1. By February 2017 representatives of SCL Elections Ltd were claiming they had a database of 250 million Americans for the Trump Campaign.
Here is the FCO report on this. See. Para 58.
I have some suggestions.

He seeks to rely on a warranty from GSR that these data were obtained in accordance with all data protection laws.
They got 220 million from other sources?
Pascarle, Trump’s campaign manager, says that they had republican supporting Facebook Personnel working in their campaign offices 2-5 days a week to maximise data from FB.
Whilst he says they did not use CA’s psy op features as he didn’t think they worked, the woman who actually worked with CA & wrote the FB ads disagrees.
Also that CA provides her with the dataset they used.
How extensive was the operations and what did all those present learn FROM Facebook personnel about how to “maximise its resource”.
Pascarle wanted to know every last thing.
He claims that, contrary to Nix’s original claim to DCMS, that th Facebook datasets were “foundational” to CA/AiQ.
Written record : data.parliament.uk/writtenevidenc…
TV recording:
“"In total, we believe the Facebook information of up to 87 million people — mostly in the US — may have been improperly shared with Cambridge Analytica."
Over 1 million U.K. users’ data.
It is also silent about the Facebook personnel that worked in the Trump campaign offices and the data mining techniques they passed on to others in the Campaign Offices.
How were the various platforms deployed in the U.K.?
How come a Canadian Company AiQ was able to work so extensively on the Ref Campaign and U.K. citizen personal data at all?
Which 3rd parties?
How was that database formed?
Further, due to a further change in Facebook rules in 2015 there was a last minute “grab” of data.
Present tense. In contradiction of Nix’s evidence to the Select Committee.
However it claims to have increased hits to the Leave Campaign’s website to the tune of 3000 per day.
"We have already helped supercharge Leave.EU’s social media campaign by ensuring the right messages are getting to the right voters online, and the campaign's Facebook page is growing in support to the tune of about 3,000 people per day."
So did they just pluck an increase of hits of c.3000 a day out of the air? Of did the hits increase by c. 3000 a day?
The bundles contains a series of contracts between SCL Elections Ltd and Aggregate iQ covering a period between November 2013 to well into 2014.
They describe development work being done by AiQ for SCL.

Clause 3.1
“In the event either party enters into third party arrangements utilizing the Product to generate revenue, the revenue shall be shared between AIQ and SCL.”
Did they in fact pass any money to SCL Elections or any of the CA companies for that work per clause 3.1?
Thanks to

Three months after the referendum a group of people who worked with David Cameron or on the Leave Campaign set up a Company called Hanbury Strategy.
Oliver Lewis. Director of Research Vote Leave. (Ex Gove)
They were joined by more personnel including
Olivia Robey, Head of Political Section Conservative HQ.
Lizzie Loudon. (Ex Press Secretary for Theresa May during Brexit negotiations. Ex Special Advisor to Ian Duncan Smith)
Then a series of more junior appointment from across the political and EU campaign divide.
He might not have.
Remember those lying Facebook adds that were fed into users feeds about the NHS and Turkey joining the EU?
Here’s an example.
“Keep it simple - I think by the end of the referendum people were talking about our simple messages like the £350m a week figure and Turkey joining the EU; we used language people could use in the street or in the pub."
How did they know how to target?
I’ve been wondering what happened to the WESS DGITAL database too. That company was struck off just after the referendum
Given this is so current could the committee encourage @BBCWorld to make available again that very useful programme aired in September of Last year all about Facebook, Cambridge Analytica, data and Trump?