This is Toronto’s street network.

0.14% of the road network
0.38% of arterials & collectors
0.69% of arterials
Bloor serves the Toronto neighbourhoods with the highest bicycle mode share…

Vince Crisanti – Ward 1
Giorgio Mammoliti – Ward 7
John Campbell – Ward 4
Stephen Holyday – Ward 3
Doug Ford – Ward 2

1 is downtown.
11 is centred on Yonge, above the 401.

Only 6.5% of driving/passenger trips to work during the morning peak (6am - 10am) go downtown,

Only 2.6% of AM driving/passenger trips to work go to planning district 11. Less to North York Centre.

Less than 1.5% go to the North York Centre area.

We need to be bigger than this.
We need to look past the fear-mongers to address facts.