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Peoples Party debate for city council position 8 then mayor starts at 5. Watch live here: facebook.com/seattlepeoples…
.@NikkitaOliver is moderating. The crowd is huge and full of young people.
Oliver on the reason for the debate: "We have to change the material conditions of the most vulnerable in our city."
Oliver: "When we pull from the margins and lift from the bottom, our city will be healthier. That is our theory of change."
First up: Jon Grant vs. Teresa Mosqueda for Seattle City Council Position 8. #PeoplesDebate
First q is about homeless sweeps: do you support stopping sweeps, what are immediate steps you will take to address state of emergency?
Grant: head tax (thestranger.com/slog/2017/10/1…)
"I'm the only one who has said I would vote yes. My opponent at best said she would look into it"
Mosqueda: "Housing is a human right," I will be fighting make sure we get enough money for shelter... and to provide affordable housing
Mosqueda says she's supported head tax for Office of Labor Standards, "I'll be supporting" but not clear if she means this exact proposal
Later says "I want to make sure we pass that tax"
Mosqueda also slams Grant for what she says are inconsistent answers depending on his audience
Mosqueda says Grant "nodded head" when Times Ed Board said there was "enough housing" in Seattle
Q about protest tactics that have shut down city council meetings recently.

Mosqueda: "all tactics of representative democracy are needed"
Grant: "Power concedes nothing without a demand," says it's ridiculous advocates had to pack city hall for police reform
Sorry I've been forgetting the hashtag. But if you want to follow along with the discussion: #PeoplesDebate
Q: What are tangible ways you will push city to invest more in "grassroots efforts" for immigrant/refugee communities?
Grant says he met w DACA recipients to to craft immigration platform, wants to give undocumented ppl voting rights electjongrant.com/immigration
Mosqueda says all policies intersect with immigrant rights, the fight for affordable housing supports immigrants
(They went back and forth after Grant said she doesn't have immigration platform on her website, "important for you to say where you stand")
Mosqueda cited her advocacy for more funding for Office of Labor Standards, protections for workers against discrimination
Q: How will you work to stop police killings, hold cops accountable, bring systematic change to SPD culture
Mosqueda: Independent oversight board, community voice in bargaining, culture shift, get rid of over-policing in communities of color
Grant: Opening bargaining w/SPOG, "The nine city council members represent all of you in negotiating our contract with the police union"
Grant calls for citizen panel with authority to fire police chief.
On proposal to open police negotiations, Mosqueda says unions "didn't endorse you because that is not a progressive position"
(Both applause and boos in the crowd at that.)

Here's background on opening SPOG negotiations: thestranger.com/slog/2017/07/2…
Q: How will you work w/communities that mobilized around #BlockTheBunker, how empower communities to offer their own solutions for policing
Grant: "We need to listen to community because they know what's best," block North Precinct and youth jail
(Earlier Grant said NAACP supports opening SPOG negotiations, Mosqueda just said president of NAACP told her that's not true)
On BlocktheBunker Mosqueda calls for more $$ for restorative justice, fewer misdemeanor prosecutions, redirect $ from bunker to alternatives
Both cite ban the box for employment, Mosqueda says she's worked to ensure people with criminal records have access to healthcare
In between questions, Oliver is offering the crowd details about upcoming events on all these issues and it rules.
Q: How will you limit spending on cops, jails, divert resources to grassroots projects in communities like CD, South Park, Rainier Beach?
Mosqueda: Divert $ to apprenticeships, before/after/summer school programs, free college
Grant: Agree + block hiring of 200 new officers
Grant just ceded some of his time to Mosqueda to push her on 200 officers question, she eventually said no, she wouldn't support
Q on housing discrimination, failures to enforce laws, how can Office for Civil Rights, Office of Labor Standards do better on this
Grant: vastly expand tenant outreach and education so tenants know their rights + office of tenant advocate to offer renters free legal help
Mosqueda: More $, more investigators +more likely to experience discrimination when less housing so "we must have more housing in this city"
Grant says he has the "boldest, strongest proposals" for tenants, RHA recommended Mosqueda rhawa.org/blog/rhawa-pol…
Mosqueda says she also has endorsements from low income housing advocates, brings up Times Ed Board mtg again
Q about building relationships with frontline affected communities (also asks Grant to address TU complaints thestranger.com/slog/2017/07/2…)
Mosqueda talks about her vote against raise for CEO of insurance exchange thestranger.com/news/2017/07/0…
Mosqueda: "I know what it's like to stand up even when your voice shakes, even when it seems impossible"
Mosqueda pledges to be "on the strike line, in the streets with you," push for pay gap legislation thestranger.com/slog/2017/10/2…
On TU complaints, Grant says he has "learned and grown" from criticisms of his leadership, campaign team is majority women, majority POC
Grant: "I will be radically accountable to you, to my staff, to this community"
Q: concrete policies they would push. Mosqueda: pay gap, regional health plan, childcare subsidies. Grant: tax corporations for homelessness
(Here's background on Mosqueda's healthcare proposal: seattlemag.com/news-and-featu…)
Where will you be if you lose? Grant: "In the streets," advocating w/ TRU, Housing for All coalition. Mosqueda: day job at labor council
Q: What will you do to ensure housing + employment for people with disabilities?
Mosqueda: I've lobbied against lowering min wage for ppl w/disabilities + need to build more housing, especially near transit
Grant: tax corporations to build more housing, 15% MHA, be accountable to people with disabilities
Grant criticized Mosqueda for being late to a disability forum, Mosqueda said she was rallying against Betsy DeVos (huge applause at that)
Q: How to address pay gap and support women, including trans women, who face discrimination?
Both want to stop employers from asking about salary history, create municipal child care program, increase $ for OLS
Mosqueda also cites her plan to support women- and minority-owned businesses. Policy paper here: teamteresa.org/policy/support…
Q about empowering youth.

