau!


66/N #GR13 Image
🔎 DevPill / @devpillme / @DCbuild3r

For new and active #BUIDL'ers who need a broad orientation that gives them an idea of areas in which they can deepen their knowledge.


67/N #GR13 #blockchaindev #blockchaindeveloper
🔎 DeFi & Web3 Developer Roadmap / @officer_cia
(resource for devs)

For devs & builders in Web3/DeFi, interested in keeping an eye on the forest (instead of just trees).

A MASSIVE curated library of powerful resources💎 hosted on GitHub.

68/N #GR13 Image
🔎 TokenEngineering Academy / @tokengineering / @akrtws

For engineers, interested in design, validation processes & principles of Token Engineering.

🧠Teaching adv. skills such as system simulation with @cadcad_org!


69/N #GR13
🔎 Scaffold-ETH / @austingriffith (see also 65/N)
(dev starter kit)

For developers who want to get started rapidly with Ethereum development / #Solidity with a "bulletproof" #dApp template.
"the starter kit of web3 starter kits."


70/N #GR13
🔎 Web3Bridge / @Web3Bridge / @Ebunayo08
(community & platform)

For devs in Africa, interested in finding passion as builders in the Web3 space.

In the last 18 months, 273 new web3 developers have been trained according to their website 💪


71/N #GR13

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