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Jul 20th 2022
Day 3 of the #BannonTrial is set to begin Wednesday at the E. Perryman Bartlett US District Courthouse in Washington, DC, with House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack Chief Counsel Kristin Amerling on the stand.
Former #Trump adviser and #WarRoom podcaster Steve #Bannon is being tried on two counts of contempt-of-Congress for not providing documents to the committee as demanded in a subpoena by Oct. 7, 2021, and appearing to be deposed by Oct. 14, 2021. #BannonTrial
Much of the proceedings thus far have focused on jury selection, which took a day-and-a-half, and on how letters between Amerling and former Bannon attorney Robert Costello should be weighed as evidence. #BannonTrial
Read 60 tweets
Jan 2nd 2021
#ForeverInOurHearts. In 2020 we said #farewell to some dear friends, Lucho, Junior, Tilin, and Ricardo, we will never forget how they touched our lives and remember them here. #restinpeace #rescuedanimals ImageImageImageImage
LUCHO was saved from a small concrete pen during a dawn raid by #ADI on an #illegalzoo in Peru, in 2015. The friendly #spectacledbear enjoyed five precious years in the forest habitat we provided at @TaricayaE, where he loved to float on his back in his pool.
JUNIOR was #rescued by #ADI in 2014 from a #circus in Colombia, & was one of the 33 #lions we airlifted home to Africa. He was taken from us by cancer at about 9 years old, but got to roam his piece of Africa with brothers Bumba & Zeus at the #ADIWildliifeSanctuary.
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Aug 4th 2020
So this #Stupidity hits close to home. So a #discussion on #arsenicum album 30.
📌30 means 30 times diluted, standard for #Homeopathy
📌What is #diluted? ➡️ #Arsenic trioxide
📌#homeopath says only 0.443mg of compound per pellet
📌Thats #safety levels right? ➡️ NO.
Read on
#Arsenic whatever form, concentration, level, is #dangerous #harmful to #humans.
📌Even LOW DOSE intermediate to #long use can lead to #Cancer
📌Actually, many types of #Cancers - #skin, #liver, #bladder, #kidney, #lung
📌Those with #diabetes #heartdisease its #deathwish
📌NOT one proper #study on this #drug in #Medical #history
📌Read artilce @AltNewsScience debunking fake evidence:
📌#traditional use was in #diarrhea
📌#pseudoscience at its best
👇 Arsenic is As and not ARS
🔥Even though arsenicum album is #crap
Read 5 tweets
Oct 31st 2018
1...#QCHistoryEngages On why I chose an MA in Library Science and History - My love of History was not sparked from a single visit to a museum, but rather continuous interactions with educational institutions.
2...My first memory of such a place was a visit to the @FloridaMuseum in Gainesville. The two exhibits I recall from the trip were displays on #bats and #dinosaurs, two things many 8 year olds enjoy. Still have the bat book from the trip.
3...My parents would always encourage visits to the #library as I had an interest for reading from a young age (not sure how they inspired that from the beginning - gladtheydid). This turned into an opportunity for me to discover new topics such as astronomy and other sciences.
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