Here we go for a #thread !
What were obstacles and traps when I started in astrophotography, or in general: "What should I pay attention to, when I begin in astrophotography?"
I really can tell what kind of problems you encounter when you begin because...
I'm still beginning 😬😬
The first issue for me have been: I did not know my camera well and what it can do.
Almost any camera can do at least a nice astro landscape.
With the right settings, you could even capture the milky way with a high-end smartphone.
So I tried. And I was 100% sure it was de worst camera in the world to do it !
The result:

But I realized that I was wrong: I was sure that the only good pictures of the sky was taken by experts with expensive cameras and telescopes, and there was the moon, with some nice details of its surface !
To do it you need :
- to know how to do (learn photography basics)
- to try
50% of a good astro shot is how you prepared it. So identify your target, learn how to shoot it the best and where and when you will be able to shoot it, and then, you may have nice results.
After that, I was missing 99% of my shots because I didn't know how to shoot my subject.
- Know what you want to shoot and try to learn with YouTube videos or documentation on internet what could be a way to capture it.
- Download an app on your phone to have a sky map and find your subject when you're outside.
In astrophotography, patience is the key!
You will spend time outside, trying and trying.
If you shoot a planet, a nebula or a subject on which you need details, always use your digital magnification to make sure your focus is perfect. On some cameras, the "infinite" length is before the mechanical stop.
- Sometimes wanting to open fully your diaphragm won't give you the best pictures if you want a detailed shot, so close it a bit and...
- Use. A. Tripod.
It is not always handy to carry, but it will help you way more than you can imagine at the very beginning.
And keep an eye on your optics, mist can ruin your shots, so take the time let it cool down to air temperature first.
Let's close this thread with photos you took or you liked !