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Apr 17th 2023
@mjrovai @seeedstudio my $15 #xiaoEsp32S3 arrived all three of them. Canadian Import tax was a bit high at $25 CDN not sure if that is fixed or increases if I purchased more.

Excited to test the camera, mic and WiFi to see if it works with robotics, @EdgeImpulse
#ml and #tinyML ImageImage
WiFi antennae was hard to push on, not sure why, I have done a ton before. Camera clipped in easy.
@seeedstudio #xiaoEsp32S3 Image
Off course my setup is not standard so installing the board is a pain. Great instructions at…
Read 20 tweets
Nov 9th 2022
"Fabricating #Clay: #Machines, #Materials, & #Code"

🧵 Today's SFI Seminar by @leahbuechley (@UNM):
"We build the geometry directly by thinking about the PATH that our 3D printer takes. There's no intermediate slicing software [to render CAD as "2D" layers]."

- @leahbuechley, #3DPrinting clay with a 1.5 mm nozzle
"You can start to think about surface textures - like spikes that you can't do with a traditional slicer.'s a path that's a sine wave, but every other layer is rotated. creature is following THIS path, and the other is chasing it around."

#clay #3dprinting
Read 11 tweets
Mar 2nd 2022
1/4 We improve the existing printing formula by introducing a more #sustainable filler — glass beads. They are produced from 100% recycled material. The process is 100% powered by renewable energy and gives a significant properties increase of up to 60% and 10% CO2 reduction
2/4 Our mission is to solve the housing and #sustainability crisis simultaneously. Our #3Dprinted homes will not have much fewer carbon emissions but will withstand natural disasters better. Our panels just passed 190 mph wind load test at 250%. Here are the wind results tests
3/4 1. We applied the generative design approach to improve the structural performance of #3Dprinted panels. This provides up to 30% of the panel strengthening with just 2% material volume increasing in zones with maximum stress
Read 4 tweets
Feb 8th 2022
A year ago, we posted this cool video explaining how #3Dprinted homes are better than traditional ones. Still relevant. We now started talking with developers, and they love this value proposition as well
1. Our homes are #sustainable and produced with nearly #zerowaste because we only print what is needed. We even recycle the scraps
2. We offer a turnkey solution which means we take care of all the city permits dealing with contractors through the installation and delivery and anything else needed for your project. So all you'll have to do is sit back and relax
Read 5 tweets
Aug 9th 2021
Overview some emerging tech sectors, niches which become major trends in next 5-10 year with growing thousands startups unicorn and great companies.
Check the thread 👇

#startups #tech #innovations #investors #fintech #financial #setcoingroup #TrendingNow #investments
Autonomous shipping
Autonomous trucking
#Blockchain real estate
Cannabis breathalyzers
Commercial space launch
Digital freight brokerage
Election tech
Food service robots and machines
Ghost kitchens
Indoor mapping
Short overview each niche 👇
Industrial workplace safety
Low-Power Wide-Area Networks (LPWAN)
Smart packaging
Sports tech
Supersonic travel
Warehouse management tech 👇
Read 10 tweets
Aug 9th 2021
Overview some emerging tech sectors, niches which become major trends in next 5-10 year with growing thousands startups unicorn and great companies.
Check the thread 👇

#startups #tech #innovations #investors #fintech #financial #setcoingroup #TrendingNow #investments
Autonomous shipping
Autonomous trucking
#Blockchain real estate
Cannabis breathalyzers
Commercial space launch
Digital freight brokerage
Election tech
Food service robots and machines
Ghost kitchens
Indoor mapping
Short overview each niche 👇
Industrial workplace safety
Low-Power Wide-Area Networks (LPWAN)
Smart packaging
Sports tech
Supersonic travel
Warehouse management tech 👇
Read 10 tweets
May 19th 2021
Hace un par de semanas tengo un juguete nuevo, una impresora 3D. Hace 3 días @SoniaInver (mi esposa) me pregunta si con la impresora no se podría fabricar un conector para un respirador portátil que ya no pueden usar más porque el conector se rompió y no hay forma de conseguirlo
Ese respirador les es muy útil y necesario en estos tiempos de pandemia, haciendo el traslado de pacientes mas seguro tanto para el mismo como para el personal de blanco, y cualquier ayuda a ambos hace una enorme diferencia.
Antes de anoche estuvo en su guardia y le pedí que me envíe fotos del equipo en cuestión, especialmente de la etiqueta con las características. En 5 minutos conseguí el manual de servicio,tenía toda la información repararla y lo mas importante: la lista de repuestos y sus códigos ImageImage
Read 11 tweets
Apr 13th 2020
Currently many hardworking individuals are making, importing, selling & donating facemasks, respirators and #PPE to protect healthcare workers & the community from #COVID19 transmission. This thread aims to explain some of the standards and regulatory issues around this. #Thread
So why is it that everyone suddenly wants to have facemasks? Mostly it is not a fashion statement, though with companies from Prada, Gucci and LV "making" facemasks (generally this just means importing from China), it does make you wonder.…
The basic premise is simple – #SARSCoV2 (the virus that causes #COVID19) is generally transmitted by moist droplets. We want to stop those droplets from entering your mucosa (the pink bits of your eyes, mouth & nose) through #spatialdistancing, #handhygiene & #barrierprotection.
Read 31 tweets
Aug 5th 2019
Let’s talk bodies, self, and the ethical use of biotechnology. A thread on what a human is, the differences between individuals, and autonomy as the bedrock principle of the biotechnological age. 1/x
Here’s the previous discussion on science, legitimacy, and social capital if you missed it
I’m a molecular biologist. I work with the bits and pieces of biology that are shared by every single living thing on this planet - DNA, RNA, and protein. 3/x
Read 40 tweets

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