"I'm the only one who has said I would vote yes. My opponent at best said she would look into it"
Mosqueda: "all tactics of representative democracy are needed"
Here's background on opening SPOG negotiations: thestranger.com/slog/2017/07/2…
Grant: Agree + block hiring of 200 new officers
Mosqueda: free college + make sure young people are paid for apprenticeships, internships + build more housing
Mosqueda: Washington State Employees Credit Union
Grant: BECU
Mosqueda: "The community needs to hold her accountable so they decide"
Grant: "She's got to go."
Mosqueda: "A woman."
Grant: Cary Moon.
HEY START W/ THIS thestranger.com/news/2017/09/2…
Her platform:
Her platform: jennyforseattle.com/issues/crimina…
Durkan says she agrees with not building N Precinct
FWIW CPC members have not endorsed either candidate. This happened in 2013 seattletimes.com/seattle-news/d…
JD, yours is institutional, some would say uses paternalistic tactics
M: "So you're not going to go back to your job as a corporate attorney?"
Someone is yelling at Moon, "YOU DON'T WORK"
Moon: enforce minimum wage, require 50% new units ADA accessible
Background on sub-minimum wage for workers w/disabilities: usnews.com/news/best-stat…
Moon: housing, "there is not 1 Native American low-income housing project" in city
Moon: ask youth commission for opinion on policies, expand internships in city gov't
Moon: BECU
Durkan: Chase
Moon: If she is 100% down with full accountability
Durkan: yes but only if she'll continue hold dpt accountable
Both say Mosqueda and González.
- Community input on budget
- District town halls
- Prioritize $ for local, POC-led orgs
- Work with grassroots orgs on divestment
- study municipal bank
- stop sweeps
- more $$ for deportation defense
- coalition w/other cities on policing, regressive taxes