I was going to hold off on this thread, but I think some things need to be pointed out and looked at regarding children and young minds being used, handled, and messages through them being choreographed for production of false propaganda being used by MSM and activists groups
This will be a working thread. It will be built on as I go. The objective is mainly for Parents to recognize the influences that are happening outside of their purview. Stay tuned if you're interested.
Many are familiar with this dolt. Limelight darlin' David Hogg, son of retired FBI agent who first made his debut on CBS over an altercation with a lifeguard in Redondo Beach, CA back in August, 2017.
His original debut.
Then his next step to stardumb on CNN after Parkland, FL school shooting.
As of this date, this kid is 17 years old and on the great and wonderful path to being a marxist activist darling for MSM everywhere.
Now, let's go over the hysteria and debunk some things about this young man that were perpetrated through social media by people that identify themselves as conservatives, and or Trump supporters, which I am both.
First we get this from an outfit called Zero Hedge on facebook at hour 19 yesterday.
Q up the naive to get this thing pushed! Smh ...people, this is really, really stupid. 2 seconds you should've known better. 2 minutes of of research you would have.

Then you get this beauty. Just one page image, nothing else and many fall for it and indiscriminately start retweeting the hell out of it. No questions asked. Perfect!

Well, hate to break it to ya, buuuutttt .......thanks for playing and perpetuating FALSE PROPAGANDA.
Would you be surprised to learn schools, especially in the Southeast, routinely take children to CNN headquarters in Atlanta, GA?

Hey, I didn't exploit these kids. The MSM and their own parents did.

Gonna take a break. You're thinking, hey, I already know this shit, what the dealeo, broski? Well, you probably don't know what's coming up next. Stay tuned.
And out of this tragedy a new Star is born. Meet Delaney Tarr.

Or her recent debut on Comedy Central staring in "NeverAgain" [The Opposition]

Would you believe it? Delaney has also taken a field trip to CNN HQ. WHAAA!

2016 trip to CNN HQ on a Parkland School sponsored trip for (STN) Student Television Network.
😒 Not a good start.

Pay head, parents. This is just an outline. Media influence in all forms, including twitter is part of course curriculum in your children's schools. The implications are vast.

If you don't think these kids were TARGETED by billion dollar News Networks based on a past list from field trips, in predatory fashion by now, I don't know how to snap you out of it.
This is exploitation of minors with and without consent of the legal guardians and parents. Often times signed off on without knowing by the parents and left up to Marxist leftists teachers to do with as they please.
I'm not done. Later we're going to go into some mechanisms and tactics used by the MSM to choreograph and stage manage unwitting dupes to do with as they please.
Since our legal system seems to not be in use I'm going to pose some questions.
1. Can Media legally record, and or air video or audio of minors without consent of their guardian? (Pertains to individual States)
2. Are media companies offering money for these minors to appear on television?
3. Can media companies retain audio or video of minors without parent's consent?
1-3 are pretty basic questions. Stop exploiting children in ALL aspects of life.
"secondary schools" are High Schools. Has your child's high school signed on to this CNN free of charge program?

Sounds pretty cool, huh. I mean, valuable skills are learned, such as script reading all at their fingertips, sponsored by CNN. Woot woot!

Hey, get your very own internet browser, compliments of CNN to put on your kid's computer.
Wonder if CNN retains rights to this material when a minor uploads video or audio. How does that work?

You want to stop the exploitation of children, start looking into social media and things like this. I'm talking Billion Dollar sponsors like CNN.
Scroll to secondary schools to see if your kid's high school is a CNN affiliate. Parkland isn't listed, but that doesn't mean they're not an affiliate. Might want to look into that.
Just one of many examples of CNN "stage managing" a scene after London Bridge attack that took the lives of 8 and injured 48 more, where the Islamists used a van to run people down, then get out and stab innocent people in nearby market.
MSM exploitation at its best. Delaney Tarr, again used by CNN as a witless prop to push sponsored propaganda. How dignified and noble, right ...