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Jan 30th 2023
Fascinating presentation on
Data Analytics for Cross-Border Paperless Trade
for UNESCAP-WCO-ICC-ADB audience by @DanMorpheusCEO of @MNWSupplyChain
on January 25, 2023

This is the full transcript combined with the slides

A thread

$MNW #ML #AI #Blockchain #SupplyChain
2/ Link to presentation

You can follow along:

$MNW #ML #AI #Blockchain #SupplyChain
3/ Introduction

$MNW #ML #AI #Blockchain #SupplyChain
Read 23 tweets
Dec 13th 2022
Good morning, @amy_jsolomons here ready for my #TwitterTakeover. My PhD with @LivUniHistory explores 18th c. female readers in @NT_Libraries. For the past 3 months I’ve been on a @britishlibrary PhD placement with @BL_MadeDigital. Amy, Heritage Made Digital ...
I have been working with @BL_MadeDigital to make more of the Library’s digitised content freely available online. I’ve also been promoting the Evanion collection via blogs and an online Exhibit.
Join me today to find out more! 👇… An early piece of audio pla...
My first week involved training on the digitisation workflow used in the Library. Projects go through conservation before being digitised. We then perform image quality checks, gather metadata and ingest the images for display in the @universalviewer in #IIIF.
Read 13 tweets
Sep 1st 2022
We launched a new #python #wrapper for #website #classification of domains and URLs:…
Added a new #nodejs module for #API which returns categorized domains in terms of 440 categories for general content and 1110+ categories for #ecommerce.…
Classification is based on #machinelearning model.
Read 6 tweets
May 18th 2022
#MedicalBiases #CompromisedCare #DenialofRights
This ⬇️
many may not believe this. They may find it unbelievable. I don’t. I have watched my daughter deal with the exact same abuses bc she is prescribed #opioids, bc she also has complex #medical conditions & PTSD. 1
I never know when she has a medical crisis and needs the hospital IF she will need to interact w a personnel or professional whose #biases interfere with care. These incidences can be shaming, demeaning or they can put her life at risk. My daughter has had hypoglycemic crises 2/
at @SanfordHealth where the nurses refused to check her #bloodsugars because ‘it is anxiety’ or ‘she just ate’. Even when I intervened over phone & pleaded, nurses refused to point I had to reach out to #housesupervisor. While I’ve reached out multiple times to @SanfordHealth 3/
Read 11 tweets
May 12th 2022
🍻New paper published on @BDCC_MDPI, collab. w. @mvitevit and @Fede_Botta:
Cognitive Networks Extract Insights on COVID-19 Vaccines from English and Italian Popular Tweets: Anticipation, Logistics, Conspiracy and Loss of Trust
@BDCC_MDPI @mvitevit @Fede_Botta We investigate almost 5k Popular tweets about #COVID19 and #vaccines from early 2021.
Remember when vaccines were announced?
How did massively read content frame vaccines? With which stances and emotions?
We use #cognitive networks and #machinevision to address these points!
We found #emotional #polarisation in the framing of "vaccines" in English tweets.
Emotions like trust and anticipation co-existed with negative emotions of sadness and anger.
A circumplex model corroborated this dichotomy. These emotions rose from discussions about cases/deaths:
Read 12 tweets
Mar 21st 2022
Ukrainian Forces defeated a Russian command post and found this map on a Ru Officer. Used OCR [Optical Character Recognition] #OSINT #Maps #Ukraine #UkraineRussianWar #OCR #OpticalCharacterRecognition #Kherson
More information ⬇️
Read 4 tweets
Feb 18th 2022
🤖 Optical Character Recognition (OCR) is one of the most important applications of #ComputerVision in the real world.

In this thread, we cover some of our popular free tutorials on #OCR, which will get you started in no time. 🚀

What is Optical Character Recognition?

✨Accept an image
✨Detect the text
✨Convert the text to machine-readable format


Installing #Tesseract, #PyTesseract, and #Python OCR Packages On Your System

✨Install the Tesseract OCR engine on your machine
✨Create a python virtual environment for installation
✨Install necessary python packages


Read 5 tweets
Sep 13th 2021
இன்னைக்கு நம்ம இன்னும் 3 பயனுள்ள வெப்சைட் பத்தி பாப்போம்.
1.ஒரு பாடலில் உள்ள இசையும் , பாடலையும் தனியாக பிரித்து எடுக்க உதவும் இணைதளம்.
2. PDF Editing / videos Tool / Audio Tool.

#cut #merge #video #audio #pdf
3. Photo-ல் உள்ள வார்த்தைகளை ஸ்கேன் செஞ்சு அதுல இருக்க வார்த்தையை text வடிவத்தில் கொடுக்கும் இணதளம்.

Read 4 tweets
Jun 13th 2021
1/ Following up, I built a system that scans the #COVID19SL press-releases published on the @infodprtsl website ( for structured information - like statistics, isolated areas etc.

Output is at… and is updated every few hours.

2/ The output contains,
- Copies of the original press-releases (JPEGs)
- Plain text, from #OCR
- Structured information as JSON
- A summary structured information in #Markdown

(All updated every few hours)

E.g. here's the output for the press-release published today (June 13):
3/ The information might be useful data analysts, medical researches and journalists.

cc: @Rumindahg @Minimalneg @sanjiva @ruvanw @kataclysmichaos @himalkk @NCdeMel @VeriteResearch @ihplk

#lka #SriLanka #CoVID19SL
Read 5 tweets
Nov 20th 2020
Sollte es hier jemanden geben der mich tatsächlich vermisst: Ich bin in meinem #MacYfer-Keller.
Und zwar deshalb:
Im Moment gibt es für Windows vermutlich kein #Programm, das #PDF vernünftig darstellt.
Also für #blinderMensch, meine ich.
#PDF-Dateien fliegen auch #blinderMensch überall um die Ohren. Die meisten davon sind schlecht gemacht und das ist ein Teil der #SchlechtigkeitDerWelt woran kein #MacYver was mit #Software ändern kann.
Read 14 tweets
Apr 2nd 2020
By its very nature, @Europeanaeu supports #eResearch by offering a wealth of resources coming from 3,700+ data providers. In the past few years, these resources have been increasingly complemented by sophisticated #tools for their reuse and enrichment. 1/15 #DHgoesVIRAL
As you may have heard, @Europeanaeu grows, in terms of new collections and tools, mainly thanks to @EU_Commission's funding for @DSMeu. You can get a clearer idea from the ongoing call for proposals under #CEF Telecom Programme:
2/15 #DHgoesVIRAL
#DidYouKnow that a new website was launched on 23 March, offering faster, more discoverable and more accessible experience?
3/15 #DHgoesViral
Read 16 tweets
Jun 4th 2018
Developing #AI capabilities for Comparing Attributes will be the next big #IT boon. #Comparing two non sorted attribute list of two products in #amazon, text list with clicked images (by optical character #recognition), arithmetic comparison between
itineraries and distribute cost evenly. And then somewhere down the lane audio based #ConversationalCommerce will bloom. So much of work to do with AI Comparing products, quotes and services that it could be a mammoth Business Unit in a Company.
Mushrooms of companies and specialized api in comparing various aspects. Collaborating over middle-ware platforms. Then presenting it to the user in the form of Zero UX.
#JustDial #sales #googleduplex #voice #Telecom #booking #wallmart #marketplace #business #CEO #OCR #CTO #Paytm
Read 3 tweets

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