Art appreciation and bot-making thread follows:

When the pleasure of the "artwork" is getting people to ~imagine~ what is being described.
generative text is very good at accidental juxtaposition. Give it a bag of things to use, and it will put two next to each other without considering the implications. (humans are bad at this, btw, we have a lot of baggage that makes us overthink juxtapositions)
(this is called the Kuleshov Effect after the soviet filmmaker who proved it)

These are called snowclones:
I [SHAPE] [NOUN] (ie, "I ❤️ NYC")
NOUN is the new NOUN
Have some cognitive distance (between dissonant concepts, odd juxtapositions/relationships, etc) that the reader must bridge
Make the act of building that bridge
* challenging
* scaffolded
* pleasurable
Its telling a story (accidentally). There are sense words (rubs, wet) that are pleasurable to imagine.
When you put together the story (it hit a deer) you reread the tweet and see it differently (like the Sixth Sense)
If there's nothing juicy about the scene, its not fun.
If there's not surprises when you imagine it, its not fun.
You want the user to see something normal, in a new way that recontextualizes it, that builds an unexpected yet readable story.
Yoko Ono, Breaking Pieces:
Where's the pleasure in this artwork?
Imagine breaking a museum or a mirror (satisfying and forbidden)
Imagine how it would look broken, put back together
Will you look at a museum differently once you had power over it (if only in your mind?)

Play this game in an unexpected time (conversation)
You know the rules of the game, they don't. Secrets are fun.
Imagine having a secret.
Imagine snow.

You are @infinite_scream, you are @tinycarebot.
Your world is small, perfect, and all you will talk about.
You can play the bot, or play the person conversing with it.

Grapefruit is a master class in creating wonderful imagination playgrounds, and inviting people to play them. Why are her playgrounds so inviting? When you climb to the top, why is the view so different than expected?
Imagine you are Yoko.
Make a bot.