Nathalie ANDRIA Profile picture
Jun 13, 2023 21 tweets 16 min read Read on X
🚀 Day 2 of One Planet Fellowship’s #Science Week is on at the #Corum of @montpellier_ !

This morning focuses on #Climate in #Africa with several GIEC (@IPCC_CH) speakers 🎤

Let’s go! ⤵️
@AWARDFellowship @Agrofondation @Cirad Image
🫶🏾 First introductions by Damien Conaré, General Secretary of @UnescoChairFood, Mylène Aycard-Gueydan, General Secretary of @Agrofondation, and Vincent Blanfort, Co-leader of the Strategic Scientific Field « Climate Change » in @Cirad ImageImageImage
Let’s dive in the most recent @IPCC_CH #ClimateReport w/ a focus on the impacts of CC on the African continent

🎤 To start off, Aida Diongue Niang, Meteorologist and Technical Advisor @meteosenegal, set the scene walking us through « Physics and CC » (IPCC/GIEC Group 3 writer)
✍🏾 Key takeaways
- CC is unquestionably caused by humain activities
- Recent CC is global & rapid, escalates, & is at a level without precedent in the past thousands of years
- CC already affects all regions worldwide
- Natural variability in some regions masked the effects of Image
🫣 CC until now (#cooling). Soon we’ll be hit by the actual impacts of CC, that are even going to intensify with the increase of global warming
- Risks and impacts are complex, combined, simultaneous and difficult to manage
- For some changes, there’s no turning back, but Image
some of them could be slowed down and even stopped!

« The climate we will experience in the future depends on the decisions we take now » Image
Listening now to Edmond Totin, Senior Lecturer at Université Nationale d’Agriculture in Bénin,

about the « Impacts, vulnerability and adaptation »
(@IPCC_CH Grp 2 writer)

✍🏾 Key takeaways
- Current adaptation actions are not enough nor efficient (high frequency and intensity Image
of extreme events in Africa; CC uprooting hundreds of thousands of people)
- the hope: multiple, feasible, efficient and #fair options are available to reduce GHG emissions
- but may need to be more transformational than incremental, and implemented at a big (worldwide?) scale ImageImageImage
Barriers to climate resilient develpmt🫸:
- Finance: <4% of global #research funding spent in Africa, in which 14.5% direct my managed by African institutions; too much of a delay between approval and disbursement
- Governance
- Other priorities (w/o realising CC is interfering) Image
- Availability or access to data
- Understanding of the climate change

🔎 Leads:
- Adapt mesures to the different (local) contexts - e.g. improving climate literacy, capacity building (towards local population, local leaders/decision makers and researchers) Image
- Advocate for scaling up and applying Best Practices widely
- #Equity/#socialjustice: countries that contribute the least to the effects of CC suffer the most as they don’t have the same capacity to deal w/ it and implement climate actions
➡️ “Sharing burdens & benefits” Image
- Increase fundings -and simplify financing mechanisms- of climate actions
- Regional initiatives to foster global coordinated actions

Enablers of effective climate action: 📷📎 ImageImage
In light of the diagnostic & impacts, now let’s see what are the “#Mitigation strategies” for #Africa,

with Nadia Maïzi, Director of @TTI5_MinesParis in France
(@IPCC_CH Grp 3 writer)

✍🏾 Key takeaways:
- Africa only emit 9% of total GHG
- Perspective: ↗️
but Image
- Solutions with high potential of GHG emissions decrease by sectors
- If implemented before (/by) 2030
- ⚠️ Not all applicable as-is worldwide, incl. the African continent (regions specificities)
🛠️ Main solutions:
- Energy: ⚡️mix; ↘️ the use of fossil fuels
- Agriculture: changes in land-use, incl. conservation & reforestation
- Industry: recycling, waste management
- Cities & buildings: greening of cities, buildings renovation
- Transports: electrification Image
⚠️in Africa, highly dependent on mining
- Demand & services: changes in our lifestyles, sobriety, etc. to ↘️ our carbon print

💪🏾 Challenge: there may be some financing issues w/ (some of) the solutions, and
we need a systemic and holistic approach so solutions somewhere don’t create issues elsewhere Image
❔To go further and sum up this morning, Q/A!

