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Dec 25th 2022
Before putting the stories for Merry Christmas go and read how they treated our women to get converted into Christianity in History!!
#MerryChristmas #Christmas #ChristmasEve Image
In 1567, the campaign to destroy temples in Bardez met with success, with 300 Hindu Temples destroyed.
Prohibition of was laid down from December 4, 1567 on rituals of Hindu Marriages.
Most of people think that Hindus were forcefully converted to Islam, but no the truth is Christian Missionaries also made forceful conversions.
They used breast-rippers, heated them on red hot iron & used to rip breasts of Hindu Women who opposed the conversion.
Read 7 tweets
Dec 25th 2022
#Thread Pagan Origins of #Christmas
In pre-Christian era Pagan celebrated Seasonal festivals around the winter solstice ("Symbol of rebirth of Sun or Son") later converted to #Christianity.
SantaClause, Decorating trees, Jesus birth also find its association with 25th Dec.

#Saturnalia was one of Pagan ancient Roman festival in honor of the god Saturn, held from 17 December to 23 December. It was most popular holiday in the Roman calendar.

Pic By Themadchopper, Antoine-François Callet #Christmas

During #Saturnalia celebrations
1.All work and business were suspended
2.Slaves were given temporary freedom to say and do what they liked
3.People would wear a cap of freedom – the pilleum –
usually worn by slave
4.People were permitted to gamble in public
5.Chariot racing

Read 14 tweets
Dec 24th 2022
Some observations on Putin's recent speeches, especially his conversation with journalists on 22 December. A longer thread this #ChristmasEve on #Putin’s interpretation of the #UkraineWar
📌Over the past three months, fatigue has clearly accumulated, optimism has noticeably disappeared, and discouragement has come in its place. No anxiety yet, but sadness and disappointment.
📌There is a very pronounced misunderstanding on Putin’s part as to why Ukraine does not give up, as to why there are no internal disputes about the need to capitulate, because it seems to him that they are doomed.
Read 25 tweets
Dec 23rd 2022
†hê þïl¢hårЧ mµ§† rê†åïñ †hêïr hêåЧ.
Would you eat this - the Christmas eve-eve traditional Cornish stargazy pie? There are many recipes, usually involving potato, and sometimes sand eels, mackerel, herring or dogfish, but to be a true stargazy pie the intact pilchard heads must be placed looking up at the sky,
before going in the oven.

The dish is most associated with the village of Mousehole and its annual celebration on 23rd December, known locally as Tom Bawcock’s eve.
Read 10 tweets
Dec 18th 2022
Last week bitterly cold air developed over east central Siberia, the likes of which we haven't seen in 40 years this early in December. It was chronicled very well by @ThierryGooseBC on December 6.

Ever since then the weather prediction models have been showing some crazy, downright silly numbers across Canada & the United States. I'm talking record high Mean Sea Level Pressure, both for December & ALL TIME. Here are those MSLP records from @NWSWPC researchers.

For those not used to reading these maps, the values shown are the last three digits of the MSLP. For example, in #Missoula the all-time highest surface pressure observed was 1059.9mb on January 1, 1979. The record for December was 1054.5mb on #ChristmasEve, 1983.

Read 14 tweets
Dec 17th 2022
#Hursti's #Christmas party for the needy 2022 at the #Helsinki fair center on #ChristmasEve 24 December 2022. At 12.00.
The doors open at 11:00. 
There will be traditional Christmas #food, a Christmas program, Christmas #carols and a Christian #message.…
You can participate in the activity by supporting #Hursti with a #donation
-The organization began its operations in the 1960s and was founded by social worker Veikko Hursti. #Laupeudentyö ry's operations are currently managed by Veikko's son Heikki Hursti
#Finland have been years under the #auspices of the #European Comittee of #SocialRights.
- It adopted reports concerning Finland in 2008, 2012, 2017 and 2018
Read 26 tweets
Dec 16th 2022
Throughout the rest of the month, I will be sharing some festive snippets and oddities🎄

I'll be adding them to this thread ✨ Keep your eyes peeled 👀

#Christmas #History Image
A sprig of mistletoe that had been used in the Christmas decorations of a church would bring good luck to its possessor 🌿

If an unmarried woman placed a sprig of mistletoe taken from the parish church under her pillow, she would dream of her future husband 💍