Mosqueda: free college + make sure young people are paid for apprenticeships, internships + build more housing
Grant: shouts out young people volunteering with his campaign, says should involve more young people in City Hall
Q on how to support POC businesses.

Grant: municipal bank thestranger.com/slog/2017/10/1…
Mosqueda: "All right there was one idea. I'm gonna give you six."
She's going through these proposals including micro loans, municipal broadband teamteresa.org/policy/support…
Who do you bank with?
Mosqueda: Washington State Employees Credit Union
Grant: BECU
Should next mayor retain O'Toole?
Mosqueda: "The community needs to hold her accountable so they decide"
Grant: "She's got to go."
Who are you voting for in the mayoral election?
Mosqueda: "A woman."
Grant: Cary Moon.
Five minute break and then the mayoral candidates are up. Hundreds here and nearly 400 watching online: facebook.com/seattlepeoples…
Hello again from your correspondent who spent last Saturday night drunkenly yelling "It should have been Nikkita." Mayoral debate starting.
Q: What are 3 things you will do to increase services, access, # of housing units for people experiencing homelessness
Durkan: In "early days," will site and build 1,000 new tiny homes, 300-500 shelter beds in every part of city, build more affordable housing
Durkan says she's pledged no new taxes but "we will need more revenues" for addiction, mental health
Moon: more tiny house villages, more low barrier shelters, encampments, work w/ ppl experiencing homelessness to ask them what they need
Moon: "Stop the sweeps" (big audience applause) + get more mental health and treatment funding from state
Q: Will you continue sweeps, if not how will you stand up to business pressure?
Moon: Yes, "it is unfair, inhumane," will instead build more sanctioned encampments, tiny house villages, shelters or housing on vacant land
Moon on pushback: "invite them to be part of solution," "need to invite them to constructively help solve it"
Durkan claims she will also stop sweeps but in the way she describes them, seems to be arguing city isn't really doing sweeps now
I'll have to go back to her exact words, but she has said before she wouldn't stop them and claims city is offering meaningful outreach now
There we go. Durkan: "I believe the unsanctioned encampments as most of them exist are horrible places for people to live"
Q: What "specifically and practically will your administration do" to continue sanctuary city commitments, protect immigrants and refugees
Durkan: Educate orgs to know they are 'sensitive locations" where ICE can't enter, expand defense fund, make sure SPD not cooperating w ICE
Moon: support orgs that are trusted and culturally competent, expand defense fund, educate re. sensitive locations, no data sharing w/ICE
Durkan also said make sure city isn't charging ppl w/misdemeanors that could get them deported.

HEY START W/ THIS thestranger.com/news/2017/09/2…
Q: How will you work with frontline communities on policing, "Please speak very specifically to what you will do, not what you have done'
Moon: Fully fund CPC, OPA, OIG, "deep transformative training," remove barriers for POC to become cops
Her platform:
Durkan: Support I-940, "move from warriors to guardians," training, CPC funding, hire from community
Her platform: jennyforseattle.com/issues/crimina…
Q: How will you work with #BlockTheBunker organizers, affected communities on policing?

