I think people may not realize how personalistic and feud-driven the world of pundits actually is.
Typical scenario: Two pundits get into an argument on Twitter or on the blogs. It gets heated, and they have a falling-out. Their followers exacerbate things by rushing to attack the opposing pundit.
* fail to quote or retweet things by the opposing pundit, even if (s)he agrees
* jump at any opportunity to attack the opposing pundit, dunk on them, or execute a "gotcha"
* etc.
As near as I can tell, feuds actually change pundits' issue stances, and entire worldviews!
A right-leaning pundit who gets attacked from the right by Nazis will start emphasizing the threat of Nazis more.
These changes can be permanent.
1) They want them to be sources of ideas, facts, and analysis.
2) They want them to be intellectual gladiators who fight for the public's entertainment.