Reese’s response is to say that belief in God is a “skepticism compromiser.”
Skeptic purity spirals can be amusing as they try to “out non-believe” each other.
(Spoiler: Pyrrho wins)
From this is naturally follows that the more things you don’t believe, the better you are.
Although why a Pyrrhonian skeptic would DECLARE it is a mystery.
The two imperatives of reason: KNOW TRUTH and AVOID ERROR are not the same imperative. They are, in fact, sometimes at odds.
Why? Because you have the unjustified belief that falling into error is MUCH WORSE than failing to find truth.
Presumably, the skeptic would starve to death there.
The ANCIENT meaning of “skeptic” was “one who considers everything carefully.”
The MODERN meaning is “one who doesn’t believe stuff."
The virtue is the MEAN between credulity and incredulity, or:

Evidence doesn’t come with a big label that says “EVIDENCE” on it.

The next best thing is to be what Reese deplores in his video: A COMPROMISED SKEPTIC.
Worst of all would be to be an UNCOMPROMISED SKEPTIC. Is this way one ENSURES IGNORANCE.