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Jan 22nd 2023
🫶Finally, I selected the 👑Top 28% of #Gitcoin Grants projects from each round.

A Complete Step-By-Step Tutorial:

A-Z Guide with projects list I'm donating ✨
💟 Like 🔁 Retweet 🚀 LFG

🧵Here My collection 💔Dont Missed 🤓Big #airdrop ($2K🤗 Image

Impact evaluations for 158 Gitcoin Grants - and the 44 I chose to fund Remember that this was one of the criteria for Optimism airdrop ($2K)🤗

Here's how to participate and grab the opportunity here my collection , Image

There are now 3 rounds instead of 5 and a minimum $10 donation amount for upcoming rounds. Additionally, anyone who donated less than $ 10 to the Fantom round will not receive a Fantom POAP,You can also read more details here.… Image
Read 18 tweets
Nov 30th 2022
Thread time 🧵

Here's how to precisely design a small building in a game (such as an isometric bunker) by fine-tuning #StableDiffusion

This example was inspired by #RedAlert, which I spent countless hours on (in 96-97 - pls don't call me old 😅)

Style-consistency is paramount when it comes to designing #game assets.

I trained a fine-tune using @Scenario_gg (alpha), using 16 images (below), inspired by the Red Alert/Command & Conquer buildings.

Fun fact: I generated them all in... @midjourney.
I actually generated more than 200 buildings (and even some vehicles), from which I picked a smaller dataset, keeping enough variability within a certain consistent style.

I will keep the remaining data for new trainings in the coming days :)
Read 25 tweets
Nov 6th 2022
🔥Suite à l'achat d'un site sur @NextLevelLink, j'ai décidé de partager sur ce #Thread les différentes étapes que je vais mettre en place pour remonter le site et le rentabiliser. (#SEO, #ROI,#Content )

Si tu veux suivre l'évolution, c'est par ici :
👇 Image
Quelques détails sur le site acheté :
✅Site acheté le 03/11/2022 à 13h26
✅Archive du site reçue le 03/11/2022 à 14h52
Il sont rapides chez #NextLevel 👍
L'installation sur un hébergement
(dans mon cas) se déroule parfaitement.
Il suffit de suivre les instructions données dans les tutos fournis dans le mail de

Le site était opérationnel en quelques heures, le temps que les DNS migrent.
Read 18 tweets
May 17th 2022
Voici la 2e série de tweets sur les #DevTools. Cette fois-ci, nous allons parler performances.
J'avais évoqué ce point sur la 1e série avec #Lighthouse qui permet de tacler certains points évidents (http/2, compression...) Mais ça ne suffit pas toujours.
La première chose à laquelle on peut penser pour adresser des problèmes de performances, c'est d'utiliser l'outil "Performance" des DevTools #Logique
Cet outil est incroyablement complet. Oui, mais...
Il explique tout ce que fait le navigateur quand il affiche la page : temps passé au chargement des ressources, au scripting, à l'affichage. On peut y voir l'utilisation du CPU, de la mémoire. On a également le détail complet de la pile d'exécution du JavaScript du site.
Read 8 tweets
May 17th 2022
Voici ma première partie sur les #DevTools de Chrome. Nous allons parler #Performances et #Lighthouse. En effet, l'une des utilités des DevTools, c'est de comprendre pourquoi son site ou sa page est lente, et voir ce que l'on peut faire pour y remédier...
Le premier outil est donc "Lighthouse". Il s'agit d'un analyseur de page web. Il faut noter que cet outil n'est pas propre aux Chrome DevTools. On le retrouve sur, et peut même s'intégrer dans une chaîne de CI:…
L'exécution est très simple : on ouvre le panneau adéquat, et on lance l'analyse. On peut y préciser la nature des résultats souhaités : Performances, Accessibilité, Bonnes Pratiques, SEO ou PWA. On peut aussi cibler les mobiles en particulier.
Read 13 tweets
Apr 26th 2022
Inspired to keep pushing the culture forward 🏃‍♀️

ChainSafe 💛 has had a fulfilling week @EFDevconnect, Amsterdam Blockchain Week, and @ETHGlobal's #ETHAmsterdam.

We feel incredibly humbled to share community with such impassioned and talented humans ♥️ across #web3

Recap 🧵
After the revelry that was @0xliscon and having to witness @EthereumDenver from the sidelines, the Euro chapter of ChainSafe could not WAIT to kickstart AMS.

Above all, TY 🙏 to the @Ethereum Foundation for putting on the INCREDIBLE @EFDevconnect in the unparalleled BvB.

(The bikes were pragmatic to say the least)

Think @Tbaut, @waymobetta, @tahabe_, and Afri would agree here 😂
Read 14 tweets
Mar 18th 2022
#CryptoEducation Gems [Mega Thread]

A navigational aid for the variety of projects featured in current @gitcoin #GR13:

A curated list of projects that are helping blockchains become an integral part of the world by empowering people with knowledge and education. 🤓🔖💪

🔎 @LearnWeb3DAO / @haardikkk
(education system)

For open-minded individuals, interested in everything they need to know in order to become a #Web3 native.

A very rich resource with a fast-growing userbase of Web3 students.


2/N #GR13
🔎 Odyssey DAO / @odyssey_dao
(Educational DAO / resource)

For #Web3 newcomers interested in high-quality learning material with a variety of learning paths.