Durkan says she agrees with not building N Precinct
Durkan pledges to work w organizers, CPC.
FWIW CPC members have not endorsed either candidate. This happened in 2013 seattletimes.com/seattle-news/d…
Moon says she also opposes North Precinct, "I'm ready to listen. I'm ready to develop solutions with you. I'm ready to be held accountable."
Both of the millionaires say the city is too top down, pledge to listen to community.
Q about "sting operations" to stop youth in south end high schools from shoplifting. Both say they would stop those types of operations.
Durkan:"Shoplifting? Forget about it," offer free college&"they won't need to steal bc they'll own the damn Safeway" thestranger.com/slog/2017/08/2…
Q about how to improve Office for Civil Rights enforcement of housing discrimination laws
Durkan: more funding for OCR, look at possible "right of return" for people displaced by development
Moon: Ask communities first + make sure tenants know their rights (THIS IS WHERE YOU SUPPORT MORE $$ FOR TENANT OUTREACH PLS)
Moon pledges to "put money behind this," answer is vague. Here are two council proposals:
Q: Both of you have said frontline communities should be involved in decision making. Both of you are wealthy white homeowners..,
CM, you have little to no track record w frontline communities.
JD, yours is institutional, some would say uses paternalistic tactics
What will our relationship (mayor + affected communities) look like if you're elected, practically and pragmatically?
Moon: "My commitment is to share power with you," will have Peoples Party members on transition team, put "ppl you trust" in mayor's office
Durkan: "The best indicator of whether someone is going to show up is whether they've shown up before"
Durkan: "I started in rooms just like this when I was in my 20s screaming for LGBTQ rights," marched in Olympia, saw friends die of AIDS
Durkan: "I will show up and i will continue to show up," will show up in rooms "where just as many people boo you" as applaud
Q: If you're not elected, how will you show up to work on justice/policing issues?
D: "will find who's working on what," "will be in rooms like this"
M: "So you're not going to go back to your job as a corporate attorney?"
Durkan defends her legal work, says she was at SeaTac during airport protests & Moon wasn't.

Someone is yelling at Moon, "YOU DON'T WORK"
Q: How will you ensure access to housing+jobs for people w/disabilities

Moon: enforce minimum wage, require 50% new units ADA accessible
Durkan gives general affordable housing answer.

Background on sub-minimum wage for workers w/disabilities: usnews.com/news/best-stat…
Q: How will you work alongside native communities to protect environment, improve ways they're impacted by the system?
Durkan says we're on Duwamish land, someone in the crowd: "Give the land back," Durkan: "That's right, we should."
Durkan pledges more city contracts for Chief Seattle Club
Moon: housing, "there is not 1 Native American low-income housing project" in city
Q: How will young ppl play role in your admin?

Moon: ask youth commission for opinion on policies, expand internships in city gov't
Durkan: listen to kids, involve their parents, create more apprenticeships
Q about POC-owned businesses: Please describe a time you brought biz owners, community, government to the table to have a dialogue
Durkan: When "a city attorney" cracked down on POC-owned businesses, I worked with group to reverse that
Moon: "I'll be frank. I have not had the kind of job where I was in position to lead that kind of effort" Someone in the audience: "No job!"
Durkan speaks against I-200 (anti-affirmative action initiative), Moon says city should push for municipal bank if state won't create
Both candidates' small biz platforms mention POC. Read:


Who do you bank with?
Moon: BECU
Durkan: Chase
Retain O'Toole?
Moon: If she is 100% down with full accountability
Durkan: yes but only if she'll continue hold dpt accountable
Who are you voting for in city council positions 8 and 9?
Both say Mosqueda and González.
They're now doing a community priorities section. They're handing out a list of demands from organizers, asking each candidate to sign them
Not clear exactly what's on these lists, but Oliver says Peoples Party will put them online afterward.
Oliver reads some expectations off the list:
-Accountable, transparent process for hiring dpt heads that will affect frontline communities (i.e. police)
- Community input on budget
-When asking for community input to assist city, treat them the way you treat experts. In other words: pay them.
- District town halls
- No new youth jail
- Prioritize $ for local, POC-led orgs
- Work with grassroots orgs on divestment
- study municipal bank
- stop sweeps
- stop intimidating policing tactics at protests
- more $$ for deportation defense
- coalition w/other cities on policing, regressive taxes
Oliver offered candidates the chance to write notes/amendments on the list of expectations before signing. Durkan is still writing.
They've both signed. "I can't wait to put these online," Oliver says.
Q: What are your top three metrics for success of your administration?
D: Stopping displacement, more affordable city, fewer ppl on streets, "can we really call ourselves a welcoming city," stand up to DC
M: Communities of color engaged in gov't, on track to build 4x as many units affordable housing, housing for 4k ppl currently outside
And we're done. Video should be uploaded here soon if you missed it: facebook.com/seattlepeoples…
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