🎤 Qs from the audience & As from

our 3 @IPCC_CH /GIEC speakers,
welcoming again Benjamin Sultan (@ird_fr/ #OPF),
still moderated by Damien Conaré (@UnescoChairFood)

Very interesting questions!

Sharing few more insights ⤵️ Image
🍼GHG emissions related to development of societies (consumption, technologies, etc.) vs birth rate (e.g. China’s ↘️ birth rate while GHG emissions↗️)

🔦 IPCC/GIEC highlights all the possibilities but can’t make any predictions (2100, 2070, even 2050 is too far)
♻️ energy hydrogen based is renewable depending on how it is synthesised: if its ‘origin’ is not mentioned, there may be sth fishy

☯️ Reminder: as a solution has to be tailored (adapted locally) but will also have an effect or impact globally, always weigh the benefits and risks
👋🏾That’s a wrap for me, but #Science Week continues!

Again, big🙏🏾&👏🏾to all people involved in the One Planet Fellowship #OPF💪🏾💚

Dear #Montpellier, take care of these brilliant minds!☀️

#research #climate #mitigation #biodiversity #Africa #agriculture #gender #socialjustice ImageImageImage

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More from @Nathalie_Andria

Jun 12, 2023
Right before the French Days of #Agriculture 2023, let’s dive in the One Planet Fellowship’s #Science Week!

💚 Follow me for 2 days amongst the inspirational programme’s Laureates!

#OnePlanetFellowship #JNAgri #research #climate Image
🚀 First, a global overview of the #OPF programme - @FondationBNPP has been supporting for 5 years! - by François Pierrot, Acting Director & Ly Ann Kauv Project Officer, from @Agrofondation, Olivier Dangles (@ird_fr) & Michèle Mbo’o-Tchouawou, Deputy Director @AWARDFellowship ImageImageImageImage
🌟 Key notions, challenges and issues reminded:
- New generation of researchers
- Gender equality in science & agriculture
- EU 🔁 Africa
- From local to global
- Capacity building
- Network
- Collaboration (North-South, AND South-South!) Image
Read 31 tweets
Jun 8, 2023
J2 des #DGA2023 🌱 !

Prêt.e.s pour une nouvelle journée de #creativite et d' #engagement avec le @DeauvilleGreenA ?

C'est parti ! 🤘🏾

🧠💭 Première activité pour bien démarrer la matinée : une #Fresque du #Film !

Inspirée de la Fresque du Climat, celle-ci sensibilise aux enjeux environnementaux des activités de l'industrie du #cinéma Image
#transition #environnement

Du constat aux actions concrètes, la #FresqueDuFilm, créée par #LaBase/@juvigoureux, s’appuie sur des rapports scientifiques (#GIEC/@IPCC_CH, @theShiftPR0JECT), des études sectorielles (@LeCNC) et des données empiriques de terrain 🔎
Read 51 tweets
Jun 7, 2023
🎥 "5h Paris s'éveille", direction #Deauville !
Après #Cannes, c'est au festival @DeauvilleGreenA que la #création engagée se célèbre !

⤵️ Suivez-moi dans ces 2j autour de la sensibilisation, la rencontre et l'inspiration vers une #transition écologique et sociale !
#DGA2023 Image
Tout d'abord, j'ai le plaisir d'y représenter la @FondationBNPP et surtout le documentaire #UneEspèceÀPart (@LumentoFilm /@ARTEfr) créé par notre cher @franckcourchamp, qui a été sélectionné 🎖️

RDV demin soir pour savoir s'il recevra un Prix ! 😋 Image
"Le #cinéma est une industrie polluante [mais] Les salles, les œuvres, créent des liens uniques entre les humains, les réunissent autour d’histoires communes, qui influencent la façon dont ils regardent, comprennent le monde [...]
Read 39 tweets

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