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Jun 15th 2023
The #BonnClimateConference failed once again to address the key drivers of the #ClimateCrisis [= #FossilFuels]. Delay is the new Denialism.
A 🧵on the #FalseSolutions increasingly being pushed in the @UNFCCC negotiations: #CCS #CDR & #geoengineering are dangerous distractions!
Science is crystal clear, the only way to meaningfully reduce emissions is a rapid, equitable, full & funded phase-out of ALL fossil fuels. In this essential #JustTransition, there's is NO space for dangerous distractions such as #CCS or #CarbonRemoval.…
#CCS is NOT a climate solution @CA_Latest…
#CCS may carry even more risk & uncertainty than drilling for oil or gas, according to @ieefa_institute…
Read 10 tweets
Apr 6th 2023
Today we're in Sri Lanka, almost ready for the launch of the assessment report on the implementation of #smallscalefisheries guidelines in the Asia&Pacific Region! REGISTER HERE TO JOIN US! Image
Jesu Rethinam, member of the Global Advisory Group, representing the IPC: "The SSF People Centred mechanism is a tool made by the communities and for the communities to assess the progress of the #SSFGuidelines implementation worldwide".
#StandWithSmallScaleFishers Image
"Many are the damages affecting Sri Lanka communities, it is important to join hands in event like this to safeguard interest of #smallscalefisheries", Mr. Douglas Devananda, Ministry of Fisheries in Sri-Lanka said.

#StandWithSmallScaleFishers Image
Read 19 tweets
Mar 20th 2023
TODAY @IPCC_CH released its most comprehensive assessment of science of #ClimateChange, impacts & solutions.
This is not the first & won’t be the last wake-up call, but it’s a unique moment.
I was in Interlaken 🇨🇭 for the last 9 days.
Here’s a🧵with my take #ClimateReport👇 Image
Before I start... Let's step back 👣

Here's a @ciel_tweets & @BoellStiftung analysis on the @IPCC_CH's Synthesis Report #ClimateReport

If you missed it, that's a great starting point to understand what #AR6SYR is and why it matters:…
Negotiations of the Summary for Policymaker highlighted the clash between the indisputable #ClimateScience & mainstream economic models underpinning mitigation pathways, perpetuate a business-as-usual approach. Incredible work of CSOs put a spotlight on #FossilFuels. Image
Read 12 tweets
Nov 17th 2022
🚨🆕 #COP27 presidency draft of political decisions:
This proposal appears to be more a cover up than a proposal for cover decisions!
🔥We live in a #FossilFuels crisis, yet draft text:
⚠️fails to call for a phase out of #FossilFuels
⚠️actually opens door for status quo
short🧵 Image
2/ ⚡️good language on need for clean & just transition to renewable energy and to scaling up solar - but reference to "all available clean & efficient energy technologies" aims at allowing continuation of some #FossilFuels disguised as climate solutions Image
3/ ⚠️despite many parties calling for reference to ALL #FossilFuels - incl. small Islands, India, many European States, current draft only focuses on coal power thus failing to call out need to phase out gas and oil despite science/IPCC highlighting the need for it Image
Read 5 tweets
Nov 16th 2022
Hello everyone!

📢Have you done your vocal warm-ups this morning?
It seems that we really need to speak, sing and shout much more as Parties are not listening, or don’t want to…

🎶Do you want to know what is ruining the tune? Read this thread 🧵🎶
Ministerial pairs have been announced to get some of the thorny issues unstuck:
🇿🇦🇩🇰South Africa and Denmark - MWP
🇲🇻🇪🇸Maldives and Spain - GGA
🇮🇳 🇦🇺India and Australia - Finance NCQG
🇸🇬 🇳🇴Singapore and Norway - Art 6
🇨🇱 🇩🇪Chile and Germany - Finance for L&D
#LossandDamage Finance - G77 and China are UNITED! They have presented a clear and concise path which follows in many ways the precedence of the #GCF and Adaptation Fund.
Read 15 tweets
Nov 12th 2021
📛Very concerning at #COP26: many attempts to push #falsesolutions in decision texts to set in stone distractions away from need for real action / fossil fuels phase out ...
Parties must resist these attempts in final hours of COP
See👇👇👇for specific refs Image
New ref. to scaling up CLEAN power generation: as intensive lobbying at EU level indicates, govs & biz have many ideas what this entails: nuclear, BECCS, gas...
this would be 1st ever ref to "clean" instead of "renewable" in a political UNFCCC decision (draft cover COP decision) Image
Weakening down of reference to phasing out of coal - suggesting that only "unabated" coal falls under scope of phase out = implicit support for CCS despite repeated failure (draft cover COP decision)... Image
Read 8 tweets
Jun 3rd 2021
The Swedish forestry industry @Skogsindustrin have this week published a new report by @pholmgren arguing that cutting down more trees is good for the climate.

This is counterintuitive, but is it true?

Let´s do a proper THREAD on ”forest industry math” 🌲 🌲 🌲 🌲


First cred to @JesperStarn @bloomberg who came up with the nice description "forest industry math" in describing the piece in the news - a good phrase to capture the ”creative accounting” going on. This has been shared with great enthusiasm. 2/26…
The research on climate impact of forestry has improved tremendously in the last decade. Concepts such as ”carbon parity/payback time” now describe dynamics taking into account what happens to carbon in forests, products and substitution (e.g. displacing fossils).
🌲💫🌥🌲 3/26
Read 28 tweets

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