#Wales #History Image
This is thought to be the earliest photograph of a snowman in the world and it was taken in Wales ❄

It was taken by Mary Dillwyn (c.1853) who is thought to be one of the earliest female photographers in the world 📷

#Wales #History Image
Read 18 tweets
Dec 24th 2021
My earliest memory of a #ChristmasEve celebration comes back to me every year around this time...
I must have been around 6 or 7 years old, & we were gathered at a family friend's home in beautiful Ain Zhalta. The house was a short distance in off the main road..
There were pine & other conifers around it, all lightly covered with snow, though I don't recall much snow on the ground.
There was no electricity, & no generators polluting the lull of the eve. Nothing in the air but the scent of burning wood from stoves inside the homes..
Inside, there was so much cheer bouncing around the walls, adults chattering away about things we kids had no concern understanding, chestnuts roasting atop a Qatorji stove, & so much warmth..
We gathered around the Christmas tree whose lights had no need to flicker
Read 5 tweets
Dec 24th 2021
Joining the National #ChristmasEve Press Rally today is @RepJayapal; @RepBarbaraLee; @MaryKayHenry from @SEIU; Jean Evansmore, Pam Garrison, Kris Olsen, Stewart Acuff, & Alex Galo @WestVirginiaPPC; Linnell Fall, @Maryland_PPC; @denita944 @texas_ppc; Bruce Grau @WisconsinPPC; Image
Father Lark Justin Muncy & Rev. Paul Dunn @WestVirginiaPPC; @RevNancyPetty; Rev. Jimmie Hawkins @PCUSAWashington; Jonathan @wilsonhartgrove @RedLetterXians; Rev. Dr. Beth Johnson @CaliforniaPPC;
Rev. William Lamar, @MetropolitanAME Washington, D.C.; @fhunscripted @friendshipwest Baptist Church in Dallas, TX; and Rev. Dr. @alvjc, Co-Chair/Executive Director Mass Poor People's and Low-Wage Workers’ Assembly & Moral March on Washington.
Read 4 tweets
Dec 23rd 2021
Sen. Manchin, Republicans, & so-called moderates keep saying, “There is no room in our democracy for the uplift of poor & low-wealth people,” but the Christmas story shows us that God can work through poor people to bring good tidings of great joy for everyone,
even when those who think they’re in control and say that there’s no room.

During this Christmas season, too many people are being denied access to the basic building blocks for abundant life—living wages, voting rights, health care, a pathway to citizenship,
and protection from ecological devastation. The continued erosion of the #BuildBackBetter agenda and the dismantling of voting rights protections across the country this year have revealed a dangerous and immoral political philosophy that assumes there is no room in the democracy
Read 6 tweets
Dec 25th 2020
#ChristmasEve Mass from the Vatican was really depressing & strange in the way of 2020. Perhaps it would have been unseemly in a year when so many have died to be too celebratory. But Pope Francis seemed deeply sad. And had restricted the gathering, which is usually thousands.
Pope Francis had limited the number of people to 100 with the number of cardinals at only 30. The effect in the world's largest church was sparse and austere. Francis used one of the small side altars. There were none of the intl readings there usually are each Christmas.
There were only a handful of children. None of the delegations from other countries like usual. Pope Francis's homily was about the metaphor of #Christmas as our rebirth in Christ. It was also about his consistent themes of helping the poor, the sick and the vulnerable.
Read 7 tweets
Dec 25th 2020
Merry #ChristmasEve to all the Twitter followers.

Have a lovely holiday...

And, If Santa was black: Many white people would phone the cops, and, complain that a fat, black dude was on the roof -- the middle of the night screaming "Ho ho ho".
"Even as an adult I find it difficult to sleep on #ChristmasEve.Yuletide excitement is a potent caffeine -- no matter your age."

~Terri Guillemets
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Dec 24th 2020
A #ChristmasEve #TwitterStory from my house to yours.

I love my Christmas ornaments. Some are Victorian. Some are from my parent's first tree together in 1959. Some mean a lot. Many are from estate sales.

Mike bought me this German snake circa 1900.

(more...) A photograph of old looking Christmas ornaments made out of
In 1960 my parents bought a box of Shiny Brite satellite-shaped ornaments. They have been my favorite ornaments my entire life.

