Take 15 mins. Watch this video. It's more important to you than you know.
This is what China is doing, but Western governments are on exactly the same path #technologically; they just have a different set of #rationalisations.
...of @ukhomeoffice's centralised #biometric National Identity Register - the heart of the #IDcards scheme in the 2000s - and is as true of @DCMS's "Identity & Attributes Trust Framework" 👇 of which the first 'adopters' include the #HomeOffice (again)...
Umm. Hasn't anyone at @MoJGovUK told @DominicRaab that a "Bill of Rights Bill" won't enter the statute books as a #BillOfRights (if passed) but only as a Bill of Rights *Act*?
We still have to wait for the Bill to be published, of course - but the petty press release:
makes it clear this isn't a #BillOfRights; it's not even a #BillOfGoods - it's a Bill of #Bads and #Wrongs that starts off poorly, and then gets even worse...
Even as it characterises #HumanRights claims as "trivial", the Government reveals its fatuity; the example it gives 👇 refers to a ruling that simply required the UK Courts to see through *their own process*!
Just how "trivial" does this Government consider #DueProcess to be??
...indeed, the chart itself 👇 suggests that "the women of Wakefield" support the Liberal Democrats LESS than the men.
This rather American(?) conflation of "left" and "liberal" in both language and assumption is a form of #CategoryError - in large part due to the insistence...
...on the all-too #binary 'left/right' framing that fails to encompass many nuances within politics.
That UK-level choices prefer only two 'parties of Government' does not entirely reflect either sentiment or ground reality, as the local government layer in England indicates...
I see #NHSEx has published the slides from its @HDR_UK “Data Access & Discovery” event, charmingly subtitled “A Forest Through the TREs” - on YouTube, if you want to listen:
*I thought the phrase was “cannot see the forest for the TREs”, but hey...
One reason we use the category term #TRE to refer to Trusted Research (or any other use) Environments that meet the #FiveSafes is that everyone wants to call their own TRE something different, so no-one really knows what they mean...
Call yours what you like (e.g. for @ONS it's their Secure Research Service) but if it only does four #Safes, or three Safes - and if it isn’t also #consensual and fully #transparent - then it's not a #trustworthy TRE...
Appalling bit of subediting(?) but the article itself lays out both the history and US context of #RoeVsWade and the consequences of overturning it with rather more nuance:
The "right approach" the writer appears to support 👇 is the codification of the #RightToChoose into federal #law - which should have happened decades ago. The major issue being the parlous state of US politics...
For the avoidance of doubt, I absolutely support women's #RightToChoose - it is not for ANY authority to tell people what they can or can't do with their bodies. Anger is justified, but not enough; this is an issue around which people must #mobilise and begin taking back #agency.