Thread 🧵👇:
After so many years of work and as a post Epstein-Barr virus infection #MECFS sufferer it makes me really happy that they have put our article on the cover of the August issue of Pathogens journal 👉
Until recently nobody talked about post-viral syndromes (actually they should be called chronic infectious syndromes) and they left all of us patients isolated both at a health and social level. Unfortunately it took another virus like #SARSCoV2 to show us how viruses are ...(2/)
...capable of developing chronic diseases like #LongCovid . It is curious that for bacterial infections we use antibiotics but for viral infections we leave it to our immune system to manage to control it. This must change. (3/)
We must prevent with antiviral treatments to prevent the development of #chronicdiseases such as Long COVID, ME/CFS, autoimmune diseases and even cancer. It is absurd to think that everyone's immune system can resolve most viral infections. (4/)
Patients who develop diseases associated with these viruses were previously completely #healthy. Having one or another type of MHC-II allele can make you weaker or more resistant to certain viruses. In the case of herpesviruses, it is not the viral particles that ...(5/)
...are the problem, but the latent cells that cause the immune disruption. The Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is one of the oldest viruses with which humans have coexisted, even since we were apes. Living with this virus has led to the evolution of its evasion mechanisms and...(6/)
...also of our resistance mechanisms (MHC-II alleles).
In the case of EBV, the patient only needs to have one of the "ancestral" alleles (the oldest) of the MHC-II weak against EBV, since one of the main reasons why this virus is related to the MHC-II alleles is ...(7/)
...because it infects cells through the interaction of its viral protein gp42 with the cell's MHC-II. In this way it fuses its membrane with that of the cell, forming a new gp42-MHC-II complex that alters antigenic presentation to CD4 T cells,...(8/)…
...since MHC-II is essential for the #Immune system to know what is foreign and what is not. By decreasing this antigen presentation to CD4 T cells, an acquired immunodeficiency develops that allows any inflammatory stimulus (other infection) in any tissue to lead to the... (9/)
...formation of EBV-infected ectopic lymphoid aggregates. This, together with the altered immunosurveillance caused by the evasion mechanisms of these cells with EBV latency (increased Th2 and Treg), would lead to increased proliferation of these cells, ...(10/)
...which would increase the risk of neoplastic transformation or #autoimmune disease in these tissues.
In the case of #LongCovid two things can happen. That patients have other "weak" MHC alleles against that virus or that they are the same weak alleles against #EBV, ... (11/)
...allowing #SARSCoV2 infection to cause recruitment of B cells with EBV latency and form these lymphoid aggregates. In other words, EBV is an opportunistic #virus that takes advantage of the infection of other pathogens to settle in different tissues. (12/)
These tissues finally end up with chronic inflammation by activating receptors (TLRs) that continuously detect viral genetic material, causing an increase in the inflammatory and innate response but without the adaptive response being able to... (13/)
...control the #infection completely due to the decrease in the activation of CD4 T cells. This acquired #immunodeficiency also causes reactivation of other latent pathogens such as other #herpesviruses and Parvovirus B19, adding more problems and more #inflammation. (14/)
That is why it is common to have viral reactivations in all EBV-associated diseases.
A long thread 👇🏼:
I would like to share with you my latest review article. The Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) has long been known to be behind the development of autoimmune diseases, cancer and is even suspected to be behind the development of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/… (1)
…Myalgic Encephalomyelitis and Long COVID. But it is still unclear what pathways it uses.
In this review I describe how the possession of certain ancestral HLA-II alleles (a system used by our immune system to recognize which proteins are foreign,… (2)
…such as pathogens, and which are not) makes the individual genetically weak to control EBV latent cells, thus developing different diseases. EBV infects B cells through a protein on its surface called gp42, which allows it to bind to HLA-II molecules on the B cell surface. (3)
La cuantificación del virus de Epstein-Barr utilizando la técnica PCR en sangre normalmente sale negativo en estos pacientes, puesto que el problema son las células con latencia del virus. (1)
Hay que realizar la prueba en lugares donde haya acumulación de estas células, es decir, en tejido, por ejemplo, en la mucosa intestinal. (2)
Otra opción es aislar las células mononucleares (incluye las células B) de la muestra de sangre del paciente y compararla con una persona sana que también haya pasado la infección.(3)
Abro hilo largo👇
Me gustaría compartir con vosotros mi último artículo de revisión. Desde hace mucho tiempo se sabe que el virus de Epstein-Barr (EBV) está detrás del desarrollo enfermedades autoinmunes, cáncer e incluso se sospecha que está detrás... (1)
...del desarrollo de Síndrome de Fatiga Crónica/Encefalomielitis Miálgica y del Long COVID. Pero todavía no está claro las vías que utiliza. En esta revisión describo como la posesión de ciertos alelos ancestrales de HLA-II... (2)
...(sistema que utiliza nuestro sistema inmune para reconocer que proteínas son extrañas ,como lo patógenos, y cuales no) hace que el individuo sea débil genéticamente para controlar las células con latencia de EBV, desarrollando así distintas enfermedades. (3)