1. Knee osteoarthritis (OA) causes knee pain. It limits mobility, hampers physical activity and contributes to sedentary lifestyle, which in turn, increases the risk of obesity, diabetes, hypertension, heart attack and stroke.
2. Who are at risk of developing knee OA?
*Non-modifiable risk factors:
Female gender and older age
*#obesity: Increases the risk of knee OA three-times. It also accelerates the progression of disease. #MedTwitter#orthotwitter#orthopedics
3. Knee injury: Traumatic joint injury is a major risk factor for osteoarthritis, particularly at the #knee (i.e. meniscal damage, anterior cruciate ligament rupture, or direct articular cartilage injury). Ref: doi.org/10.1097%2FBOR.…
4. High #uric acid: The mean serum uric acid level among patients with knee OA is higher than that among patients without knee OA (6.3 mg/dl vs. 5.7 mg/dl). Hyperuricemia is more common among older outpatients with knee OA than among those without knee OA (39% vs. 19%).
5. Poor muscle strength: Weaker knee flexor and extensor muscles increase the risk of knee OA.
6. What measures can prevent knee OA?
Eating diet rich in #whole#grains can be a nutritional strategy to prevent OA. In a 8-year follow up study, people consuming higher amounts of dark bread and cereal #fibers had 32% and 39% lower risk of developing OA knees respectively.
8. #weightloss:
Losing weight decreases the risk and progression of knee OA.
Decreasing BMI by 2 units or more over 10 years (~5 kg) is associated with 50% lower risk of developing symptomatic knee OA among women.
9. Recreational #running:
The incidence of knee and hip OA is 3.5% in recreational runners as compared to 10.2% in non-runners.
In competitive or elite runners (>92 km running mileage per week), the incidence of OA is higher (13.3%). Ref: jospt.org/doi/10.2519/jo…
10a. Take home messages
*Weight loss, preventing obesity, regular physical activity, knee muscle strengthening, running, drinking coffee and eating diet rich in whole grains can protect against knee OA.
*Obesity, poor muscle strength of hamstrings & quadriceps, sedentary lifestyle, knee injury and occupations involving lifting or carrying heavy weights increase the risk of knee OA.
T3 testing is not routinely needed in managing patients with primary #hypothyroidism
1. Primary hypothyroidism is a common hormonal disorder, which is treated with levo-thyroxine (T4) replacement. #MedTwitter#endocrinology
2. In order to assess the adequacy of T4 dose, some clinicians routinely order #T3 along with #T4 and #TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone). Is routine T3 testing really needed in cases of primary hypothyroidism?
3. Clinician would be able to determine the adequacy or over-replacement of levo-thyroxine (T4) dose on the basis of T4 and TSH levels.
*In cases of over-replacement, T4 will be elevated and TSH suppressed.
*In cases of adequate dosing of T4, TSH and T4 levels would be normal.
Learning case for #doctors 1. 76-year-old man;
8-month history of statis #dermatitis, weakness and painful dysesthesias in the hands and feet.
Sensory-motor type #polyneuropathy was evident in a stocking-and-glove distribution, confirmed by nerve conduction studies. #MedTwitter
2. Extensive testing including brain magnetic resonance imaging, spinal magnetic resonance imaging, and cerebral spinal fluid examinations were nondiagnostic.
Subsequently, serum vitamin B6 (VB6) levels were found to be low at 3.5 ng/mL (normal values: 6.0-40.0 ng/mL for males).
3. Oral supplementation with 60 mg/d of pyridoxal phosphate hydrate (PPH) was initiated, and 1 week later, VB6 levels rose to 39.3 ng/mL, and drastic improvements of polyneuropathy and dermatitis were observed. Pain reduced to 3 from 8 (scale of 0-10) after one week and 0 at 5 wk
1. 20-25% of people aged 50 or more suffer from orthopedic problems such as knee joint pain, hip joint pain, back pain and knee stiffness. Sedentary lifestyle is a major risk factor for them.
2. In a recent study, men with sedentary time of 7.5 hours or more/day had 45% higher risk of orthopedic problems as compared to those with daily sedentary time of <7.5 hours. #MedTwitter#ortho
3. A pink-collar job, physical inactivity during leisure time, and passive (e.g. riding in a car or train) versus active (e.g. walking or riding a bicycle) transportation- were more commonly associated with orthopedic problems in people with daily sedentary time >7.5 hours.
Lowering the weights (dumbbells) alone is as effective as lifting+ lowering them (with only half the effort)
1. In a recent research, the effects of lifting+ lowering weights were compared with either lowering or lifting weights alone on biceps.
Ref: doi.org/10.1007/s00421…
3. The total training volume (dumbbell weight × number of contractions) in Lifting-Lowering (5745 ± 1020kg) was double of that in lifting (2930 ± 859kg) and lowering (3035 ± 844kg), because 3 sets of 10 contractions were performed for both directions in lifting-lowering group.
1. Large number of people are employed in jobs that require working at nights and sleeping in daytime.
Is it healthy? Are there any health hazards associated with this routine?
Let's look at some of the research on this topic.
2. Type 2 #diabetes :
Night shift work, especially rotating shift work including night shifts, is associated with higher type 2 diabetes odds.
Working on #night shifts for >8 nights/month increases the risk of diabetes by 36%. Ref: doi.org/10.2337/dc17-1… #MedTwitter
3. Hypertension: In a recent study, night shift workers were found to have a higher #hypertension risk than day shift workers, which increased with increasing frequency of night shift work. Ref: doi.org/10.1016/j.mayo…
1. Age-related hearing loss is the most common sensory deficit in the elderly and has been identified as the highest modifiable risk factor for dementia (Livingston et al., 2020). #MedTwitter#NeuroTwitter
2. In a recent meta-analysis, the usage of hearing restorative devices (hearing aids or cochlear implants) by participants with hearing loss was associated with a 19% decrease in hazards of long-term cognitive decline.
Ref: jamanetwork.com/journals/jaman…
3. Furthermore, usage of these devices was significantly associated with a 3% improvement in cognitive test scores that assessed general #cognition in the short term.
To be beneficial, hearing aids should be worn for a minimum 4 hours per day.