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Jun 27th 2019
"Most of the things that differ from the past will shortly die. The more they differ, the sooner they will die."

@SimonDeDeo of SFI & @CarnegieMellon on the linear correlation of #novelty & #transience - aka, "Why you mostly listen to the same songs over and over" - at #CSSS19:
"It's true that new things die. It's also true that is you want to be very very big, be new."

@SimonDeDeo of SFI & @CarnegieMellon on successful #novelty & hopeful #monsters in #evolution, #innovation, & #investment - aka, "Either be really boring, or be Beethoven" - at #CSSS19:
"#Revolutions are not just about ideas, they're about #information management. You can't just run a #revolution in a seminar room."

"The stranger your speech is, the more likely people are to just nod & move on."

@SimonDeDeo on topic modelling #revolutionary speech at #CSSS19:
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Jun 25th 2019
"If I were to write a textbook on #complexity, it would be structured like this..."
- SFI Pres David Krakauer starts off this morning at #CSSS19 #CSSS at @IAIASantaFe

#error #adaptation #universality #coarsegrained #math #theory
"If you talk about #intelligence and #stupidity, you talk about #communication and #policy. That is the natural place to start."

"If you've ever written a Lokta-Volterra #equation, you've drawn a perpetual motion machine. There's no #dissipation."

- SFI President David Krakauer
"Why #God is a bad #theory: it's not because it's not true; it's because it uses an infinite-dimensional process to explain low-dimensional phenomena."

- SFI President David Krakauer at #CSSS19 on #Ockham's Razor & why #Darwin's animal breeding metaphor backfired on #evolution
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Jun 18th 2019
Slides from my Network Science lectures @sfiscience Complex Systems Summer School, Part 1: what are networks and how do we talk about them? (the big picture)… #CSSS19 1/3
Slides from my Network Science lectures @sfiscience Complex Systems Summer School, Part 2: degrees, positions, and communities (plus bonus material)… #CSSS19 2/3
Slides from my Network Science lectures @sfiscience Complex Systems Summer School, Part 3: null models and statistical inference for network structure (my favorite lecture)… #CSSS19 3/3
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