“We delve more deeply into the Class War that has been behind the Culture War as laid out in Parts 1, 2, & 3. We see the 50-year invisible “family” revealed—the “community” that surrounded all Americans & affected every aspect of their lives..”
“…[the “community” that surrounded all Americans & affected every aspect of their lives,] including, & intentionally, the basic components of one’s personality & the erosion of reason, Soul, & independent thought or action.”
“Part 4 of *Culture War, Class War 2022*, this part on “Obvious Truths,” delineates the history of the American Republican Party’s incredibly disciplined, relentlessly persistent, & amazingly cohesive—seemingly coordinated—”
“These falsehoods were introduced carefully, slowly, & therefore invisibly, over time, one-by-one with persistent, relentless repetition replacing reason or rational persuasion;”
“…along with a coordinated campaign whose goal was the creation of an American Mind eroded of rationality & confused & made fertile & desperately receptive to these fabrications seamlessly portrayed as truths.”
“These “obvious truths” were employed together with an exact & strategic use of misinformation precisely targeted & measured for the achievement of specific ends.”
“These were combined with their campaign to physically & financially weaken the American public through the simultaneous, & equally slow, meticulous, & perfectly coordinated introduction of policies,..”
“…[policies,] which though not invisible were cleverly packaged & perfectly timed to confuse the obvious step-by-step & year-by-year connections of these policies with their cumulative, increasingly successful results.”
“The intended goal [of this campaign of the super wealthy] was the castration of the power of all Americans except for the Filthy Rich & the Republicans in government, their lackeyed public faces.”
“Coincident with this goal, what was sought were the lessening of Americans’ power to act constructively to alleviate even their clearly felt & increasing suffering;”
“& [what was sought by the Filthy Rich was] the creation of an American consciousness clouded & afog in confusion & thus forgetful of its past as a point of comparison.”
“What was desired [by the super wealthy] was an American personality splintered & disintegrated & desperate for something however irrational to which to cling.”
“[The Filthy Rich] reasoned this disunity of [American] purpose would be the natural consequence of the average person’s confused state & its inability to discern indisputable aspects of reality which,..”
“…[indisputable aspects of reality which,] otherwise & in times prior to the campaign, would have been obvious organizing principles giving rise to passionate resistance. In the past,..”
“…passionate engagement in action to change one’s circumstances could occur bc of the former unconfused clarity in witnessing big events & pervasive, blatant,& universal patterns of change & making the obvious & easy correct interpretations.”
“& in the past these convictions were reinforced virtually universally by the great majority of Americans, who also witnessed the obvious same things & made the apparent & doubtless interpretations that cried out from them.”
“In contrast to the former American personality, this campaign by an American, & increasingly global, elite worked to create an apathetic, neutered American easily manipulated to the ends of wealthy overseers.”
“This Part of *Culture War, Class War 2022* reveals the fifty-year invisible family & community that surrounded all Americans & affected every aspect of their lives,..”
“…including, & intentionally, the basic components of one’s personality through the unrelenting batterings upon reason, Soul, & independent thought or action.”
“I explain how only because of increasingly cocky & greedy acts & extreme over-reaching “in broad daylight,” before the entire world, did this malevolent surround become visible.”
“These brutish & thievish over-reaches displayed an incredible disregard for, disrespect of, indeed, an actual literal inability of the Filthy Rich & their Republican puppets to *see* American People, who were the recipients of these attacks.”
“Together these reveals—displayed unintentionally however blatantly & unknowingly by the Republicans & the “Filthy Rich”... & before the entire world—disclosed to the masses of Americans some “cracks,” “stains,”..”
“…or textures in the “dome” of unreality they’d existed in, which had made them blind to Reality itself, & had kept them in a near zombie-like dream reality.”
“…& then with remembering they realized how they had been trained like animals their entire lives for the uses, whatever they would be, of the “Filthy Rich,” & been trained then to forget that.”
“What is also evident is the absolute inability of the Filthy Rich...which was the shocking thing they’d carelessly let out & therefore displayed to the World...the absolute inability of the Republicans & the Filthy Rich to actually notice—”
“[the absolute inability of the Republicans & the Filthy Rich to actually notice]—let alone view or act towards—Americans as anything even living or having sentient ability, let alone as humans, people, or individuals.”
“And as for the term “fellow Americans” often employed by Rich-publican politicos in addressing the masses—to make it seem as if you are one of them, or they are one of you—if that thought even crossed your mind for a second…”
“…as being anything but a device, you are not fully appreciating just how literally I mean for my words to be taken. You may very well, in fact, be deeply dreaming & have missed the crack in the dream state…”
“…that had shone the light in the eyes of a sufficiently large segment of the world population as to cause them to come out of trance & begin to untie their formerly invisible bonds, so that they could try looking around.”
“Which led to the realization of the reality that had been blocked from view & to the beginnings of investigations into the real truths of their existence.”
“Which led to this series of expositions, among others, delineating the actual, formerly invisible profile of the actual actors in Americans’ lives & their processes of control.”
“Which investigations revealed as well the things in ordinary people’s lives that were determined for them by the “Filthies,” though ordinary folks thought they had been making decisions for themselves.”
“And the last aspect of this series delineates the real factors in our lives & the outlines of the real intentions for us these puppet masters have had, & have even now in mind.”
“[*Chapter 15 text begins:*] “The Rise & Fall of ‘Obvious Truths’” discusses the history of the American Republicans’ incredibly disciplined, relentlessly persistent, & amazingly cohesive, seemingly coordinated fifty-year campaign…”
[*Quotes/highlights:*] “…what happened to our country? We were supposed to be a country that valued human life, for example, but is now valuing contract law over that.” []
“[*Chapter 13 text begins:*] With these factors in mind, what have we experienced in the last two decades, as the Sixties Generation finally got its turn at the wheel?”
“The paramount theme in *Pleasantville*—which is that thinking for oneself & following one’s own unique path & being open to the change that comes with that brings “color,” truth,& aliveness to one’s life—is truly a 60s Generation idea.”
“Again, it is not that it has never been thought before. All great ideas have been thought before, but that does not mean they have been implemented on a sociocultural, macrocosmic level.”