Paul McCartney's masterpiece Tug of War released #OTD 4/26/1982 (40 years ago)! Produced by #Beatles producer George Martin, the album featured Stevie Wonder, Ringo Starr and Carl Perkins. The smash #1 hit Ebony and Ivory sought perfect harmony. This...
2/ #PaulMcCartney#TugOfWar … was his first post-Beatles album produced by George Martin. The production is impressive, the songs varied. It's in the wake of Lennon's death, the Wings breaking up, etc.
3/ #BLM#EbonyAndIvory was a beautiful song AND a video marvel. McCartney and Wonder were shown “side by side on my piano” though actually across the Atlantic Ocean from each other. Then again, McCartney helped invent the music video, so maybe no surprise?
4/ RE: Paul McCartney and the Beatles: it's hard to believe that Meet the Beatles/Ed Sullivan Show to Tug of War was not even 20 years...
Galveston: In 1900, Galveston, population 36,000, was obliterated, making it the site of the worst natural disaster in US history, a sad record it retains to this day. 6,000 to 12,000 were killed, thousands of buildings wiped out, etc. 1/
2/ Galveston was rebuilt with a massive seawall and the land was raised as much as 17 feet. 15 years later, another similar hurricane and storm surge hit. The wall worked. Only 53 were killed. #Galveston#Texas#hurricane#UShistory
3/ 1900 #Galveston hurricane: Galveston was one of Texas' largest cities and was very, very wealthy. Disregarding #statistics#probabilities#science#data, plans for a seawall to protect the sandbar city were dismissed as ridiculous. #nature
1/ 700 British regulars, marching all night from Boston, arrive shortly after dawn at Lexington Commons in Lexington, Massachusetts to seize Colonial arms, John Hancock, Samuel Adams, etc. #OTD#History
2/ 77 Colonial patriots under Capt. John Parker face 400 British Redcoats led by Major John Pitcairn. Colonials are mixed irregulars w/ a mix of ages and training. The British are highly trained well-equipped light infantry. Pitcairn orders dispersal. But one of his men fires.
3/ Firing on both sides. Black powder smoke, sparks and flashes fill the air. Colonials fire from behind a wall, but with a massive advantage in firepower, the British wound ten and kill eight Americans. The rest melt away. British wounded are one man and Pitcairn’s horse.
1/ TUE 4/18/1775: Gen. Gage orders 700 Redcoats to assemble at Boston Common to march on Lexington and Concord to seize John Hancock, Sam Adams and Colonial stores of weapons, ammo, tents, etc.
Paul Revere AND Samuel Dawes leave Boston at night to sound the alarm.
#OTD 2/ TUE 4/18/1775: Hancock and Adams are staying in Lexington at Hancock's grandfather's home that's been passed down to his female cousin. Paul Revere boats north from Boston then borrows a horse to ride NW (~13 miles). Samuel Dawes rides south then turns NNW (~19 miles).
3/ Insurrection background... In Sept. 1768, 4,000 British Redcoats arrived in Boston after the French Indian War (1756-1763) and never left. They converted the Boston Common into their base. #history#AmericanRevolution#Lexington and #Concord
2/ The Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird has two near twins: A-12 recon and YF-12 prototype-only interceptor (three made). A YF-12 is at the USAF Museum in Dayton. It has cut-back "chines" (where the wing meets the fuselage). TR: Detail from Wiki. Bottom: SR-71 for comparison.
3/ A-12; 15 built; 6 lost; 9 on display. Crew: 1; Crew: 2,500 lb payload. 101'7" long x 55'7" wingspan x 18'6" tall. Wing area: 1,795 sq ft. Mach 3.1. 85K' ceiling. 2,900 mile range. What differentiates this visually from the SR-17. Anyone? Source:…
Rush Limbaugh is dead at relatively young 70. Thus ends the life of one of the most horrible Americans ever. When people look back at his life, they will remember that he was never for America, but for hate, partisanship and division. #karma