In an Invited Editorial in @JAMAOnc today, my colleagues & I call for health systems to develop “Comprehensive #Pandemic Support Programs” for their most vulnerable patients.
Vulnerable patients want highly-ventilated or outdoor options & high-quality (e.g., N95) masks for safety. Make it happen.
Tip #3: Health systems should test whether vulnerable patients have a good #antibody response to #vaccines (cutoffs of 5,000 or 11,500 U/mL for anti-S antibodies) to inform risk.
Consider pre-exposure prophylactics, based on the patient & the variant(s) circulating.
Tip #4: Health systems should help patients to sample and correctly wear free high-quality #masks (N95, KN95, KF94, FFP3).
Community-based programs have proven successful. Health systems should step up to support their most vulnerable patients.
Tip #5: Health systems should help vulnerable patients to understand the benefits & limitations of COVID testing, when to time testing, precautions to take after exposures/symptoms, and how to access #RAT and #PCR testing.
Written a decade ago, the article was about how clinicians too often falsely reassured patients w/terminal #cancer that treatment was working just fine.
There are many parallels b/w cancer cancer, the pandemic, & climate change.
If you're advocating for more cautious and compassionate COVID policies or generally "doing the right thing," please keep pushing.
I've had three extremely validating interactions in the past week I wish to share (details disguised)....
#1 - A vulnerable family member had a cable guy come to her home. The cable guy refused to mask, so she refused to let him in and called to complain to the cable company. One of those big, hated cable companies.
Know what they did? Fired him on the spot. 🔥
#2 - Met with a ped's specialist (just a follow up, all is well). The hospital is anti-mask, "wash your hands," full droplet dogma.
BUT she was wearing an N95, says she's never going back. Asked thoughtful questions about the #PAPRbuggy. Shared how scary the pandemic onset was.
1. They compare same-day PCR against self-administered/interpreted rapid tests.
For most ppl, that's not reality. It's RAT today or PCR result in 1-3 days (or do both).
A fairer comparison would be a RAT today versus a PCR yesterday (since you'd have to wait for results).
2. They excluded 13% of the sample who were "confirmatory testers" (weird term) -- basically, people who had just tested RAT+ and were coming in for a PCR.
Basically, they excluded the people for whom the test easily worked. Drug trialists pull this stuff all the time.
YES. I ordered a 6” x 6” sheet with >50 monotone #cancer ribbons from @stickermule. Cost about $20. Price goes waaaaay down the more you order. Comes with free hot sauce for some reason.
66% of adults had at least 1 symptom during the acute phase (first 2 months) of diagnosis of #COVID-19.
I’ve highlighted the symptoms experienced by at least 10%. Note that some of the less common symptoms are quite debilitating though (e.g., 9% w/lung pain).
If you had a #COVID symptom initially, what are the chances it persists beyond 2 months? See 2nd column, green highlights emphasize those enduring among >10%.
Many of the initial symptoms endure in about 20% of ppl. Russian-roulette like odds.