3/N #GR13
Read 70 tweets
Jul 25th 2021
Today while hearing Mann ki Baat @narendramodi with my father. My father a physician who served in AMC, Indian Army, & 1971 war veteran asked me, why don't I make a ppt of what the PM is speaking. I thought why not. A picture can say 1000 words. So, after 10 hours here it is
(2) The opening was around patriotism and sacrifice. First the sports members who have worked hard to represent India @Olympics @ianuragthakur @KirenRijiju .But it also important to remember the sacrifice of our soldiers @adgpi #KargilVijayDiwas #MannKiBaat @tuhins @c_aashish
(3) We now 75 years old since Independence, but India/Bharat is far older. We need to know all unsung heroes’ stories, so that we know how many sacrificed to provide this freedom. To celebrate this freedom #AmritMahotsav 75 lakh+ National Anthem participants. @MinOfCultureGoI
Read 8 tweets
Jun 9th 2021
Google announced the release of Lighthouse 8.0 with a mix of stricter
& easier scoring. Most sites are estimated to enjoy improved scores.

What Changes to Google Lighthouse Tool?👇

#Lighthouse #Corewebvitals #webperf #pagespeed #wordpress #seo #blogging #Google #perfmatters
1️⃣ Performance score has been re-weighted
2️⃣ Total Blocking Time (TBT) Scoring is Stricter
Read 5 tweets
Mar 1st 2021
🔴 Responsabilité numérique : l'exemple des #musées 🏛️

Je publie aujourd'hui une étude pour analyser l'état du web muséal français autour des enjeux d'#opendata, de #privacy, d'#a11y et d'#ecoconception.

Thread à dérouler ⬇️ 1/33
tl;dr : déroulez le thread ;

📰 Sinon, l'étude est accessible ici :
📊 Les données sont ici :… (eh oui, #opendata oblige)

Tout est sous licence @creativecommons, n'hésitez pas à la réutiliser. 2/X
❔ Partie 1 - Méthode - Quel périmètre d'analyse ?

Je me suis intéressé aux 100 #musées les plus fréquentés en France, en 2018. En repartant des données en #opendata du @MinistereCC.

Si on soustrait quelques doublons de sites, on obtient 89 sites web étudiés.

Read 33 tweets
Feb 25th 2021
Our third #AldabraResearchStation50 post focuses on some of the #Aldabraresearchstation’s critical infrastructure which has made major discoveries possible and enables ongoing ecosystem monitoring & scientific #research. 1/10

#throwback #ThrowbackThursday #Seychelles #Aldabra
First up is the #research block, the station’s heart. Originally constructed by @theroyalsociety and officially inaugurated on the 30th June 1971 it has experienced various visible changes while welcoming many #Seychellois & international researchers. 2/10
Another major change to #Aldabra’s infrastructure, also visible in these photos, is the #lighthouse. At 17M tall the solar-powered lighthouse, erected in 2013, helps vessels stay clear of Aldabra&its reefs. 3/10
Read 10 tweets
Dec 31st 2020
En 2020, ese horror, hemos tenido una buena remesa de ediciones de #jazz de #archivo. Ha habido mucha cosa buena, incluido esto de @DotTimeRecords, con dúos de #piano y piano/batería de #LennieTristano.…. ¿Cómo viene #2021? 1/5
De momento, con buenas perspectivas. La misma gente de DotTime prevé sacar un inédito de #Tristano en trío en directo. Se anunciará aquí:… 2/5
Más: #MaRainey ha vuelto al candelero y habrá reedición seria de sus grabaciones completas, incluyendo inéditos. Del sonido se encarga Dados sus precedentes (King Oliver, Wolverines en Archeophone), se puede apostar a ciegas (¿a sordas?). 3/5
Read 57 tweets
Oct 26th 2020
Town manager of Hull makes "land grab" against Graves Light. Files in court to force us to stop our work or face a $25,000-a-day fine. We're not even located in the town.… @BostonGlobe
HULL TOWN MANAGER'S LAND GRAB: "When we bought the place" in 2013, Graves Light owner Dave Waller tells the Hull Times, the official documents "said it was unincorporated territory in Suffolk County."

Hull is in Plymouth County. Hull never claimed Graves before. @BostonGlobe
Tax assessor said the Graves property tax bill was an error.

“Hull kind of came along about six years afterward,
and the town manager just claimed it,” Dave Waller tells Hull Times.

“But then they called back and said they spoke to
the town manager and that it was correct.”
Read 13 tweets
Aug 10th 2019
Going to the beach. I need a stress free day. 🏖 wish me luck (I usually hate the breah)
Finally made it to the beach.
Beach update. Finally all set up. The only time you'll see me smiling at the beach is under an umbrella and completely covered. So for now I'm doing ok. 🏖🏖🏖
Read 12 tweets
Dec 10th 2018
This #Lighthouse update will be in tweet-storm form! 🌩️ This is an experiment in gaining more input from the community. If it's easier for y'all to comment, maybe we'll hear more from you!

FYI, Lighthouse is a security-first Ethereum 2.0: Serenity client in @rustlang! 1/12
#SigmaPrime is still in the process of hiring a new Rust developer 🦀. We've had some great applicants but we'd love to see some more. If you want to build and contribute to the security of Ethereum, you should apply: 2/12
#Lighthouse is seeing some repeat contributors from the community, which is really exciting. Our SSZ Tree Hash implementation is underway by mjkeating and g-r-a-n-t has been adding tests. These contributions are hugely appreciated, thank you ❤️ 3/12
Read 13 tweets
Jun 3rd 2018
#Minister Rev'd Yemi Graceman Aduloju @RevGraceman


Deuteronomy 7:8
Exodus 3:7,8

#liccng #lighthouse, #lightcathedral, #graceman #FreshFire
Every man's destiny is a reflection of hands laid upon him or words spoken into his life.


#liccng #lighthouse, #lightcathedral, #graceman #FreshFire
Words have the power, like hands, to hold a man's destiny down or push him forward.


#liccng #lighthouse, #lightcathedral, #graceman #FreshFire
Read 20 tweets

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