This year Mike picked one up and asked about it. I told him the whole story. He promptly broke it.
(more) The photo shows more vintage Christmas ornaments hanging on
He felt TERRIBLE and I kept telling him it was OK. They ae fragile. I told him the story of my friend Carol (whose mom turns 100 Jan 7! Want to send her a card?) whose giant German Shepherd took out a tree of 100 year old + Victorian ornaments.

Mike still felt awful!
(more) This picture shows beautiful sparkly Christmas ornaments and
Read 7 tweets
Dec 24th 2020
Christmas Eve service at St. John the Divine is always special and it is made more beautiful by our friendship with Yvonne! Sad that there are no in-person gatherings this year but we are watching virtually. Merry Christmas, dear Yvonne! ❤️✊🏽💜
With my friend @YvonnecherieVG just before she entered with the procession at the start of Christmas Eve service - the Festal Eucharist - at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine in 2019. 📷 @rerutled Yvonne in a purple robe and Mona in a red dress standing sho
.@YvonnecherieVG was a verger at @StJohnDivineNYC on #ChristmasEve. I love how happy she is in the video (2nd verger) and I am grateful that she has invited me and @rerutled as her guests at St. John’s. Looking forward to Christmas Eve in #NYC next year
Read 4 tweets
Dec 24th 2020
The Christmas Truce of 1914: A Heartening Story of Humanity in the Middle of War.
A symbolic moment of peace, grace, and humility amidst one of humanity’s most violent and disgraceful events.…
La Tregua de Navidad (en alemán: Weihnachtsfrieden; en francés: Trêve de Noël) fue una serie de ceses al fuego no oficiales que se extendieron a lo largo del Frente Occidental en la Primera Guerra Mundial alrededor de la Navidad de 1914.…
Read 7 tweets
Dec 14th 2020
Today's Gun of the Day

Today we have the Garaysar Fear 116 Semi-Auto Tactical Shotgun. Sporting a 3" 12 gauge chamber, 20" barrel, adjustable cheek weld stock, 2 5 rnd mags & set of flip sights & more #Trump2020 #MAGA2020 #MondayMotivation #2A #KAG…
Today's Gun of the Day

Today we have the Smith and Wesson M&P Shield Compact Pistol. Chambered in 40 S&W with a 3.125" barrel, 3 Dot Sights, No Manual Safety and 2 mags. A great conceal carry option with excellent reliability #MAGA #Trump2020 #KAG #2A…
Today's Gun of the Day

Today we have the very popular IWI Masada. An Excellent made in Israel pistol, it's chambered in 9mm, 4.1" barrel, Optics ready with 4 plates, 3 Backstraps & 2x 17 rnd mags. A superb deal! #Trump2020 #ThursdayMorning #MAGA2020 #2A…
Read 120 tweets
Dec 29th 2019
My friend @YvonnecherieVG was a verger at @StJohnDivineNYC on #ChristmasEve. I love how happy Yvonne is in the video (2nd verger here) and I am grateful she had me, @rerutled, @FrankieEdozien and Scott as her guests. St. John’s is such a welcoming place #NYC
And here, at the end of the #ChristmasEve service, @YvonnecherieVG is the verger singing Joy to the World joyously! I hope your Christmas was fantastic and that 2020 is a wonderful year in which we see more of each other, Yvonne 💜✊🏽❤️
And here are @rerutled and @FrankieEdozien and his husband Scott - my best #ChristmasEve dates
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Dec 24th 2019
A #ChristmasEve Poem
𝓯𝓻𝓸𝓶 𝓜𝓝 𝓯𝓸𝓻 𝓦𝓪𝓻𝓻𝓮𝓷

