TODAY @IPCC_CH released its most comprehensive assessment of science of #ClimateChange, impacts & solutions.
This is not the first & won’t be the last wake-up call, but it’s a unique moment.
I was in Interlaken 🇨🇭 for the last 9 days.
Here’s a🧵with my take #ClimateReport👇
Negotiations of the Summary for Policymaker highlighted the clash between the indisputable #ClimateScience & mainstream economic models underpinning mitigation pathways, perpetuate a business-as-usual approach. Incredible work of CSOs put a spotlight on #FossilFuels.
The Summary for Policymakers of the Synthesis Report summarises assumptions and limitations of economic models underpinning @IPCC_CH mitigation pathways so that policymakers can weigh them with caution & choose policies that #FollowTheScience.
All underlying reports put together tell a compelling story:
😱We are already experiencing severe climate impacts #LossAndDamage
😱People are dying
😱Species are going extinct
😱 We are approaching dangerous tipping points
We are not on track to address the urgency of the #ClimateEmergency, it’s high time to change course. 1.5°C is a survival limit for millions of people; overshoot would have catastrophic and irreversible consequences.
Proven and readily available solutions exist and can be rolled out:
✅Renewable energies
✅Reducing energy demand
✅changing our consumption & production, including diets
The #FossilEconomy is under threat; those who profit from BAU are putting all efforts into greenwashing & delay
Those tactics must not distract us from seeing the solutions that are readily available @IPCC_CH makes clear: 1.5°C is feasible, what is lacking is political will
Fossil fuel lobby is coming up with new strategies to delay the unavoidable transition by promoting technological fixes #CCS#CDR.
🦄But the IPCC message to world leaders is clear: This is a fairy tale.
There is no time for #FalseSolutions#KeepFossilFuelsInTheGround
The most ambitious mitigation pathways put out by @IPCC_CH set the floor, not the ceiling, for necessary climate action.
Solving the #ClimateCrisis is not about what works on paper but what delivers in practice.
The #IPCC#ClimateReport confirms: deep, immediate & sustained emissions reductions through an immediate, rapid and equitable fossil fuel phaseout & #HumanRights based #ClimateAction is the surest path to limiting global warming to 1.5°C
Just a few days after the EU’s communication on solar geoengineering that calls for the precautionary principle, the @WhiteHouse @POTUS also released a report on these dangerous, unproven technologies.
On Wednesday, @EU_Commission & @JosepBorrellF released a joint communication recalling the #PrecautionaryPrinciple in response to solar geoengineering threats.
More in our statement: /www.ciel.org/news/ciel-reacts-to-eu-climate-and-security-statement/
The EU report is being widely read as a response of caution, highlighting the risks and dangers of solar geoengineering and the need to take preemptive measures to avoid harm. It is up to the EU now to show true leadership: ciel.org/news/ciel-reac…
Science is crystal clear, the only way to meaningfully reduce emissions is a rapid, equitable, full & funded phase-out of ALL fossil fuels. In this essential #JustTransition, there's is NO space for dangerous distractions such as #CCS or #CarbonRemoval. ciel.org/news/ipcc-sums…
The Sixth Assessment Cycle #AR6 reflects an undeniable scientific consensus: we don't have time, the #ClimateEmergency is already a reality & needs to be addressed NOW, not tomorrow.
#3 #AR6 makes clear:
👉 A rapid & equitable #FossilPhaseOut, and
👉 Rollout of renewable energies alongside energy efficiency and demand-side measures
remain the clearest and most certain path to #ClimateJustice