[*Quotes/highlights:*] “…the Republicans were at one point cornered by justifiable attacks about being backed by special interests, so they concocted this idea that the Democrats were too.” []
[] “An added benefit for Republicans & the Filthy Rich in ‘democratizing’ the guilt this way is that folks thinking all politicians are the same, that they’re all taking money, means they would be unlikely to vote.” []
[]“…when the term was coined, the *special* interests were thought of as the interests of the very small numbers of wealthy people & their financial arms,..”[]
[] “Keep in mind also it would only be the rich capitalist owners in these industries who would see the benefits. That is the real meaning of *special*.” []
[] “What is recklessly ignored is that when this regulation easing, as in our example, goes into effect, it will actually kill some people; it will diminish people’s lives….” []
[] “…that’s the magical meaningless mantram—‘American workers will suffer’—which is another one of those lies again added to create fog, to create confusion,..” []
[] “…small groups with higher rates of crime, when there is smaller mounds of money to protect them, are labeled as ‘criminal gangs,’ ‘hoodlums,’ ‘organized crime,’ ‘gang-bangers’ & the like.”[]
[] “…the immeasurably larger crime of the super wealthy is let go...and this in spite of the fact mentioned that the future threat is larger & considerably more likely if the current wrong is not addressed.” []
[] “One way or another the idea is to obscure the reality that help to the banks will help primarily this small group, in this case, of bankers, & to make it that their problem is seen as our problem, the public’s problem.” []
[] “This increases the pressure on politicians to grant the favor. For it is spun that it is not the wealthy investors whose welfare is at stake but the public at large” []
[] “…in retrospect that money would have been much more wisely spent going somehow directly into the people’s hands who needed it, not by funneling it through the hands of gluttonous banking institutions.” []
[] “…society *did* pay dearly, did suffer, even though the banks *were* paid their extortion money, handsomely too. & since so much of that loot went to the folks who didn’t need it, overall the economy ended up worse off.” []
[] “…the game is to claim that the pain of those with wealth is really the American people’s pain, so as to make it seem a large number of people would be helped when they get the bailout,.." []
[] “…[to make it seem a large number of people would be helped when they get the bailout,] when they succeed at their larceny against the American people.” []
[] “That’s a lot of what the difference is. It is that some people [Republicans, MAGAts, the Filthy Rich, Trump] will wager with any amount of harm to others; they will say anything, will make up anything.” []
[]“…their game—that of the Filthy Rich—involves winning at any cost to others, being willing to assert anything, with no thought that truth *should even come into a bargaining situation*.”[]
[] “It’s like, we can make a good argument; we can convince people; we can persuade people; we can fool enough people into thinking it’s true...and that’s all that matters.” []
[] “The Filthy Rich are seeing these matters, which are of dire importance to most of society, about the way we do when playing a game of Monopoly, in which we compete without consequences & try to win without remorse.” []
[]“The consequences of their cavalier play are being felt somewhere. Yet the Filthy Rich cover up their unconcern through the pretense of acting on interests not of their own, but of that reliable home base of the society at large.”[]
[] “No longer were phrases like ‘society-at-large,’ the common good, government of & by the people, the welfare of the majority, government ‘caring’ for people, anyone’s suffering being eased, & such even brought in.” []
[] “[Words like *suffering, compassion, ease, good, benefit, the people*,] were considered deal breakers if let into the conversation on matters that were deemed, well...‘real.’” []
Finally, if what your prefer are the paperback or ebook/Kindle versions, you may acquire them at the links below. All my books are priced at cost or the minimum allowable.
[*Quotes/highlights:*] “You don’t know what I’m getting at. Yet this is the indicator of the gradual change in our country that would be missed by those younger than myself.” []
“It begins in then-current time against a backdrop of the usual violence, chaos, & turbulence that we are conditioned by the media to believe characterized the Nineties in America.”
[*Chapter 10 text begins:*] What do these events have in common? The popularity of Democrats since the 90s, with Obama’s favorability ratings high despite US entanglement in several wars; the astounding progress in race relations…”
“…exemplified by ever increasing numbers of African-Americans elected & appointed to the highest posts in US government since the 90s, highlighted by the election of the 1st ever black president in the most lopsided victory in decades;”
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