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Dec 26th 2022
Loud explosions at Russia's strategic military airfield at Engels, more than 600 km from the Ukrainian border.
Another angle of the explosions. #Baza reports at least three dead, a fire encompassing 120 sq m as of now.
Official RU announcement says a drone was shot by anti-aircraft defenses "causing it to change direction and hit a building where pilots were waiting", killing three and wounding several more.
A Ukrainian drone flying 800 km through Russia undetected - twice - is mind boggling.
Read 4 tweets
Oct 13th 2022
Day 232 of #Russia's full invasion of #Ukraine and over 8.5 years since the first incursion by "little green men" on #Crimea.

Here's my daily thread of all the news updated throughout the day.

Missed yesterday's news? Click here:

News from London that #Russia is actively preparing for the battle of #Kherson.

Personally I don't think that's imminent, with a push south from further east more likely with an eventual pincer movement
I've not published #Russia's daily losses for a few days.
Dead Russian soldiers heading back up, and 6 helicopters - four in 20 minutes (see yesterday's thread)

#StopRussia #StandWithUkraine
Read 47 tweets
Sep 12th 2022
Monday 12 Sept. Day 201 of #Russia's war in #Europe

After the embarrassing retreat from #Kharkiv, the Kremlin seemed to take revenge by plunging a lot of #Ukraine into darkness by hitting power structures in #Kharkiv y'day.

If you want to recap, scroll⬇️
The British update concentrates on the #Kharkiv defeat for #Russia. I've seen some calculations that the area won back by #Ukraine is over 8,000 square kilometres.

#StandWithUkraine #StopRussia
After the power station attacks, the Head of RT commented "Electricity is a privilege not a right", echoing some EU countries' comments when denying RUS visas

Pres.Zelenskyy made a stirring response: we'd rather be without anything than be Russian

Translation @christogrozev
Read 32 tweets
Aug 7th 2022

As the conflict between #Israel & #Iran-backed terrorists in #Gaza continues, this is what the media won't tell you:

May 6, 2021—Iran's IRGC General Asghar Emami:
"When we want American concessions, we can tighten our grip on Israel's throat."
#Iran is the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism.
They’re in nuclear talks with world powers in Vienna.
Tehran uses its proxy terrorists as leverage.

May 22, 2021—Al-Quds Brigades spox thanked Iran for supplying money & military support.
Feb 16, 2020
#Iran-backed Islamic Jihad Secretary-General Ziad al-Nakhaleh
Qassem Soleimani personally supervised the transfer of weapons, missiles & technology into Gaza.

(Again, the media is silent. Why?)
Read 25 tweets
Aug 6th 2022
This is the start of the daily thread documenting #Russia's war of choice on #Ukraine.

It's Day 164 if you're counting (me too!)
All the news in one place, check back throughout the day.

DMs open for tips, all appreciated, as are any coffees donated (see my profile)😉
We ended yesterday wondering if the Dar'ivky Bridge just outside occupied #Kherson had been hit.

No update on that yet, but #Ukraine has claimed hits on 6 ammo dumps, numerous weapons and command posts in #Chornobaivka #Oleshki #Beryslav #Bruskinskyi and Kherson city itself.
#Ukraine is already hitting #Russia's stores again this morning.

This video from occupied #Makiivka (RU #Makeevka) - a lot of explosions followed the first strike, so looks likely to be an another ammunition dump.

#StopRussia #StandWithUkraine
Read 49 tweets
Jan 8th 2021
¿Cuántas casualidades constituyen evidencia científica?

Luego de la #vacunacion de los ancianos se produce un #brote en la #residencia

#ALERTA #estadodealarma #Espana

Abro hilo...
Read 105 tweets

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