It matters.
Beloved children, spouses, mothers, fathers, friends, co-workers, neighbors.
Denial of racism IS racism
Silence IS compliance
#BlackOutTuesday, no commentary needed—A Thread

Responding LEO w/17 previous infractions held him down for 9 minutes by the neck as 2 LEOs assisted & 1 did nothing.
His life drained out of him as he said #ICantBreathe
4 Officers fired—1 charged.

2 men charged with murder & aggravated assault. Videotaper claims bystander—Pending.

No one charged. State and FBI still currently investigating.

R—#TAMIRRICE, 12 —Playing with a toy gun, shot within one second of police officer arriving on scene.
Police officer was not charged.

Multiple witnesses said Brown, who had already been shot, was raising his hands & said “don’t shoot” then turned to run when he was fatally shot.
No charges.

3 officers - acquitted
1 officer - charges dropped
1 officer - No charges

Cause of death: asphyxiation.
Officer was fired, never charged.

The home resident whose door he knocked on called police.
Police immediately tasered him upon arriving on the scene as he asked for help, missed, then he was fatally shot 12 times by one officer.
Case ended in mistrial.

When officers demanded he exit his car, he was fatally shot by a police officer, who said he had a gun in his hand—It was a book.
No charges.

Officer found guilty of murder.
#JORDANEDWARDS, 15 —Riding in a car. Shot in the back of the head while riding as a passenger in a vehicle by LEO.
Found guilty of murder, sentenced to 15 years.

Neighbor called police claiming her apartment door was open. She was fatally shot at close range by a police officer through the window she was looking out of.
Officer still under indictment for murder.

Officers not charged.
#AIYANAJONES, 7 —“Accidentally” shot while sleeping by officer in a raid on the wrong apartment.
Officer cleared of all charges.

Sponsored by family members, he was an immigrant escaping violence from his country of origin, had applied for legal asylum.
4 plain clothed police officers fired 41 rounds.
All acquitted.

Despite 3 videos of evidence–
LEO only indicted on perjury, dropped for his ending LE career.
Suspicious “suicide” in jail same day of arrest. Sheriff/staff not indicted for felonies in Bland's death.

Homeowner opened his front door & fired a shotgun blast through a screen door, fatally hitting McBride in her head.
He was found guilty of 2nd-degree murder & possession of a firearm during commission of a felony.

Bell & 2 of friends(who survived)were shot.
50 rounds fired by 4 plain clothed officers who failed to identify themselves.
1 officer fired 31 times, emptied 2 magazines, even paused to reload.
All were acquitted.

Told officer he had a legally registered gun in car. Officer shot him at close range 7 times, hitting him 5 times, with 3 hits piercing his heart.
Aquitted—all charges.

No charges on the officer who shot him for holding an unopened box.

Shooter found guilty of 1st-degree murder, 3 counts of 2nd-degree & firing into an occupied vehicle
#ALTONSTERLING, 37 —Selling CDs, shot at close range being arrested.
No Fed or state charges filed

Police chatter recorded: “That looks like a bad dude, could be on something”
He was tased, shot by police officer.
Acquitted of manslaughter.

Charged w/murder only after video surfaced that showed him shooting Scott from behind while he was fleeing; contradicted police report.
Pleaded guilty to civil rights violations, 20 year sentence.

Shot 3x by plainclothes officer in unmarked white van, who falsely claimed he IDd himself as a police officer & shot Jones in self-defense; disproved by audio recording.
Guilty of manslaughter–25 years.

His mother had an open casket to expose the atrocities.
All acquitted in <1 hour.
So many more names…
This is systemic racism—It’s why #BlackLivesMatter exists