@SimonDeDeo of SFI & @CarnegieMellon on the linear correlation of #novelty & #transience - aka, "Why you mostly listen to the same songs over and over" - at #CSSS19:

@SimonDeDeo of SFI & @CarnegieMellon on successful #novelty & hopeful #monsters in #evolution, #innovation, & #investment - aka, "Either be really boring, or be Beethoven" - at #CSSS19:

"The stranger your speech is, the more likely people are to just nod & move on."
@SimonDeDeo on topic modelling #revolutionary speech at #CSSS19:

"As you become increasingly #different from other stories, you become increasingly disliked. But the stuff that *changes* the field..."
@SimonDeDeo of SFI & @CarnegieMellon on #novelty & #outliers at #CSSS19: