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Jun 18th 2020
.@kyoag getting ready to start press conference on his role as special prosecutor in the investigation of @LMPD officers in the #BreonaTaylor fatal shooting.
Watch here:…
.@kyoag says the investigation is "ongoing" and this is an information only press conference.
"You have my committment that my office is undertaking a thorough and fair investigation," Cameron says.

Says he hears calls to finish investigation as soon as possible. His office is working quickly, he says but is also being thorough.
Read 10 tweets
Jun 6th 2020
Highlights from @ABWHTruth-TV “Black Women, History & State-Sanctioned Violence” with @madameclair08 @CherylDHicks1 @TLeFlouria @divafeminist @somustakeem. Moderated by @KaliGrossPhD #BreonnaTaylor #SayHerName #ABWHBlackWomen @citeblackwomen Watch:
@madameclair08 on #ABWHBlackWomen: In addition to death, cannot forget everyday violations by police to open up conversation about state violence against Black women. #BreonnaTaylor #SayHerName @citeblackwomen @ABWHTruth Watch:
@CherylDHicks1 on #ABWHBlackWomen Black women have less nuance to make mistakes. Respectability shapes ideas about perfect victim and who deserves justice. #BreonnaTaylor #SayHerName @citeblackwomen @ABWHTruth Watch:
Read 6 tweets
Jun 5th 2020
#portland day 7
Thousands of demonstrators, @Dame_Lillard locking arms
“Say his name, Travon Martin”
Read 134 tweets
Jun 4th 2020
1. ¿Quién me acompaña al memorial que se celebrará por la muerte de #GeorgeFloyd en Brooklyn?
Empezó hace unos minutos y yo voy en camino.
Empieza el hilo. "Follow me!", como dicen los guías turísticos ☂️.
🚴😷✌️✊🗽🇺🇲 Image
2. He llegado a la zona de la marcha....pero ahora dónde dejo yo la @CitiBikeNYC 🤔 Todo el mundo ha tenido la misma idea y están todos los puestos completos. Image
3. ¡Eureka! Esta chica va a pillar una de las bicis y me deja el hueco.
Al final (con tanto dar vueltas buscando parking) he tardado y pagado el doble que si hubiese ido en metro. 🤷🏻‍♀️
Por cierto, me pasado por la marcha y está a mil. Voy para allá y os cuento. Image
Read 44 tweets
Jun 3rd 2020
1. ¿Quién se viene conmigo a ver cómo se desarrollan las protestas contra la brutalidad policial y el racismo de hoy en Nueva York?
Empiezo el hilo. 🧵✊✌️🗽🇺🇲
#GeorgeFloydprotest Image
2.Creo que me estoy acercando. Ando por Williamsburg (Brooklyn). Sí, ese es barrio de la serie de Netflix Unorthodox
3. En la bicicleta buscando la marcha. No soy la única, pero bailando uno se lo pasa mejor 💃✊🗽
Read 32 tweets
Jun 2nd 2020
Say every one of their names—Then #SayTheirNames again.

It matters.

Beloved children, spouses, mothers, fathers, friends, co-workers, neighbors.

Denial of racism IS racism
Silence IS compliance

#BlackOutTuesday, no commentary needed—A Thread
#GEORGEFLOYD, 46 —911 call from a grocery worker claiming an attempted forgery.

Responding LEO w/17 previous infractions held him down for 9 minutes by the neck as 2 LEOs assisted & 1 did nothing.

His life drained out of him as he said #ICantBreathe

4 Officers fired—1 charged.
#AHMAUDARBERY, 25—Jogging, hunted down & shot by 2 men while a 3rd videotaped the murder. They claimed they suspected him of a burglary. Homeowner of house being built states nothing was taken.

2 men charged with murder & aggravated assault. Videotaper claims bystander—Pending.
Read 25 tweets
Jun 1st 2020
.@LouisvilleSURJ called for white neighbors to “end white silence.” At least 100 showed up. Image
“This is about us. Every white person needs to look deep down in themselves and think what does this mean to us.” #EndWhiteSilence #BreonaTaylor
“Can you imagine if this square had 1,000 white people?”

From the crowd: “it should!”

@LouisvilleSURJ #EndWhiteSilence
Read 9 tweets
May 31st 2020
Getting a late start on the Garcetti press conference but here we go.
Words are being said: "Our conscience demands that we translate our pain into passionate calls for justice. That we speak the truth & act to end the racism that took the life of #GeorgeFloyd #BreonaTaylor #AhmaudArbery & too many others. Not just in past history books, bt today."
Not gonna lie, he looks like he took a hard pass on being consumed by rage. "But the rage must not consume us; it must not be turned back on us. It is only with peace that progress can follow." Image
Read 56 tweets
May 30th 2020
Time for another #neuroanatomy #tweetorial #medstudent twitter!

By popular request, this one is On the VISUAL PATHWAY and localizing VISUAL FIELD DEFICITS!

cc @DxRxEdu @CPSolvers @CrystalYeoMDPhD @Tracey1milligan

But first, a moment of silence for #GeorgeFloyd #AhmaudArbery #BreonaTaylor
I’m grateful for all the ❤️ these #EndNeurophobia #tweetorials have received, but hope you’ll check out the rest of my feed too, which seeks to amplify the voices of those who I’m learning from in the path to being an antiracist ally.

Read 26 tweets
May 29th 2020
As polite sympathy turns to cynical outrage + Nixon-esque insults, and anxious protest is dismissed as mindless anarchy, we cannot let our eyes be turned away from the dead, murdered bodies that brought us here. Again. #GeorgeFloyd #AuhmadArbery #BreonaTaylor. 1/4
Rage, hopelessness and a ragged, unrelieved pain on display in Minneapolis has fearsome echoes in Louisville, Brunswick and a hundred American cities. Their deaths are symptomatic of a broken system that promises justice but fails to deliver. 2/4
Those entrusted with the gravest authority must be held to the highest standard of accountability.
Law enforcement, district attorneys, mayors, attorneys general, judges, legislators and governors must be held responsible - and their actions will be on the ballot in November. 3/4
Read 5 tweets

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