’Twas the end of a hard year, and all through the nation
Americans hoped for a quiet vacation.
Most folks are unstirring, like mice and mouse spouses,
But @TeamWarren volunteers aren't in their houses:
They're going a-canvassing, neighbor by neighbor,
To talk about healthcare and Black women's labor; 
They're heading to parties with Reach on their phones
And talking with strangers about student loans;
They call and they text every number they can
To talk about @ewarren's every last plan:
The wealth tax, the New Deals (the Green and the Blue),
Free childcare and college for me and for you;
Read 10 tweets
Dec 24th 2019
Happy anniversary, Sen. Ben Nelson! On this day ten years ago, your #CornhuskerKickback got approved -- just one of the many #BackroomDeals @SenatorReid had to cut to get Democrats to approve #Obamacare...
@SenatorReid Likewise, happy anniversary to @SenLandrieu! The #Obamacare bill the Senate passed ten years ago today included your #LouisianaPurchase -- a multi-billion dollar giveaway to #Louisiana in exchange for her vote for #Obamacare... #lapol #lalege
@SenatorReid @SenLandrieu And a happy 10th anniversary to Senator Bill Nelson, whose #GatorAid provision giving #Florida residents a carve-out from #Obamacare's #MedicareAdvantage cuts was also included in the legislation that passed a decade ago today...
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Dec 24th 2019
It's #ChristmasEve and at this time last year I did not think I would live to see another #Christmas.
It has been a really hard year for me and The Wife. I have had some major health setbacks and a lot of suffering, but I am still alive and what a gift that is.
I want to thank all my Twitter friends and followers for helping me through this year. Thank you for reading and supporting my work. Thank you for buoying my spirits when I have been at my lowest points. Thank you for being a community of activists and resisters and fighters.
It can be deeply isolating to be a journalist in this climate. It can be deeply isolating to be sick and #disabled in this very ableist society. When I've needed the solace of community, I've been able to find it here. Thank you so much.

Wishing you the very best holidays.❤
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Dec 26th 2018
It's bn a brutal holiday season in many parts of #Nigeria. In the NE, #BokoHaram ambushed a military convoy monday, on highway linking Maiduguri, capital of Borno state, with Damaturu in neighbouring Yobe state, killing 13 soldiers & a @PoliceNG officer…
Unsurprising, reports emerged shortly thereafter indicating that up to 167 @policeNG personnel in preparation for posting to counter-insurgency frontlines in NE #Nigeria have absconded before deployment, taking their weapons with them…
While the rest of the country marked Christmas, forced displacement appears to have intensified in NE #Nigeria, with @nemanigeria registering over 2,046 IDPs over the past 48 hours in one LGA…
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Dec 24th 2018
Between age 21-30 is a very worrisome period for young men/women, all their thoughts constantly darting back and forth between how am I gonna turn out in life, who am I gonna marry, how's my future path, hopes and aspirations gonna take shape
but then those that hav an understanding and know that "God's thoughts/plans towards them are thoughts of good and not of evil to bring them into a good and expected future" will have these worries also, but these worries will be greatly dissipated #ChristmasEve
by the functioning of this knowledge in them and they will begin to see how the dots connect as they move with God leading them by his peace; they would come into an awareness of the thoughts and practical steps to take that are in line with God's thoughts of good and not of evil
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Dec 23rd 2018
Sadly, another #tsunami hits #Indonesia 🇮🇩. At least 40 people killed & hundreds injured. Coastal areas of Pandeglang, Serang & South Lampung impacted. Source may have been undersea landslides near #Krakatoa… @skbaer reports.
Via #MetroTV @Metro_TV in #Indonesia 🇮🇩 & @tictoc: WATCH: Scenes from aftermath of a #tsunami that left at least 43 dead & 100s injured. #developingstory🙏

Indonesia’s disaster agency says undersea landslides from a volcanic eruption may be the cause.
What we know so far about the #tsunami that has hit the Sunda Strait in #Indonesia 🇮🇩. Follow the latest @guardian updates / blog:
Read 21 tweets
Oct 5th 2018
After a jam-packed 2 days at #SciOut18🌪(thx @ASBMB & @rockedu_!) it was time to reflect! 🤔 Reflection is so important, but it can be hard to find ⏰ to really just think! 💭 Some of my thoughts 👉
#365DaysOfScience #biochemistry #scicomm #sciout #science person looking thoughtful in front of mirrornotebook pagenotebook pagenotebook page
What’s inside? 🧐 It’s FORMAMIDE! 🤗 Formally removing RNA’s form with formamide! 🤓 FORMAMIDE in loading buffer breaks up & replaces the bonds between bases holding RNA's shape together 👇
#365DaysOfScience #biochemistry #scicomm #lifeinthelab #science person looking through safety goggles with formamide drawn on themformamide RNA denaturant explanation
Bring on the heat! 🔥 To help denaturants get to the huddling hydrophobic bases, we add heat ♨️ 👉 gives molecules more energy so they can “pull apart” more easily ⏩ easier access 👍 More 👇
#365DaysOfScience #biochemistry #scicomm #lifeinthelab #science person putting tube in heating block
Read 308 tweets

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