All 7'4" of you with pack and 10 ft staff quietly slides between tables and chairs. The two are engrossed in their reading.
"Is there a lot of screaming father?"
"Yes and there should be if you're doing it right, it can grate on the ol' nerves though so you
He flips the pages you freeze mid stride, the slightest thing could attract their attention.
"Ah, here we are" You continue moving
"Hey!" exclaims the kid, you freeze again "That's the one mum has in her linen drawer, does she practice at home?"
You're pretty sure he's not looking anywhere right now
You manage to open and close the door
It is not an exit! It is a large closet filled with "cleaning" supplies, jars of maggots and caged rats.
You hear running feet and the other men's voices "it's escaped!"