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Jun 25th 2021
Please let's not get distracted by #DumindaSilva's pardon. This was always due to happen. It's ironic that this gov is now piously requesting all of us not to 'play politics' with political prisoners and that we must all rally around to ensure justice 1.
(contd) especially for those who have been arrested under the PTA. Then slipping in #DumindaSilva in the process to those who clearly deserve to be pardoned is a classic move. But that's not the point right now 2.
While we are all expressing shock about DS, the gov is bringing in the KNDU Bill that will #militarise higher education; setting up corps to sell valuable property; quietly moving around pub officials who are blocking/questioning dodgy deals; compromising our energy and food sec3
Read 5 tweets
Jun 23rd 2021
#Delta vs #Sinopharm
This will be based on assumption

Vaccines won't make you immortal

It's individual discipline, vaccination & our governments policies which will ride us out of this wave.

The bad news

First, AFAIK there is no data of Sinopharm vs Delta.

We also have real world evidence of break through infections occurring in 🇸🇨🇲🇳🇧🇭

But both of these points can be viewed from a different angle

Delta's qualities

Deltas massive impact on the world is mainly due to its transmissibility. 97% more.

It also has immune evasion (More severe disease & vaccine ineffectiveness) BUT NO WIDESPREAD ESCAPE FROM VACCINES

But its not as evasive as #Beta (B.1
Read 11 tweets
Jun 13th 2021
1/ Following up, I built a system that scans the #COVID19SL press-releases published on the @infodprtsl website ( for structured information - like statistics, isolated areas etc.

Output is at… and is updated every few hours.

2/ The output contains,
- Copies of the original press-releases (JPEGs)
- Plain text, from #OCR
- Structured information as JSON
- A summary structured information in #Markdown

(All updated every few hours)

E.g. here's the output for the press-release published today (June 13):
3/ The information might be useful data analysts, medical researches and journalists.

cc: @Rumindahg @Minimalneg @sanjiva @ruvanw @kataclysmichaos @himalkk @NCdeMel @VeriteResearch @ihplk

#lka #SriLanka #CoVID19SL
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Jun 11th 2021
In this tutorial, we will build some graphs that will give a data-driven description of #COVID19SL situation. End-to-end, it should take you less than 10 minutes.

#SriLanka @ThePSF @matplotlib @JHUSystems @HPBSriLanka… ImageImageImageImage
In this tutorial, we will build some graphs that will give a data-driven description of #COVID19SL situation. End-to-end, it should take you less than 10 minutes.

#SriLanka @ThePSF @matplotlib @JHUSystems
Read 4 tweets
Apr 25th 2021
As #SriLanka tries to understand airborne transmission of #COVID19 - here is a thread of four key papers published in the @TheLancet & @bmj_latest (I’m sure there are more) to provide answers to what is airborne transmission and how to prevent it. @MoH_SriLanka @HPBSriLanka
First is the Lancet paper by Greenhalgh et al. that provide 10 reasons why airborne transmission is the dominant source of #covid19 transmission.… #COVID19SL #COVID19
Key takeaways in terms of prevention from this paper is to limit indoor gatherings/increase ventilation indoor settings/mask wearing/ prevention efforts of only plastic barriers do not work cz the virus can spread through air via tiny droplets esp. indoor settings. #COVID19SL
Read 18 tweets
Nov 16th 2020
One Year Later: Militarisation, majoritarianism and authoritarianism seem to be the hallmarks of the current Government. @PSaravanamuttu #lka #srilanka #pandemic #COVID19SL #SL20A
@PSaravanamuttu One Year Later: There is a fear that restrictions on freedom of assembly and freedom of movement will be used to curb dissent and human rights work under the pretext of COVID19. @rukitweets #lka #srilanka #pandemic #COVID19SL #humanrights
@PSaravanamuttu @rukitweets One Year Later: The militarised pandemic response has huge implications for governance, the rule of law, rights, and democracy in Sri Lanka. The concern is, what is in store after the first year? @bfonseka #lka #srilanka #pandemic #COVID19SL #humanrights #SL20A
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Nov 3rd 2020
It is estimated that since March 2020 the GoSL has received in excess of US $774.6mn (Rs.142bn) for urgent medical needs to combat the COVID-19 virus from foreign governments and agencies.

What have these funds been used for?

#lka #COVID19SL
Breakdown of funds received:
•March 2020- Chinese government gave US $500mn loan.
•April 2020- World Bank released US $128.6mn to the govt.
•September 2020- World Bank reallocated US $56mn to improve medical infrastructure.
•October 2020- China provided US $90mn grant.

Where have these funds gone? Why hasn't the Minister of Health allocated these funds to necessary upgrades of our medical service to help prepare the country for the ongoing COVID-19 outbreak?

Read 4 tweets
Aug 5th 2020
Provisional figures of voter turnout of the Sri Lanka's parliamentary election are out. The overall turnout is 71%, going by media reports. This means that about 1.1 crore people or 11 million turned up at polling booths, despite #COVID19 #COVID19SL #SriLankaElections2020 1/5
The figure may be less than the 2015 parliamentary election or 2019 presidential poll but it is understandable, under the given circumstances. I am really amazed at the level of faith of voters of #SriLanka in democracy. Hats off to them! #SriLankaElections2020 #COVID19SL 2/5
As for North & East, Batticaloa has topped the region with 76% voter turnout against 69.12% in 2015. Vanni, Trincomalee & Ampara recorded 73% each, more or less similar to their figures of 2015 with 71.89%, 74.34% & 73.99% respectively. #SriLankaElections2020
3/5 #COVID19SL
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Mar 19th 2020
Discussions are underway to release convicted murderer Duminda Silva as a part of general pardon disguised to release some prisoners due to Corona Virus outbreak. Namal Rajapaksa is taking the lead in the project under blessings of MR. @Hirunika_Premac #lka #lk
Duminda Silvas brother Rayynor Silva @RayynorSilva has met Namal multiple times to make arrangements to transfer money to bank accounts of Namal in Dubai and Seychelles. Meetings have happened secretly in Gower Street and Shangri-La.
Namals cousin Malaka Chandradasa @niner1alpha has arranged secret rooms in Shangri La hotel. Malaka is head of security for Gotabaya @GotabayaR but is now sidelined due to his alliances with Namal for underhand dealings to extort money from business owners in #Colombo
Read 11 tweets

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