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Jan 21st 2023
Welcome to another weekend, but in #Ukraine just another day of uncertainty. Hoping for the best but forgiven for fearing the worst.

It's Day 332 of #Russia's illegal war on its' peaceful neighbour. Here's the daily thread with all the important news and analysis.
First thanks to Simon S, who last night tipped me for my work (see profile for link).
Cheers, drinking coffee, enjoying a cake now!

So Friday was errr... eventful? Yes, that's the word! Catch up by scrolling through here:

#Russia has now lost over 120,000 soldiers from its' regular army. Another huge daily number of sacrificial lambs on the altar of Tsar Putin: 860, one of the highest ever.

Also decent equipment numbers hit by #Ukraine according to their estimates.

Read 39 tweets
Jan 8th 2023
You've found the start of the daily thread with all Sunday's news and views around the war in #Ukraine

It's Day 319 of #Russia's full invasion.
A lively end to yesterday. Catch up by scrolling through here:

If you want to buy me a coffee see my bio, thx

The trend of slightly lower losses for #Russia continued yesterday. The data released by #Kyiv today show 430 more dead invaders and 5 more drones, but nothing especially noteworthy in the figures.

Tomorrow may be slightly higher after a number of hits reported on Russian bases.
Britain's daily update highlights a dilemma facing #Russia, while also confirming the hurried extra defensive actions taken to protect the northern "border" of occupied #Zaporizhzhia.

#StopRussia #StandWithUkraine
Read 35 tweets
Mar 13th 2022
Thread manifestazioni contro la guerra in Russia, 13 marzo 2022. ⤵️
Venti persone sono state arrestate durante una manifestazione contro la guerra a #Irkutsk.
Diverse persone sono state arrestate in piazza Lenin a #Novosibirsk. Compreso un uomo che stava in piazza con un foglio di carta vuoto per protestare contro la censura militare.
Read 46 tweets
Feb 21st 2021
Some Russian cities in winter. #Barnaul on river #Ob in #AltaiKrai, from #ISS, 11Feb2021, hi-res… @DaveAtCOGS 1/4
Read 4 tweets

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