1) (Extrinsically?) Motivate students to learn
2) Determine student grades and ranks
3) Assess professor’s performance
4) (Bonus) Teach students something new through the process of taking the exam
1) Did my Twitter Exam motivate students to learn? Did they read more papers more closely because they had to Tweet about some of them?
At first they were afraid of earning a bad grade, but as they became familiar with the field and its authors, they were more motivated to do well because they wanted to impress YOU.
They wanted to join our community. They wanted to join YOU.
This was a huge pedagogical win.
What’s the point of teaching them “to Twitter” well when they may never do it again?
They were allowed to use fake names; I should have required it.
[Plea: Why oh why aren’t more experimental/behavioral economists on Twitter? Please can we fix this?]
I wish you could have seen their faces in class the next day.
“That’s so cool! He actually talked to you!”
The bits specific to the Twitter Exam are in pictures below.