1/ Expanding the Macro - a Treatise on what I see #macro#market analysis 9/17
So first thing I want to point out, is the divergence between wishful @Binance $BTC weekend price and #CME's. Just to knock out crypto quickly - here's the weekend divergence. tradingview.com/x/usR93lCv/
2/ There's 3 ways it goes, but in *decreasing* order of likeliness. 1: we return to that gap to then pick a direction, 2: we tap it for a second upon open tomorrow (18 hours from now) and then continue upwards, or 3: we leave a gap that we fill on 9/21 #FOMC
3/ is $ETH in the same boat? You bet. So that's #crypto for the weekend, for anyone following. Lots of caveats can be applied here to add additional analysis tradingview.com/x/ipsp0FQs/
4/ For example, #OI (open interest) is fading on BTC already on this scam pump because of course it is. BTC is being dumped to exchange as I type this because of course it is. OI fade: imgur.com/a/T3XWZZF
5/ Likewise, surely coincidence people are dumping on exchange already, even if it's small (possibly because weekend). imgur.com/Gz6J34N
6/ If you've read my analysis, I'm sure this is your face as well. So that's crypto. Fake pump on air, almost no reason to be bullish, wake me later. gph.is/g/aNz3Aq9
7/ #DXY continues to pump, and stock market is walkin down slowly, despite the biggest gap in decades Friday. We pretty much have to raise rates for now. tradingview.com/x/lHP91yHJ/
8/ Macro shows us that budget is matching #CPI for now, an indication I use. Call it the #ergodic budget, a term I'm making up for fun. tradingview.com/x/nB7GSz1n/
9/ Meanwhile, see that 2y and 10y #inversion, and current rate from fed below them both? That means...if we don't want fed to have to cut rates on themselves, they'll have to raise rates - which increases 2y and 10y significantly. Good for people with USD bank accounts, but...
10/ Terrible for people imagining any asset under the sun is not going to collapse when we are bordering on safer returns from bank accounts than from the stock market coming. None will survive. 2y will by definition go up faster than 10y, it's if fed ever goes above 10y...
11/ that you need to be 100% cash or short everything for at least a year. We're not at that point yet, but it can happen. #gas and #oil are near forming H&S to go down, but it'll take months into probably next year. tradingview.com/x/7L3WmFTw/
12/ The problem there becomes after the H&S, where they moon. So we have a year or two of bear, and then we repeat 1980's relative policy and then it explodes in price. Oil less likely than gas, as Oil demand is disappearing. wolfstreet.com/2022/09/14/gas…
13/ This is called #Russia collapse. Just takes time. Like I said, I think Russia is going to be gone as a global power or as a country - either or. I don't think a Putin exit is necessarily in the cards or would change that trajectory, even if it's a decade out.
14/ What about energy? Energy may explode even if we don't get rid of Bitcoin, but if we do, it too will go down. Bad news for the entire sector or good news, depending. Likely energy is going to explode, and banks will do just fine. tradingview.com/x/haKMX7Ib/
15/ So hold onto your hats, it's going to be a hell of a ride ahead.
I still am guessing a 1% #rate#hike (100bps) but it could be 0.75% again, who knows. Probably that or larger because I bet the fed will want more breathing room. At some point I'll write on inflation and how people get it wrong, but now's not the time.
Don't forget you still have the bad form of influencers out there trying to just get follows all day, tells you we haven't hit bottom or anywhere near - because he's not telling people how to sell.
Friday Fudgery #Cryptocurrency Market / #Bitcoin Market analysis 9/16
I'm using the words lightly there, but I hope it's quite clear. As it's a quadruple witching friday, I watched trades basically evaporate. It was kind of a mess.
$SPY went up and down all day, thus $BTC as well. tradingview.com/x/Jt1R0JzH/ Notice distinctly how the $BTC responses are slower, because that's what I want to call attention to.
Remember when I talked about billions in liquidity exiting the market faster than sand falls through someone's hand? This is the result. There's nobody trading crypto and so the prices can't really move.
So, our big bearish channel trend got confirmed. tradingview.com/x/mLp5u6eS/ Nothing has changed outside of that, really.
#CPI is slightly bearish #PPI is bearish, #quadruple witching is tomorrow. Looks like people dumped close to a billion dollars of $BTC a couple days ago, and over 5 billion since August.
So, I warned in my quarterly Macro - that I see Russia collapse coming. And I mean, the entire country. This means: even the Russians don't want to serve anymore after the rout.
Technically Bullish, but for how long? 🤷 #Cryptocurrency Market/#Bitcoin Analysis 9/11
So, I guess we're bullish for now. Let me add emphasis again: *FOR NOW*. 4H crossups are significant headwind for at least even short term bullishness. Follow the market.
Macro things: #Ukraine has crushed the F out of #Russia and may have turned the war. So all those macro scenarios are going to come into play very soon, be it bullish or bearish - someone is going to make a move.
Now comes the real market moves, catalysts are set . How to safely navigate what's to come! ⚠
Quarterly Global Market Analysis 9/10 -
This one is going to be big, macro, and significant. Multiple things are happening.
We have a lot of things in flux, and this is a time people are scared. It's time to focus. Not time to open your wallet, nope. But to be prepared for all possible situations ahead of us. Focuses: $CL $SPX $BTC #Ruble $RUBUSD
First, #Russia is screwed and #Ukraine made an extremely significant and successful military play. I've been writing on the professional side about how significant this is, but it cannot be understated the impact of these two countries.