An ETH epoch lasts 6.4mins which equates to ~225 epochs a day, or 57.6K withdrawals.
Logically, validators would withdraw the 2 excess ETH for better use, ie 57.6K x 2 = 115.2K ETH withdrawn a day.
Hence, it takes around 10 days for the full 994K of "inefficient ETH" to be withdrawn.
This 994K ETH could be re-staked into LSDs like Lido or Rocket Pool or sold in open markets, potentially leading to sell pressure across the 10 or more days.
While the narrative of Lido's 51% monopoly is possible, LidoDAO is contemplating limiting their max stake to a fixed % of total staked ETH to ensure decentralization.
I hope you've found this thread helpful.
Follow me @0xsurferboy for more threads on untapped crypto topics 😊
1/31 Telegram's $TON has been outperforming $ETH yet nobody on CT is talking about it... So here you go!
Telegram has been quietly developing the @ton_blockchain ecosystem💎
🧵Here's a DEEP DIVE on Telegram's positioning in Defi and what I think their strategy is ->
Messaging apps are a part of people's daily lives and many are now looking to integrate with payment solutions to offer more convenience, becoming superapps
Superapps provide multiple services for personal and commercial use - think a swiss-army knife.
Particularly in Asia, superapps are dominating the tech space - WeChat, Line, Gojek, Kakao...
However, regulations overseeing superapps are very strict, especially when payment data is involved
(US: Federal Reserve, EU: PSD2, APAC: PS Act)