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Mar 10th 2020
#CAPrimary: There were massive lines, almost all #Bernie voters. How did they pull that off? Registered Dems got the ballot with the presidential candidate and didn’t have to wait in line. So who’s waiting in line? People who got those crazy NPP ballots!…
Here's the trick. NPP voters had to wait in line to exchange their ballots for a Crossover one. And if you don't have your ballot with you, they give you a provisional ballot.… #CAPrimary2020 #CaliforniaPrimary #CaliforniaPrimary2020 #SuperTuesday
In 2016, #California gave out 1.3 million provisional ballots — that’s half of the provisional ballots in the entire U.S. Then they disqualified 407,000 of those ballots.… #CaliforniaPrimary #CAPrimary #BernieSanders
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Mar 7th 2020
#Biden supporter California Secretary of State, #AlexPadilla, wins “Vote Suppressor of The Year.” By sheer numbers of ballots disqualified—with young and LatinX voters suppressed—Padilla makes Katherine Harris and Brian Kemp look like Thomas Jefferson.…
Want to know how to steal an election? Watch The Best Democracy Money Can Buy!…
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Mar 5th 2020
#CAPrimary2020: How many hundreds of thousands of #BernieSanders votes will be lost in the avalanche of "provisional" ballots?… #CAPrimary #CaliforniaPrimary #CaliforniaPrimary2020 #Bernie2020
In 2016, the state forced 1,307,190 voters to cast provisional ballots, 408,749 of those were rejected, a valid rejection rate equal to all other 49 states combined.… #CAPrimary #CaliforniaPrimary #CaliforniaPrimary2020
In '16, California vote chief Alex Padilla backed Hillary Clinton, now he's been campaigning for Joe Biden. The victims? LatinX and young voters. It's José Crow, Georgia with a bullet.… #CAPrimary #CaliforniaPrimary #CAPrimary2020 #SuperTuesday
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Mar 4th 2020
With 415 #Delegates at stake, the #CaliforniaPrimary represented the biggest haul in the country.

@EpochTimes spoke to voters in #OrangeCounty, #SanFrancisco County, and Santa Clara County as they entered the voting centers. (Thread👇)…
Many voters said they would support the Democrats in the general election even if their candidates lose the nomination.

#Healthcare was a top issue for many, and several older voters said that #Biden’s experience as vice president made them choose him.
Sen. @BernieSanders won #California with just over a million votes statewide, and @JoeBiden trailed him with about 740,000 votes.

About 1.5 million turned out to vote for Trump, who won the Republican primary.
Read 12 tweets
Mar 4th 2020
#CAPrimary: One of the disasters this year is caused by the fact that LA and other counties cut polling stations by 90%. #CaliforniaPrimary #CAPrimary2020 #CaliforniaPrimary2020 #BernieSanders #Bernie2020
They were replaced by so-called “voting centers “ which anyone would know were deeply insufficient and unprepared — especially as #Bernie got out the word that you had to bring in your NPP ballot to exchange it for a Crossover Democratic ballot. #CAPrimary #CAPrimary2020
There's zero question about who was hurt: Regular Democrats tend to mail in their ballots. But most NPP independent voters, who widely favor #Bernie, could not mail in their ballots because they had to do the exchange.… #CAPrimary #CAPrimary2020
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Mar 1st 2020
1. @BernieSanders attacks "Corporate Wing" of @TheDemocrats because #DemocraticSocialsist don't believe in corporate employers. Only the revolutionary state employs you. Like in #DPRK. 😬 Under #DemorcraticSocialism elections lead to Socialist State with no private employers.
2. I'm guessing most the the limousine liberals like @ewarejman @SteveKornacki with the Range Rovers and three houses don't know that. Ever ask Bernie about his ideology? Or do we call him Comrade Bernie now? Commies attack you. That's what they do. So bring on commies trolls.
3. From the Wiki:

Democratic socialism is a political philosophy supporting political democracy within a socially owned economy,[1][2] with a particular emphasis on workers' self-management and democratic control of economic institutions within a market socialist
Read 8 tweets
Feb 25th 2020
1. Why am I going after @BernieSanders? I caucused for him in March 2016. Later, I spotted the Russians helping him and by July 2016 I posted what I saw. See my pinned Tweet. I never believed that Sanders and Manafort's partner Devine didn't know. They had to know if I did.
2. Then last week Sanders admitted he knew for the month he was moving up in the polls that the Russians were working to help him AGAIN and AGAIN he kept his mouth shut while they did their work. Fool me once. . . @JoeBiden @MikeBloomberg @PeteButtigieg @amyklobuchar
3. Our election has already been influenced by criminal foreign intelligence conspiracy. We can't afford to have zombie candidates elect a Russian asset. We appreciate the work and the policy focus of the folks who ran in @TheDemocrats nomination but only Biden and Bloomberg are
Read 8 tweets

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